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old questions never answered xD


Active Member
Oct 24, 2007
old questions never answered xD

u think we could set up some boobytraps? like dig a hole with a shovel then lay some branches over it and watch ppl fall in and get eat by monsters? =D
get some rope tie it to a tree and trip ppl? =D

u think u can have 2 wifes or 2 husbands in the same town or more?

is there a restiction on how many kids u can have?

can u actually knock over some buildings and set them on fire? trees too?

or yell loudly having that disturbing ppl, monster, wild animals?

:ninja: some things to think about
Re: old questions never answered xD

Never heard of any boobytraps. Guessing No.

Two husbands and 2 wives in the same town. I'm guessing no, cause people talk, and your wife will start to cheat, and the whole town, turns into Peyton Place.:P Divorce is very expensive.

You can have as many kids as you'd like. But you have to support your family.;)

Don't think you can burn buildings.:unsure:

Haven't a clue to the last question.:D Hope that helps.:)
Re: old questions never answered xD

moonfever;201219 said:
Never heard of any boobytraps. Guessing No.

Two husbands and 2 wives in the same town. I'm guessing no, cause people talk, and your wife will start to cheat, and the whole town, turns into Peyton Place.:P Divorce is very expensive.

You can have as many kids as you'd like. But you have to support your family.;)

Don't think you can burn buildings.:unsure:

Haven't a clue to the last question.:D Hope that helps.:)

ty OMG i wonder if ur wife/or husband can try to kill u, like send assasians and such =D fun
Re: old questions never answered xD

im gunna have 12 kids and never feed them so thy die eghr jk but I bet yu can
Re: old questions never answered xD

They will cheat on you, divorce you and take half your money.:P Don't think they will kill you. Don't know about Bloodstone, though? Things maybe different there.:unsure:
Re: old questions never answered xD

they actually take half of your assets, which sucks more because they will half of all your worldly possessions......yikesO.o
Re: old questions never answered xD

Corrupt_hobb;201245 said:
they actually take half of your assets, which sucks more because they will half of all your worldly possessions......yikesO.o
Yes, half of everything. Better be careful who you marry.:)
Re: old questions never answered xD

I ain't getting married... not with my main anyway (gonna make a guy who owns everything and masters all skills)
Imagine owning all buildings and lands in all of Albion, then your wife divorces you - and takes half of Albion!!!!! OMFG I'd stop playing Fable 2 for a whole day! (after I killed the b1atchhhh)
Re: old questions never answered xD

I read somewhere that it IS possible to have multiple spouses.

And I don't think they mean half of EVERYTHING, probably just half your gold in your pocket.

2 months away.

Re: old questions never answered xD

darthlime101;201319 said:
I read somewhere that it IS possible to have multiple spouses.

And I don't think they mean half of EVERYTHING, probably just half your gold in your pocket.

2 months away.

I really think it was half of everything. It surprised me as well. Hope they changed it.:unsure:
Re: old questions never answered xD

moonfever;201321 said:
I really think it was half of everything. It surprised me as well. Hope they changed it.:unsure:

well if u just kill them u dont have to pay :lol: lol
Re: old questions never answered xD

if its the same as fable TLC just kill her before or after u divorce her and remarry. thats wat i did and i ended up owning oakvale.
Try slaughtering a who town while your drunk just for kicks.
Re: old questions never answered xD

GameStopPro;201405 said:
well if u just kill them u dont have to pay :lol: lol
Yes, I suppose that's one answer.:P But I can't do that. That's why I think I'll stay single, the first play through. Want to see everything, without being tied down.:)
Re: old questions never answered xD

Divorces will also be possible, as in the first game, but this time the former spouses will take half of what players have got in the game, and Molyneux confirmed that it would be cheaper if the players murdered their spouses instead. Polygamy is also possible.

PM at E3 2008
Hope this answers some of your questions;)
Re: old questions never answered xD

oh i wonder if u can be a lawyer like in ace attorny LOL =D OBJECTION!!!!HOLD IT!!!! xD
also it would be cool if we got like a flying spell =D