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New World

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
Staffordshire England

Amazons new MMO launched worldwide yesterday (for the most part) servers were buckling across the board and in typical fashion with every new online game the systems struggled to cope with demand.

Its peak concurrent player count sits at 707,230 (at time of writing) taking the 5th spot of highest concurrent player count of all time on Steam. It was also boasting a peak concurrent viewership on Twitch of just under 1 million viewers on 28th September.

Queue times to get into the more desirable servers were many hours long and the developers released a statement about the issue offering free server transfers to all players over the next two weeks. This means that if players want to queue for a lower population server (and subsequently get into games faster), they can then change over to their preferred server once the queue times die down. This has hit its overall Steam rating due to the server problems so time will tell what gamers actually think of the title once those launch issues are ironed out.

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I watched some guy try to stream it but his placement went from 400th in queue to 5000th pretty quick. He ended up throwing a fit and getting offline. Lulz
  • Haha
Reactions: queenofdisco
Yeah the server issue was ridiculous for some servers but most people I know who wanted to play it managed too and most are enjoying it too. If they listen to feedback and mould the game accordingly over the next few months/years it could potentially gain a huge audience. It’s already pulling in huge numbers at the moment.

New World player count nearly hits 1 million concurrent players on 3rd Oct​

It seems despite the reported issues and launch review bombing from the backlash to the long queue server times that New World is already a certified hit for Amazon Games Studio as its player count hit 913,027 Concurrent players on 3rd Oct.​

After the turbulence of the launch week server issues has began to settle down it seems the review scores are now on the up. The game is currently sitting at a respectable 71% Mostly Positive rating which for a brand new IP MMO is pretty impressive. It is also still hitting some impressive player numbers and consistent 24 hour player numbers in the realms of '664,233' players at time of writing with the all time peak hitting '913,634' Concurrent players.

Seems the first content drop isnt too far away as well as the promised free server transfers.​

Announcing the Public Test Realm​

Amazons development studio have been giving some details on their latest update and features that are coming to the game over the next few days.

The Public Test Realm (PTR)

The Public Test Realm, which is a limited-availability server-set that will give players an early look at upcoming features and test changes before being applied to live servers.
  • New Weapon (The Void Gauntlet)
  • New Enemy Types (Varangian Hewers, Varangian Scouts, Varangian Knights, and Varangian Archers (level range: 16-20)
  • Enemy Variety (Withered Swarmancer, Beetle, the Lost Shaman, Pirate Alligator, Ancient Guardian Pyromancer, and enhanced Corrupted Laborers)
  • New Enemy Quests
  • New Legendary Weapon Quests
  • Improved Main Storyline Quests
  • PvP Faction Missions
  • New Trading Post Experience
Could New World be experiencing a similar redemption arc as Cyberpunk 2077?

After the initial huge success of the title when it launched and the huge player numbers (all time peak 913,027 players) and then the massive drop off in players (dropped as low as 22,565 Players in June 2022) it seems the game is on its way back up again (69,605 peak players in last 30 days). The game has jumped up 53 places in Steams top 100 from #64 to #11.

This has mostly been attributed to the launch of Brimstone Sands DLC on October 18th which includes an entirely new zone, expedition, revamped starting experience, weapon, seasonal event, and combat mechanics.

The game reviews are at 80% Very Positive over the last 30 days which should help to improve its current overall 68% rating and help pull it back from 'Mixed' to 'Mostly Positive'

New World on Steam