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problems with bones



problems with bones

hi, well me being the forgetfull bonehead i forgot to make a back up file of bones, could sumone post the info for hero tall and strong, i want it back to that,

thanks alot


Local Succubus
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
Re: problems with bones

Peacemaker?..Jak And Daxter?...

Eerr. I'm sure someone will be around to help you.


I Am Awesome
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Re: problems with bones

There are plenty of Peacemakers around, such as one of the guns that Vincent aquires in Final Fantasy VII.

As for the bones, I'm afraid you have to wait for Todd. Or just reinstall Fable entirely.


Local Succubus
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
Re: problems with bones

droded;87378 said:
There are plenty of Peacemakers around, such as one of the guns that Vincent aquires in Final Fantasy VII.

Forgot about that. :lol: Jak and Daxter was the first thing to pop into my mind. :D

Albion Knight

Avatar the Old
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
Re: problems with bones

I'd check the install disks they're bound to be in there. Sorry but we can't post the game files.


Re: problems with bones


Creature_type: CREATURE_HERO_CHILD_02;
clavs: "Bip01 L Clavicle", "Bip01 R Clavicle";
upperarm: "Bip01 L UpperArm", "Bip01 R UpperArm";
hands: "Bip01 L Hand", "Bip01 L Finger0", "Bip01 L Finger01", "Bip01 L Finger02", "Bip01 L Finger1", "Bip01 L Finger11", "Bip01 L Finger12", "Bip01 L Finger2", "Bip01 L Finger21", "Bip01 L Finger22", "Bip01 L Finger3", "Bip01 L Finger31", "Bip01 L Finger32", "Bip01 L Finger4", "Bip01 L Finger41", "Bip01 L Finger42", "Bip01 R Hand", "Bip01 R Finger0", "Bip01 R Finger01", "Bip01 R Finger02", "Bip01 R Finger1", "Bip01 R Finger11", "Bip01 R Finger12", "Bip01 R Finger2", "Bip01 R Finger21", "Bip01 R Finger22", "Bip01 R Finger3", "Bip01 R Finger31", "Bip01 R Finger32", "Bip01 R Finger4", "Bip01 R Finger41", "Bip01 R Finger42", "WEAPON_FOCUS_02", "WEAPON_FOCUS_01";
forearms: "Bip01 L Forearm", "Bip01 R Forearm";
Bip01 L Calf: 0.85, 0.75, 0.75;
Bip01 L Clavicle: 0.7, 0.7, 0.7;
Bip01 L Finger0: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger01: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger02: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger1: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger11: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger12: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger2: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger21: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger22: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger3: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger31: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger32: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger4: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger41: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger42: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Foot: 0.85, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Forearm: 0.75, 0.75, 0.75;
Bip01 L Hand: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 L Thigh: 0.6, 0.75, 0.75;
Bip01 L Toe0: 0.9, 0.65, 0.75;
Bip01 L UpperArm: 0.7, 0.85, 0.75;
Bip01 Neck: 1.0, 1.0, 0.9;
Bip01 Neck1: 1.3, 0.75, 0.75;
Bip01 Pelvis: 0.65, 0.75, 0.7;
Bip01 R Calf: 0.85, 0.75, 0.75;
Bip01 R Clavicle: 0.7, 0.7, 0.7;
Bip01 R Finger0: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger01: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger02: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger1: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger11: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger12: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger2: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger21: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger22: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger3: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger31: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger32: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger4: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger41: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Finger42: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Foot: 0.85, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Forearm: 0.75, 0.75, 0.75;
Bip01 R Hand: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
Bip01 R Thigh: 0.6, 0.75, 0.75;
Bip01 R Toe0: 0.9, 0.65, 0.75;
Bip01 R UpperArm: 0.7, 0.85, 0.75;
Bip01 Spine: 1.0, 1.0, 0.9;
Bip01 Spine1: 0.7, 0.75, 0.75;
Bip01 Spine2: 0.75, 0.75, 0.75;
Bip01 Spine3: 0.65, 0.7, 0.65;
EYE_SET_L: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
Sub_movement_dummy: 1.0, 1.0, 0.75;
WEAPON_FOCUS_01: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;
WEAPON_FOCUS_02: 0.95, 0.85, 0.95;


