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published poems.....


Lovable Lunatic
Jan 14, 2007
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published poems.....

Ummm, yeah these are some of my poems that I have had published... they are pretty , read them!! :demands:^_^


Lightest sky is darkest night
Things on wings, dreams take flight
Time is ticking
Life is ticking
Doom and Gloom are best friends
Candle burns at both ends
Fast, fast
Life doen't last
Breathe in the night time chill
Dreams of war, things that kill
Sleep, sleep
Cold, deep
Hear the voices small, shadows calling
As they whisper, darkness falling
Life, death
Burn, breath

Chainlink Prison

The thoughts of my mind come out to play
an endless night that begs me to stay
Shards of my sanity by candles wings
reflect all I've lost of pleasant things
Sharp, cruel and cold they call to my blood
to seek out and destroy all that I love
Blood pours through my mind
singing sweet songs to me
Sighs of a wind chill through my bones
spikes of pain that destroy my sanity
The never ceasing whispers hold me unseen
judge me to be mad and unclean
The sentence is clear and I hear their decision
never to escape this chainlink prison

I have a bunch more but, this is all I'm puting up for now. If you want to see my art work go to KeeleeHamomin8788 on deviantART cause I'm not posting that stuff on here. ^_^ hope you like!