Re: New weapon from an existing mesh?
Sorry for taking so long to answer, but I've only just got the hang of retexturing (as in linking textures to meshes, not just altering an existing texture). My advice may not be exact, as I'm doing this by recollection (my internet is borked, so I can't post from home), but you should get the idea. You could do this 2 ways:
The simple way is to find the texture of the summoner's sword under textures.big, click save as, choose filename/filetype, edit it using a program of your choice (if you don't have it,
Gimp is great). Then in FE, open up the summoner sword texture entry, press load, and choose your edited texture, remembering to import using DXT3. This will work fine but summoners will now have the same texture on their swords as you.
If you want your sword's texture to be unique, create new entries under both graphics.big and textures.big. Now, using the directions in my previous post, import the mesh and texture of the summoner sword into their respective entries. Load your edited texture into the texture entry and apply changes. Now open up the mesh, select the tab labeled textures, there should be a few, select base texture and in the right pane, change the number next to ID to the ID of your texture (open up you texture entry for this). You now have a new mesh, with it's own unique texture. You may now replace the mesh of a sword you own with this mesh, or (if you're feeling adventurous) create an entirely new sword
Hope this is clear enough, feel free to ask any questions.