Creature_type: CREATURE_HERO;
thigh: "Bip01 L Thigh", "Bip01 R Thigh";
calf: "Bip01 L Calf", "Bip01 R Calf";
clavis: "Bip01 L Clavicle", "Bip01 R Clavicle";
hand: "Bip01 L Hand", "Bip01 R Hand";
finger: "Bip01 L Finger1", "Bip01 L Finger11", "Bip01 L Finger12", "Bip01 L Finger0", "Bip01 L Finger01", "Bip01 L Finger02", "Bip01 L Finger2", "Bip01 L Finger4", "Bip01 L Finger3", "Bip01 L Finger21", "Bip01 L Finger31", "Bip01 L Finger22", "Bip01 L Finger32", "Bip01 L Finger41", "Bip01 L Finger42", "Bip01 R Finger1", "Bip01 R Finger11", "Bip01 R Finger12", "Bip01 R Finger0", "Bip01 R Finger01", "Bip01 R Finger02", "Bip01 R Finger3", "Bip01 R Finger2", "Bip01 R Finger4", "Bip01 R Finger21", "Bip01 R Finger22", "Bip01 R Finger31", "Bip01 R Finger32", "Bip01 R Finger41", "Bip01 R Finger42";
forearm: "Bip01 L Forearm", "Bip01 R Forearm";
upperarm: "Bip01 L UpperArm", "Bip01 R UpperArm";
Bip01 Spine2: 1.0, 0.85, 0.8;
Bip01 R Toe0: 0.95, 0.95, 0.9;
Bip01 L Toe0: 0.95, 0.95, 0.9;
Bip01 Head: 0.95, 0.95, 0.95;
Bip01 Spine: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L UpperArm: 1.0, 0.75, 0.7;
Bip01 L Foot: 1.2, 0.75, 0.7;
Bip01 R Foot: 1.2, 0.75, 0.7;
Bip01 R UpperArm: 1.0, 0.75, 0.7;
Bip01 Spine3: 1.0, 0.75, 0.9;
Bip01 R Calf: 1.0, 0.8, 0.9;
Bip01 R Hand: 0.9, 0.65, 0.85;
Bip01 R Thigh: 1.0, 0.8, 0.8;
Bip01 Spine1: 1.0, 0.85, 0.85;
Bip01 L Thigh: 1.0, 0.8, 0.8;
Bip01 Pelvis: 1.0, 1.0, 1.1;
Bip01 Neck1: 1.0, 0.75, 0.75;
Bip01 L Hand: 0.9, 0.65, 0.85;
Bip01 L Calf: 1.0, 0.8, 0.9;
Bip01 L Forearm: 1.0, 0.75, 0.75;
Bip01 Neck: 1.0, 1.0, 1.2;
Chin: 1.0, 1.0, 0.95;
Bip01 L Clavicle: 1.0, 0.8, 0.55;
Bip01 R Forearm: 1.0, 0.75, 0.75;
Bip01 R Clavicle: 1.0, 0.8, 0.55;


