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Skilok, the Hero of the Potatoes



Skilok, the Hero of the Potatoes

This is a story about Skilok, the hero of the Potatoes.

Skilok was running along the road when he ran across a trader. The trader recognized the man at a glance, and shouted out "Wow, it's Skilok! I know all about you! My potatoes that I sell talk about you all the time!". Skilok merely nodded and continued on his path, awaiting any dangers that came.

After walking along the path for about two more hours, Skilok came across a young boy. The young boy looked at Skilok mysteriously and asked for a Potato. Skilok, sensing a trap, took out his sword and looked around quickly. Once he was sure that there was no danger, he gave the boy a potato. The boy walked away after thanking Skilok, muttering to himself "boil em mash em stick em in a stew...".

Not much later after giving the young boy a potato, a man about the age of 24 attacked Skilok... He had a torch that had a flame on it that had the power to set anything on fire, and he threw the torch at Skilok. Skilok tried to dodge, but was to encumbered by his potatoes, and he got lit on fire. I managed to get a picture of the event;


He tried to run away, but the man tackled him, and Skilok got knocked out...

In the exact same spot about 4 hours later, Skilok woke up. He was hurting all over, and he was not that sure why. He then remembered what happened earlier, and he walked to a nearby cave. Once he got to the cave, he realized that whatever the pain was, it was a weird feeling.
Skilok then ripped off his shirt and found a cut along his side. He knew exactly what happened then...

His kidney got stolen.

The end


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Jan 6, 2007
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Re: Skilok, the Hero of the Potatoes



Re: Skilok, the Hero of the Potatoes

LOLZ i loved it :)