Hi guys. I have just come back from my trip in Germany! And so with the little time I have left, I spent it looking around for various Roleplay Forum's, etc. Now suddenly I don't have the motivation and will to go around creating massive Bio's again. But today in the early morning of 2 am. I found myself playing Forge of Empires. And I'm addicted. (If my connection would stop spazzing out every 10 seconds, I could enjoy it more.)
On to my little 'idea'.
Now, there are Naruto games out there. Naruto Ninja Storm. Ninja Storm Ultimate. Generations. Etc etc. But those are just Fighting games. And I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but there is no real point in playing the video games, in my opinion. Why? Because: It rehearses the storyline. It has no objective other then; WATCH SCENE UNFOLD. FIGHT. WATCH SCENE UNFOLD. BACK TO MENU. See what I mean? And if you don't, look at Dragon Ball Z. In my opinion that is a good game because it was always about training, fighting. And that is what the game is.
And in my honest opinion, I believe gaming companies will not even try to bring out a RPG, like Fable. Or Roleplay decision based like Mass Effect. I think this is because it wouldn't be right if Naruto suddenly turned evil. If he ran off to the Akatsuki as a teenager. Or killed someone during the Chunin exam, like Kiba or Kabuto. It just wouldn't fit. And again, with an RPG based game it wouldn't fit. Because Naruto will not learn the Resengan like he did in the Anime, infact there is bound to be someone who will probably save up 'points' and get something incredibly powerful and skip the Resengan. And RPG isn't suppose to be limited or restricted. So it's not like they can fix that problem easy too.
I'm not saying that a Naruto RTS based game, like Shogun, will be good. I was thinking more of this: You start off as a Jounin. You can pick your character traits, each trait has a downside and an upside. Like if you were to have a trait that enabled you to be well liked by the Hyuga clan, then you will be disliked by another clan, Inuzuka clan for example. After you're finished with selecting traits. But instead of creating your own Nation or a Village. You should be able to select a pre-existing Country. Land of Fire. Or the Sand Country, etc. You get the picture. Within the selected Region, you will start off with a Settlement. Within the Settlement you only have a few members. And you do not belong to a pre-existing clan. From this point, almost everything is locked. You have to earn experience points, for example to gain a level. This should be done by commanding a squad to take an Assignment from the Hokage. Within a few levels you should be able to unlock a Clan feature. This feature should be used to create your own Clan name. Clan symbol. You should be able to take full/half control of Management with your own Clan. I believe, at this point, you should be able to wait twenty-four hours (if the game is online) then you are given two Contracts. One is from Kabuto while the other is Sasuke. The Contract from Kabuto could say something like he needs help with infriltrating. And Sasuke could ask you for his help against Kabuto. From this point if you take either Contract, Sasuke will dislike you or Kabuto will. At first the Contracts will give you small rewards. Kubato will like you for helping him. You will get additional points or features, etc. Same with Sasuke. But as time will go on, the Contracts will be from Kabuto, to a higher member whom is asociated with Orochimaru. Grading will continue until Orochimaru trusts you enough to give you an Assignment directly from himself. At some point you should be able to Conquer a pre-existing Country. Or destroy a Country.
Here, have a block of text for your eyes!
But seriously, I know this post is long. My apology's for that. But please, tell me what you think.
On to my little 'idea'.
Now, there are Naruto games out there. Naruto Ninja Storm. Ninja Storm Ultimate. Generations. Etc etc. But those are just Fighting games. And I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but there is no real point in playing the video games, in my opinion. Why? Because: It rehearses the storyline. It has no objective other then; WATCH SCENE UNFOLD. FIGHT. WATCH SCENE UNFOLD. BACK TO MENU. See what I mean? And if you don't, look at Dragon Ball Z. In my opinion that is a good game because it was always about training, fighting. And that is what the game is.
And in my honest opinion, I believe gaming companies will not even try to bring out a RPG, like Fable. Or Roleplay decision based like Mass Effect. I think this is because it wouldn't be right if Naruto suddenly turned evil. If he ran off to the Akatsuki as a teenager. Or killed someone during the Chunin exam, like Kiba or Kabuto. It just wouldn't fit. And again, with an RPG based game it wouldn't fit. Because Naruto will not learn the Resengan like he did in the Anime, infact there is bound to be someone who will probably save up 'points' and get something incredibly powerful and skip the Resengan. And RPG isn't suppose to be limited or restricted. So it's not like they can fix that problem easy too.
I'm not saying that a Naruto RTS based game, like Shogun, will be good. I was thinking more of this: You start off as a Jounin. You can pick your character traits, each trait has a downside and an upside. Like if you were to have a trait that enabled you to be well liked by the Hyuga clan, then you will be disliked by another clan, Inuzuka clan for example. After you're finished with selecting traits. But instead of creating your own Nation or a Village. You should be able to select a pre-existing Country. Land of Fire. Or the Sand Country, etc. You get the picture. Within the selected Region, you will start off with a Settlement. Within the Settlement you only have a few members. And you do not belong to a pre-existing clan. From this point, almost everything is locked. You have to earn experience points, for example to gain a level. This should be done by commanding a squad to take an Assignment from the Hokage. Within a few levels you should be able to unlock a Clan feature. This feature should be used to create your own Clan name. Clan symbol. You should be able to take full/half control of Management with your own Clan. I believe, at this point, you should be able to wait twenty-four hours (if the game is online) then you are given two Contracts. One is from Kabuto while the other is Sasuke. The Contract from Kabuto could say something like he needs help with infriltrating. And Sasuke could ask you for his help against Kabuto. From this point if you take either Contract, Sasuke will dislike you or Kabuto will. At first the Contracts will give you small rewards. Kubato will like you for helping him. You will get additional points or features, etc. Same with Sasuke. But as time will go on, the Contracts will be from Kabuto, to a higher member whom is asociated with Orochimaru. Grading will continue until Orochimaru trusts you enough to give you an Assignment directly from himself. At some point you should be able to Conquer a pre-existing Country. Or destroy a Country.
Here, have a block of text for your eyes!
But seriously, I know this post is long. My apology's for that. But please, tell me what you think.