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Amateur Human
Premium Legend
Jun 23, 2008
I am often pretty paranoid, I assume people are watching me, I check my rear view mirror in the car to see if people are following me, and if a car is behind me for too long I'll actually make unnecessary detours from my route until they aren't behind me anymore. I have this problem real bad at work especially: I assume they watch me on the cameras to make sure I'm stocking at a good pace, I feel like customers are testing me to make sure I'm good at customer service (I work retail right now) etc, etc; usually when I start working and get focused these thoughts leave me, but tonight I just constantly felt like I was being watched; then it happened... A new girl, a bagger, whom I'd only noticed once or twice before, was putting items people decided against buying at the last second back where they should go. This girl comes up to me and asks me where a certain item is, no big deal right? Except she used my nick name, my full name is on my name tag, and no one at work knows my nick name (what I have gone by as far back as I can remember except at my various workplaces) I asked her about it and she said she was thinking about Futurama because she watched an episode on her lunch break and a characters name was my nick name (which starts with the first two letters of my full name) but it gave me a bad vibe all night.

So question one: Is anybody else bad about paranoia?
Question two: Is she spying on me or was it just a really weird coincidence that the first time she's ever spoken to me she calls me by my nick name?
Dude she probably has the hots for you and was sneeking a peek at your booty while you was flexing your butttox ( happens to me all the time :)) maybe she has been asking around about you, it's possible. But in reality how can anyone not feel paranoid today considering how much surveillance the general public is under now, from Facebook to general Internet users, from walking in the street, to driving your car, we are all being surveyed all of the time man, it's annoying actually :(
Dude she probably has the hots for you and was sneeking a peek at your booty while you was flexing your butttox ( happens to me all the time :))

:lol: I don't have a booty, I've got a flat slab of flesh.

maybe she has been asking around about you, it's possible. But in reality how can anyone not feel paranoid today considering how much surveillance the general public is under now, from Facebook to general Internet users, from walking in the street, to driving your car, we are all being surveyed all of the time man, it's annoying actually :(
It's possible. You're completely right though, I just feel like there is always some :steve: about to jump around the corner and attack me haha. I try to stay as private as possible on social media because of that.
They're expecting you...

I'm actually shopping for a discrete camera to prove to my therapist that the same people are following me around the state.
To answer your first questions: All the time. About completely stupid and irrational things. Comes with having OCD. But my paranoia has more to do with what I mentioned in the other thread - dark, foreboding thoughts. I know I'm being irrational but part of me feeds into it and it is baaad.

Someone(I forget who, just someone, and not me just making this up on the fly) once said to me that anxiety is being worried about the right things; paranoia is being worried about the wrong things. I think she gave you a pretty reasonable explanation, and it's all just a coincidence. I'd be more worried about her reading your mind, rather than her spying on you but that's just me...ANYWAY. Take a step back, take a giggle and move on. I think you know yourself how irrational you're being, if you truly believed any of this you wouldn't be questioning it.

No one is spying you. But you still have UFOs, Big Foot and the President being a member of the lizard people to worrying about so cut yourself some slack.

Unicorns ARE real people. Open your eyes.
To answer your first questions: All the time. About completely stupid and irrational things. Comes with having OCD. But my paranoia has more to do with what I mentioned in the other thread - dark, foreboding thoughts. I know I'm being irrational but part of me feeds into it and it is baaad.

Someone(I forget who, just someone, and not me just making this up on the fly) once said to me that anxiety is being worried about the right things; paranoia is being worried about the wrong things. I think she gave you a pretty reasonable explanation, and it's all just a coincidence. I'd be more worried about her reading your mind, rather than her spying on you but that's just me...ANYWAY. Take a step back, take a giggle and move on. I think you know yourself how irrational you're being, if you truly believed any of this you wouldn't be questioning it.

No one is spying you. But you still have UFOs, Big Foot and the President being a member of the lizard people to worrying about so cut yourself some slack.

Unicorns ARE real people. Open your eyes.

Gave me a good laugh, both of you but I'm too inept to quote two posts in a single reply without going through a little dance that I'm too hungry to do right now.

Actually I truly fear that people read my mind, like all the time! I don't even think anything about someone if they are nearby (I assume this magickal ability is proximity based) To follow it up, today we we're both outside smoking at the same time and she made small talk but was what I would personally consider overly friendly, talking about her school, college plans and such, comparing cigarette brands; she offered me one of her cigs and I took it. All this put me on edge in the first place but then she began to ask me about drug use, at which point I talked honestly with her as she relayed a story about her drug use, but at that moment, for the next two hours I convinced she was a spy from my ex-wife to find dirt on me to gain full custody of the kids. Strange the places my mind goes.
I think the obvious answer here for a lot of people would be that she's interested in you, or just incredibly intrusive and over-friendly - you do get people like that. I hate people like that. Think about it, who would get a job just to spy on someone for someone else? I know I wouldn't. I get jobs for money. This is the real world remember, if something seems like something out of a movie it's usually not the truth.

As for your wife, I think that's the catalyst. Stop letting her have power over you, she is powerless - whatever you may think. You continue being the good dad that you really are and then she can't touch you. That's all you need to worry about. You have all the power in this.

It reminds me of the time the Scientologists tried to find dirt on the South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker, because of several episodes ripping the absolute **** out of their religion. After lots of digging and countless private investigators, the Scientologists were disappointed to discover that both Matt Stone and Trey Parker were in fact perfectly normal, law-abiding citizens. Slow claps all round.
I think the obvious answer here for a lot of people would be that she's interested in you, or just incredibly intrusive and over-friendly - you do get people like that. I hate people like that. Think about it, who would get a job just to spy on someone for someone else? I know I wouldn't. I get jobs for money. This is the real world remember, if something seems like something out of a movie it's usually not the truth.
You're probably right, but the thought that someone finds me interesting/attractive is almost as terrifying to me as being spied on at the moment, It's something that fills me with anxiety.

As for your wife, I think that's the catalyst. Stop letting her have power over you, she is powerless - whatever you may think. You continue being the good dad that you really are and then she can't touch you. That's all you need to worry about. You have all the power in this.

I understand that to an extent, but I don't know, beyond the paranoia it's so very complicated, I am in an internal battle with my feelings about my whole situation with my wife/ex-wife. It's something I have to conquer, but I just don't have enough ammo one way or the other to win the war.

... I think they might both be lizard people.
You're probably right, but the thought that someone finds me interesting/attractive is almost as terrifying to me as being spied on at the moment, It's something that fills me with anxiety.

Like I said she could be just be over-friendly. Having her be interested in you rather than a modern day Columbo is definitely the lesser evil in all this, and one that could potentially come with a few benefits. You know what I'm talking about stud.

A free ride to work.
I understand that to an extent, but I don't know, beyond the paranoia it's so very complicated, I am in an internal battle with my feelings about my whole situation with my wife/ex-wife. It's something I have to conquer, but I just don't have enough ammo one way or the other to win the war.

I understand what you're saying, and I won't pretend to understand what it is you're going through. Your kids are your priority and they are what you'll have when this is all over, and you always will.
... I think they might both be lizard people.

Well, obviously.