Sequal haters...
You know, I've noticed this more and more. People loved the first Halo, Kingdom Hearts, and whatever else you may think of.... The point is, why do they hate the sequals. I'm not saying that everybody or even a lot of people do. Just that, when a sequal comes out too many people play it with the first game on their mind.
A very good example is Final Fantasy. FF7 was insanely huge right? FF8 and FF9 have a small fanbase. Why? Because people played FF7 and then said "Omg Cloud and Sephiroth r UBER kewl and rock way more than these games."
I've said it once and I'll say it again: Stupid people **** me off.
You CAN'T play one Final fantasy, or one Jak & Daxter, and expect the same thing as the first games. If yuou do you're an idiot... *cough*Andy*cough*. Yes, Final Fantasy 7 WAS amazing, but so was FF8 and FF9 and all the other Final Fantasies. I admit I didn't care that much for FF10, BUT, that was only because of the Sphere Grid... I still liked the game itself, just not the leveling up.
My point: EVERY game is different, even in the same series. And just because you don't like one thing about a game doesn't mean it's a bad game or it sucks or even that you shouldn't play it. There might be a whole lot more to the game that you like with the exclusion of the one thing you don't like.
This rant was brought to you be Secia, inspired by all the stupid people of the world ^.^
You know, I've noticed this more and more. People loved the first Halo, Kingdom Hearts, and whatever else you may think of.... The point is, why do they hate the sequals. I'm not saying that everybody or even a lot of people do. Just that, when a sequal comes out too many people play it with the first game on their mind.
A very good example is Final Fantasy. FF7 was insanely huge right? FF8 and FF9 have a small fanbase. Why? Because people played FF7 and then said "Omg Cloud and Sephiroth r UBER kewl and rock way more than these games."
I've said it once and I'll say it again: Stupid people **** me off.
You CAN'T play one Final fantasy, or one Jak & Daxter, and expect the same thing as the first games. If yuou do you're an idiot... *cough*Andy*cough*. Yes, Final Fantasy 7 WAS amazing, but so was FF8 and FF9 and all the other Final Fantasies. I admit I didn't care that much for FF10, BUT, that was only because of the Sphere Grid... I still liked the game itself, just not the leveling up.
My point: EVERY game is different, even in the same series. And just because you don't like one thing about a game doesn't mean it's a bad game or it sucks or even that you shouldn't play it. There might be a whole lot more to the game that you like with the exclusion of the one thing you don't like.
This rant was brought to you be Secia, inspired by all the stupid people of the world ^.^