Creature_type: CREATURE_HERO;
clavs: "Bip01 L Clavicle", "Bip01 R Clavicle";
upperarm: "Bip01 L UpperArm", "Bip01 R UpperArm";
forearm: "Bip01 L Forearm", "Bip01 R Forearm";
hands: "Bip01 L Hand", "Bip01 L Finger1", "Bip01 L Finger11", "Bip01 L Finger12", "Bip01 L Finger0", "Bip01 L Finger02", "Bip01 L Finger2", "Bip01 L Finger4", "Bip01 L Finger3", "Bip01 L Finger21", "Bip01 L Finger31", "Bip01 L Finger22", "Bip01 L Finger32", "Bip01 L Finger41", "Bip01 L Finger42", "Bip01 R Hand", "Bip01 R Finger1", "Bip01 R Finger11", "Bip01 R Finger12", "Bip01 R Finger01", "Bip01 R Finger02", "Bip01 R Finger3", "Bip01 R Finger2", "Bip01 R Finger4", "Bip01 R Finger21", "Bip01 R Finger22", "Bip01 R Finger31", "Bip01 R Finger32", "Bip01 R Finger41", "Bip01 R Finger42", "WEAPON_FOCUS_02", "WEAPON_FOCUS_01";
head: "Bip01 Head", "Chin", "Top_lip_st", "L_Cheek_st", "R_Cheek_st", "eye_deck", "R_brow_1", "R_c_bone_1", "L_brow_1", "L_c_bone_1", "eye_top", "eye_bottom", "EYE_SET_L", "EYE_SET_R", "MOUTH_FOCUS";
Bip01 L Finger1: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
L_c_bone_1: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
Bip01 Spine2: 0.75, 0.8, 0.8;
Bip01 R Toe0: 0.85, 0.85, 0.9;
Bip01 R Finger4: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
eye_bottom: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
Bip01 R Finger41: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger41: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Toe0: 0.85, 0.85, 0.9;
L_brow_1: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
EYE_SET_R: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
R_c_bone_1: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
MOUTH_FOCUS: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
Bip01 Head: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
Bip01 R Finger21: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 Spine: 1.0, 1.0, 0.9;
Bip01 L UpperArm: 0.85, 0.8, 0.85;
Bip01 R Finger31: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Foot: 0.85, 0.85, 0.9;
R_brow_1: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
Bip01 L Finger11: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Foot: 0.85, 0.85, 0.9;
Bip01 R Finger11: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger1: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
WEAPON_FOCUS_02: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger31: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
eye_deck: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
Bip01 L Finger21: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger4: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R UpperArm: 0.85, 0.8, 0.85;
Bip01 L Finger0: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 Spine3: 0.8, 0.8, 0.7;
Bip01 R Finger01: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Calf: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
Bip01 R Finger42: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger3: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Hand: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Thigh: 0.9, 0.8, 0.85;
Bip01 Spine1: 0.9, 0.9, 0.8;
Bip01 L Finger2: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Thigh: 0.9, 0.8, 0.85;
Bip01 Pelvis: 0.9, 0.95, 0.9;
Bip01 Neck1: 0.95, 0.85, 0.9;
Bip01 L Hand: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Calf: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
Bip01 L Finger42: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Forearm: 0.85, 0.9, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger12: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger32: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
EYE_SET_L: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
Bip01 R Finger22: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Chin: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
eye_top: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
Bip01 L Clavicle: 0.75, 0.65, 0.2;
Bip01 R Forearm: 0.85, 0.9, 0.95;
Bip01 L Finger02: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
R_Cheek_st: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
Bip01 R Clavicle: 0.75, 0.65, 0.2;
Bip01 R Finger02: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
L_Cheek_st: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
Sub_movement_dummy: 1.0, 1.0, 0.9;
Bip01 L Finger22: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger3: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
WEAPON_FOCUS_01: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger32: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger12: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger2: 0.95, 1.0, 1.0;
Top_lip_st: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;


Creature_type: CREATURE_HERO;
upperarms: "Bip01 L UpperArm", "Bip01 R UpperArm";
forearms: "Bip01 L Forearm", "Bip01 R Forearm";
clavs: "Bip01 L Clavicle", "Bip01 R Clavicle";
thighs: "Bip01 L Thigh", "Bip01 R Thigh";
left fingers: "Bip01 L Finger1", "Bip01 L Finger11", "Bip01 L Finger12", "Bip01 L Finger0", "Bip01 L Finger01", "Bip01 L Finger02", "Bip01 L Finger2", "Bip01 L Finger4", "Bip01 L Finger3", "Bip01 L Finger21", "Bip01 L Finger31", "Bip01 L Finger22", "Bip01 L Finger32", "Bip01 L Finger41", "Bip01 L Finger42";
right fingers: "Bip01 R Finger1", "Bip01 R Finger11", "Bip01 R Finger12", "Bip01 R Finger0", "Bip01 R Finger01", "Bip01 R Finger02", "Bip01 R Finger3", "Bip01 R Finger2", "Bip01 R Finger4", "Bip01 R Finger21", "Bip01 R Finger22", "Bip01 R Finger31", "Bip01 R Finger32", "Bip01 R Finger41", "Bip01 R Finger42";
hands: "Bip01 L Hand", "Bip01 R Hand";
Bip01 Head: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Calf: 1.25, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Clavicle: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger0: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger01: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger02: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger1: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger11: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger12: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger2: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger21: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger22: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger3: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger31: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger32: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger4: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger41: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger42: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Foot: 1.15, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Forearm: 1.25, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Hand: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Thigh: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Toe0: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L UpperArm: 1.2, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 Neck: 1.45, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 Neck1: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 Pelvis: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Calf: 1.25, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Clavicle: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger0: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger01: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger02: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger1: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger11: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger12: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger2: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger21: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger22: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger3: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger31: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger32: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger4: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger41: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger42: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Foot: 1.15, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Forearm: 1.25, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Hand: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Thigh: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Toe0: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R UpperArm: 1.2, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 Spine: 1.55, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 Spine1: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 Spine2: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 Spine3: 1.3, 1.0, 1.0;
Chin: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
Chin_tip: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
EYE_SET_R: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
L_Cheek_st: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
L_brow_1: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
Sub_movement_dummy: 1.0, 1.0, 1.2;
Top_lip_st: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;


Re: problems with bones


Creature_type: CREATURE_HERO;
upperarms: "Bip01 L UpperArm", "Bip01 R UpperArm";
forearms: "Bip01 L Forearm", "Bip01 R Forearm";
clavs: "Bip01 L Clavicle", "Bip01 R Clavicle";
thighs: "Bip01 L Thigh", "Bip01 R Thigh";
left fingers: "Bip01 L Finger1", "Bip01 L Finger11", "Bip01 L Finger12", "Bip01 L Finger0", "Bip01 L Finger01", "Bip01 L Finger02", "Bip01 L Finger2", "Bip01 L Finger4", "Bip01 L Finger3", "Bip01 L Finger21", "Bip01 L Finger31", "Bip01 L Finger22", "Bip01 L Finger32", "Bip01 L Finger41", "Bip01 L Finger42";
right fingers: "Bip01 R Finger1", "Bip01 R Finger11", "Bip01 R Finger12", "Bip01 R Finger0", "Bip01 R Finger01", "Bip01 R Finger02", "Bip01 R Finger3", "Bip01 R Finger2", "Bip01 R Finger4", "Bip01 R Finger21", "Bip01 R Finger22", "Bip01 R Finger31", "Bip01 R Finger32", "Bip01 R Finger41", "Bip01 R Finger42";
Bip01: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 Head: 1.05, 1.05, 1.1;
Bip01 L Calf: 1.25, 1.5, 1.3;
Bip01 L Clavicle: 1.25, 1.25, 1.25;
Bip01 L Finger0: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger01: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger02: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger1: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger11: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger12: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger2: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger21: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger22: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger3: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger31: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger32: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger4: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger41: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Finger42: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 L Foot: 1.15, 1.2, 1.25;
Bip01 L Forearm: 1.25, 1.5, 1.5;
Bip01 L Hand: 1.1, 1.35, 1.0;
Bip01 L Thigh: 1.1, 1.45, 1.35;
Bip01 L Toe0: 1.0, 1.0, 1.1;
Bip01 L UpperArm: 1.2, 1.5, 1.5;
Bip01 Neck: 1.45, 1.0, 1.65;
Bip01 Neck1: 1.0, 1.45, 1.45;
Bip01 Pelvis: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 R Calf: 1.25, 1.5, 1.3;
Bip01 R Clavicle: 1.25, 1.25, 1.25;
Bip01 R Finger0: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger01: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger02: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger1: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger11: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger12: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger2: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger21: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger22: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger3: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger31: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger32: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger4: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger41: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Finger42: 1.1, 1.0, 1.0;
Bip01 R Foot: 1.15, 1.2, 1.25;
Bip01 R Forearm: 1.25, 1.5, 1.5;
Bip01 R Hand: 1.1, 1.35, 1.0;
Bip01 R Thigh: 1.1, 1.45, 1.35;
Bip01 R Toe0: 1.0, 1.0, 1.1;
Bip01 R UpperArm: 1.2, 1.5, 1.5;
Bip01 Spine: 1.55, 1.0, 1.45;
Bip01 Spine1: 1.1, 1.25, 1.25;
Bip01 Spine2: 1.1, 1.25, 1.25;
Bip01 Spine3: 1.3, 1.4, 1.2;
Chin: 1.2, 1.05, 1.1;
Chin_tip: 1.0, 1.0, 1.1;
Sub_movement_dummy: 1.0, 1.0, 1.2;
Top_lip_st: 1.0, 1.0, 1.05;


