Removing Augments from a Weapon.
Some of you may be wondering how to remove an Augment from a weapon without removing the augment slot. Well, here is how you do it... You need Fable Explorer to do this...
For this "tutorial" we will be using the Sword of Aeons.
1. Open up Fable Explorer and double-click on game.bin
2. Scroll down until you find OBJECTS and double-click on it, then find 5526 - OBJECT_SWORD_OF_AEONS and double click it
3. Click once on OBJECT as seen here...
4. Scroll down until you find CObjectAugmentationsDef and click on the Links to (GameBINEntryID): to open up a new window...
5. In this new window, click on the + next to CObjectAugmentationsDef, then on 3F038D31 - unknown and you should see this...
6. Now change the number in (int)CObjectAugmentationsDef Array 2 to 0 and then click on the Del next to the three Augmentations.
7. Click on Apply Changes
8. At the top, click on Actions - Save Mods and Run Fable
Now your Sword of Aeons should have three empty Augment Slots. At least mine does.
Hope you found this useful.
(and I hope this isn't covered already, lol)
Some of you may be wondering how to remove an Augment from a weapon without removing the augment slot. Well, here is how you do it... You need Fable Explorer to do this...
For this "tutorial" we will be using the Sword of Aeons.
1. Open up Fable Explorer and double-click on game.bin
2. Scroll down until you find OBJECTS and double-click on it, then find 5526 - OBJECT_SWORD_OF_AEONS and double click it
3. Click once on OBJECT as seen here...

5. In this new window, click on the + next to CObjectAugmentationsDef, then on 3F038D31 - unknown and you should see this...

7. Click on Apply Changes
8. At the top, click on Actions - Save Mods and Run Fable
Now your Sword of Aeons should have three empty Augment Slots. At least mine does.
Hope you found this useful.