Oh snap, Lance Reddick is in it? Nice. Hope they managed to mo-cap his ridiculous Robocop walk, love that guy. This game is looking pretty good though, still hoping we'll get to see the return of Alan Wake one day. So much potential to be had.
Oh snap, Lance Reddick is in it? Nice. Hope they managed to mo-cap his ridiculous Robocop walk, love that guy. This game is looking pretty good though, still hoping we'll get to see the return of Alan Wake one day. So much potential to be had.
Reminds me a lot of what they're doing with the Defiance game and its concurrent TV show. Just hope it doesn't get where one ends up outclassing or steering off the road from the other (a la Blue Dragon). When it all meshes together and compliments each other seamlessly it can make for some incredible entertainment and character depth.
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