Creature_type: CREATURE_HERO;
upperarms: "Bip01 L UpperArm", "Bip01 R UpperArm";
forearms: "Bip01 L Forearm", "Bip01 R Forearm";
clavs: "Bip01 L Clavicle", "Bip01 R Clavicle";
thighs: "Bip01 L Thigh", "Bip01 R Thigh";
left fingers: "Bip01 L Finger1", "Bip01 L Finger11", "Bip01 L Finger12", "Bip01 L Finger0", "Bip01 L Finger01", "Bip01 L Finger02", "Bip01 L Finger2", "Bip01 L Finger4", "Bip01 L Finger3", "Bip01 L Finger21", "Bip01 L Finger31", "Bip01 L Finger22", "Bip01 L Finger32", "Bip01 L Finger41", "Bip01 L Finger42";
right fingers: "Bip01 R Finger1", "Bip01 R Finger11", "Bip01 R Finger12", "Bip01 R Finger0", "Bip01 R Finger01", "Bip01 R Finger02", "Bip01 R Finger3", "Bip01 R Finger2", "Bip01 R Finger4", "Bip01 R Finger21", "Bip01 R Finger22", "Bip01 R Finger31", "Bip01 R Finger32", "Bip01 R Finger41", "Bip01 R Finger42";
head: "Bip01 Head", "Chin", "Top_lip_st", "L_Cheek_st", "Chin_tip", "R_Cheek_st", "eye_deck", "R_brow_1", "R_c_bone_1", "L_brow_1", "L_c_bone_1", "eye_top", "eye_bottom", "EYE_SET_L", "EYE_SET_R", "MOUTH_FOCUS";
hands: "Bip01 L Hand", "Bip01 L Finger1", "Bip01 L Finger11", "Bip01 L Finger12", "Bip01 L Finger0", "Bip01 L Finger01", "Bip01 L Finger02", "Bip01 L Finger2", "Bip01 L Finger4", "Bip01 L Finger3", "Bip01 L Finger21", "Bip01 L Finger31", "Bip01 L Finger22", "Bip01 L Finger32", "Bip01 L Finger41", "Bip01 L Finger42", "Bip01 R Hand", "Bip01 R Finger1", "Bip01 R Finger11", "Bip01 R Finger12", "Bip01 R Finger01", "Bip01 R Finger02", "Bip01 R Finger3", "Bip01 R Finger2", "Bip01 R Finger4", "Bip01 R Finger21", "Bip01 R Finger22", "Bip01 R Finger31", "Bip01 R Finger32", "Bip01 R Finger42";
Bip01 L Finger1: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
L_c_bone_1: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
Bip01 Spine2: 1.0, 1.25, 1.25;
Bip01 R Toe0: 1.0, 1.35, 1.35;
Bip01 R Finger4: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
eye_bottom: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
Bip01 L Finger41: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 L Toe0: 1.0, 1.35, 1.35;
Chin_tip: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
L_brow_1: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
EYE_SET_R: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
R_c_bone_1: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
MOUTH_FOCUS: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
Bip01 L Finger01: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 Head: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
Bip01 R Finger21: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 Spine: 1.0, 1.0, 1.45;
Bip01 L UpperArm: 1.0, 1.7, 1.65;
Bip01 R Finger31: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 L Foot: 1.0, 1.35, 1.35;
R_brow_1: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
Bip01 L Finger11: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 R Foot: 1.0, 1.35, 1.35;
Bip01 R Finger11: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 R Finger1: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 L Finger31: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
eye_deck: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
Bip01 L Finger21: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 L Finger4: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 R UpperArm: 1.0, 1.7, 1.65;
Bip01 L Finger0: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 Spine3: 1.05, 1.4, 1.3;
Bip01 R Finger01: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 R Calf: 1.0, 1.4, 1.55;
Bip01 R Finger42: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 R Finger3: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 R Hand: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 R Thigh: 1.0, 1.65, 1.35;
Bip01 Spine1: 1.0, 1.25, 1.25;
Bip01 L Finger2: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 L Thigh: 1.0, 1.65, 1.35;
Bip01 Pelvis: 1.0, 1.35, 1.25;
Bip01 Neck1: 1.1, 1.5, 1.65;
Bip01 L Hand: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 L Calf: 1.0, 1.4, 1.55;
Bip01 L Finger42: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 L Forearm: 1.0, 1.7, 1.7;
Bip01 Neck: 1.0, 1.0, 2.449999;
Bip01 L Finger12: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 R Finger32: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
EYE_SET_L: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
Bip01 R Finger22: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Chin: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
eye_top: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
Bip01 L Clavicle: 1.35, 1.3, 1.6;
Bip01 R Forearm: 1.0, 1.7, 1.7;
Bip01 L Finger02: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
R_Cheek_st: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
Bip01 R Clavicle: 1.35, 1.3, 1.6;
Bip01 R Finger02: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
L_Cheek_st: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;
Bip01 L Finger22: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 L Finger3: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 L Finger32: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 R Finger12: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 R Finger2: 1.1, 1.35, 1.4;
Top_lip_st: 1.1, 1.1, 1.1;


