Much like my Xbox Games on Gold and PSN Plus free, in this thread I will post the free games from Origin...

Past games
2 Plants vs. Zombies: Game of the Year Edition
3 Battlefield 3
4 Peggle
5 Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger
6 Bejeweled 3
7 Dragon Age: Origins
8 Crusader: No Remorse
9 SimCity 2000: Special Edition
10 Theme Hospital
11 Syndicate
12 Ultima 8 Gold Edition
13 Amazing Adventures The Caribbean Secret (Australia, France and New Zealand only)
14 Zuma's Revenge!
15 Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
16 Theme Hospital (France and Brazil.) Rest of world had access for one day while C&C:RA2 servers were down)
18 Jade Empire: Special Edition
19 Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012)
20 Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault