old questions never answered xD
u think we could set up some boobytraps? like dig a hole with a shovel then lay some branches over it and watch ppl fall in and get eat by monsters? =D
get some rope tie it to a tree and trip ppl? =D
u think u can have 2 wifes or 2 husbands in the same town or more?
is there a restiction on how many kids u can have?
can u actually knock over some buildings and set them on fire? trees too?
or yell loudly having that disturbing ppl, monster, wild animals?
:ninja: some things to think about
u think we could set up some boobytraps? like dig a hole with a shovel then lay some branches over it and watch ppl fall in and get eat by monsters? =D
get some rope tie it to a tree and trip ppl? =D
u think u can have 2 wifes or 2 husbands in the same town or more?
is there a restiction on how many kids u can have?
can u actually knock over some buildings and set them on fire? trees too?
or yell loudly having that disturbing ppl, monster, wild animals?
:ninja: some things to think about