I tend to use custom themes for sites such as FileFront and the likes, and thought I'd share the one I'm currently using for PE. It's nothing major beside some colour changes, really.
So.. here goes, you can download it here: http://minus.com/mblbBr0wPE
You'll have to unzip the folder itself. It doesn't matter what the location is, as long as the files in there remain in the same hierarchy. Screen-shot will be at the bottom of this post.
Quote from a forum I'm at as to assist those who didn't know...
So.. here goes, you can download it here: http://minus.com/mblbBr0wPE
You'll have to unzip the folder itself. It doesn't matter what the location is, as long as the files in there remain in the same hierarchy. Screen-shot will be at the bottom of this post.
Quote from a forum I'm at as to assist those who didn't know...
For Opera Users
To use them, simply save the code as a .css file, and then, using Opera, right click the forum background, choose edit site preferences, go to the display tab, and choose your desired skin's CSS file.
For Chrome Users
1) Save the code as a .css file in a familiar location
2) Install this Chrome extension: Personalized Web
3) Go to your Extensions page (either by clicking on the wrench icon and selecting "Extensions," or by putting "chrome: //extensions/" (without the quotes and remove space ('twas to avoid smiley spawn) into the address bar.
4) Click on "Options" underneath the Personalized Web extension.
5) Click the button labeled "Add new rule," and go ahead and give it a name in the "Rule Name" input field (I simply called it "PE").
6) For the "Match URLs" box, insert the following address: ^http://projectego.net
7) The last box we need to fill in is the one titled "Add CSS." To fill this in, open up the style sheet by right clicking on it and opening it up in Notepad. Copy all of the code, and then paste it into the "Add CSS" box.
8) Scroll down a little bit, and click the "Save" button.
9) Visit the forums and check out the new look! Groovy.
For FireFox users
There is a plugin for FireFox to allow this but, I don't know what it is. I think this one will do the job;
For IE Users
In Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options. In the General tab, you should find a button named 'accessibility'. Click on that and insert the path wherever the stylesheet is located, while on these forums. That should work. Props to Graeme for that info.