Creature_type: CREATURE_HERO;
Bip01 Pelvis: 1.0, 1.35, 1.1;
Bip01 Spine1: 1.0, 1.599999, 1.35;
Bip01 Spine2: 1.0, 1.3, 1.1;
Bip01 Spine3: 1.0, 1.15, 1.0;


Creature_type: CREATURE_HERO;
upperarms: "Bip01 L UpperArm", "Bip01 R UpperArm";
forearms: "Bip01 L Forearm", "Bip01 R Forearm";
clavs: "Bip01 L Clavicle", "Bip01 R Clavicle";
thighs: "Bip01 L Thigh", "Bip01 R Thigh";
left fingers: "Bip01 L Finger1", "Bip01 L Finger11", "Bip01 L Finger12", "Bip01 L Finger0", "Bip01 L Finger01", "Bip01 L Finger02", "Bip01 L Finger2", "Bip01 L Finger4", "Bip01 L Finger3", "Bip01 L Finger21", "Bip01 L Finger31", "Bip01 L Finger22", "Bip01 L Finger32", "Bip01 L Finger41", "Bip01 L Finger42";
right fingers: "Bip01 R Finger1", "Bip01 R Finger11", "Bip01 R Finger12", "Bip01 R Finger0", "Bip01 R Finger01", "Bip01 R Finger02", "Bip01 R Finger3", "Bip01 R Finger2", "Bip01 R Finger4", "Bip01 R Finger21", "Bip01 R Finger22", "Bip01 R Finger31", "Bip01 R Finger32", "Bip01 R Finger41", "Bip01 R Finger42";
hands: "Bip01 L Hand", "Bip01 R Hand";
feet: "Bip01 L Foot", "Bip01 R Foot";
calfs: "Bip01 L Calf", "Bip01 R Calf";
head: "Bip01 Head", "Chin", "Top_lip_st", "L_Cheek_st", "Chin_tip", "R_Cheek_st", "eye_deck", "R_brow_1", "R_c_bone_1", "L_brow_1", "L_c_bone_1", "eye_top", "eye_bottom", "EYE_SET_L", "EYE_SET_R", "MOUTH_FOCUS";
Bip01 L Finger1: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
L_c_bone_1: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
Bip01 Spine2: 1.1, 1.5, 1.9;
Bip01 R Toe0: 1.0, 1.0, 1.1;
Bip01 R Finger0: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 R Finger4: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
eye_bottom: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
Bip01 R Finger41: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 L Finger41: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 L Toe0: 1.0, 1.0, 1.1;
Chin_tip: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
L_brow_1: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
EYE_SET_R: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
R_c_bone_1: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
MOUTH_FOCUS: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
Bip01 L Finger01: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 Head: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
Bip01 R Finger21: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 Spine: 1.0, 1.0, 1.5;
Bip01 L UpperArm: 1.25, 1.8, 1.6;
Bip01 R Finger31: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 L Foot: 1.0, 1.7, 1.75;
R_brow_1: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
Bip01 L Finger11: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 R Foot: 1.0, 1.7, 1.75;
Bip01 R Finger11: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 R Finger1: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 L Finger31: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
eye_deck: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
Bip01 L Finger21: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 L Finger4: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 R UpperArm: 1.25, 1.8, 1.6;
Bip01 L Finger0: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 Spine3: 1.5, 2.05, 1.95;
Bip01 R Finger01: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 R Calf: 1.25, 1.6, 1.7;
Bip01 R Finger42: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 R Finger3: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 R Hand: 1.699999, 1.6, 1.799999;
Bip01 R Thigh: 1.2, 1.65, 1.8;
Bip01 Spine1: 1.1, 1.25, 1.6;
Bip01 L Finger2: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 L Thigh: 1.2, 1.65, 1.8;
Bip01 Pelvis: 1.0, 1.35, 1.4;
Bip01 Neck1: 0.95, 1.75, 1.85;
Bip01 L Hand: 1.699999, 1.6, 1.799999;
Bip01 L Calf: 1.25, 1.6, 1.7;
Bip01 L Finger42: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 L Forearm: 1.5, 2.45, 2.0;
Bip01 Neck: 1.4, 1.35, 4.049998;
Bip01 L Finger12: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 R Finger32: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
EYE_SET_L: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
Bip01 R Finger22: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Chin: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
eye_top: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
Bip01 L Clavicle: 1.35, 1.799999, 1.2;
Bip01 R Forearm: 1.5, 2.45, 2.0;
Bip01 L Finger02: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
R_Cheek_st: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
Bip01 R Clavicle: 1.35, 1.799999, 1.05;
Bip01 R Finger02: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
L_Cheek_st: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;
Sub_movement_dummy: 1.0, 1.0, 1.2;
Bip01 L Finger22: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 L Finger3: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 L Finger32: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 R Finger12: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Bip01 R Finger2: 1.1, 1.0, 1.899999;
Top_lip_st: 1.15, 1.15, 1.15;

Oops... I thought you asked for the entire hero bones set :lol: sorry!


I Am Awesome
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Re: problems with bones

Hahahaha +Rep Solus!:lol:


Re: problems with bones

Yeah... I need to read more carefully next time :geek:
I'm sure you can find the files you need somewhere in there :D


Re: problems with bones

thanks alot, oh and i meant peacemaker as in the gun in ff7 used by vincent


Local Succubus
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
Re: problems with bones

peacemaker;87636 said:
thanks alot, oh and i meant peacemaker as in the gun in ff7 used by vincent

Damn. :lol:


I Am Awesome
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Re: problems with bones

Sweet I was right.^_^