Amazons new MMO launched worldwide yesterday (for the most part) servers were buckling across the board and in typical fashion with every new online game the systems struggled to cope with demand.
Its peak concurrent player count sits at 707,230 (at time of writing) taking the 5th spot of highest concurrent player count of all time on Steam. It was also boasting a peak concurrent viewership on Twitch of just under 1 million viewers on 28th September.
Queue times to get into the more desirable servers were many hours long and the developers released a statement about the issue offering free server transfers to all players over the next two weeks. This means that if players want to queue for a lower population server (and subsequently get into games faster), they can then change over to their preferred server once the queue times die down. This has hit its overall Steam rating due to the server problems so time will tell what gamers actually think of the title once those launch issues are ironed out.