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T3h Anubis joins your ranks


T3h Anubis

T3h Anubis joins your ranks

Hi all. I joined because I got Fable II yesterday.

LONG INTRODUCTION INCOMING (this has been my introductory post for forums a few months):

Hello all. My username here T3h Anubis. My real name is Lester. I was born and live in Puerto Rico. Let me tell you my story...

I was born on May 28th, 1986 (Yes, tomorrow is my 22nd birthday). I was a premature baby, yet I weighted 8.5 lbs., and was normal size. I started to talk complete sentences at 6-7 months. My little brother was born on May 27th, 1987 (yep, today is his 21st birthday). When I was 2 years old, my brother was walking, but I wasn't. This worried my parents. So they took me to various doctors. One of them suspected I may have one of the types of Muscular Dystrophy. So they did a lab test in which they remove a tiny bit of muscle tissue (I still have the little scar in my arm, but it barely noticeable). They test proved positive and I was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Type II (SMA; for more info on it see here). Because of this I am left in a wheelchair for the rest of my life and have low motor skills (hands tire out easily, I can't reflex fast; this is why I tell some people I may never go pro-level gameplay, as I am physically not able).

When I was 5-6 years old, I developed Scoliosis. My spine is at 90 degrees instead of 180 degrees, so my spine looks like > instead of |. Because of this, my spine compresses my lung, and I have 50% lung function and flues, etc. hit me very hard, to the point of needed hospitalization. I can suffocate easily.

I went to normal school one year earlier than usual, and I did always well, too well. On first grade, my parents where offered to make me jump to 3rd grade. They rejected it, because they though that having a handicapped child that was 3 years younger would bring mockery and poking from fellow classmates (a very sad thing, children are cruel).

So I went on normal school until 10th grade. (During those years, I became a gamer [my first video game was a Gameboy /w Tetris], and a partial artist, but my art phase faded away) I was unchallenged at school, I never studied and aced everything (i.e. I took the finals for 10th and 11th grade math in August and was in 12th grade Precalculus @ 14). I secretly saved my allowance and paid to take the College Admission Test, something the school didn't allow to 10th graders, but the school counselor backed me up. I got a 3125 score (with the avarege being in the 2800-2900). I got letters from all local colleges and some from the states (i.e. Penn State). But I was in the 10th grade.

In January of that year, I took the High School Validation test from the Department of Education, a test normally given to dropouts, but they made an exception. Results came in in February and I passed, so I went to school one last day and said good bye to my teachers and never looked back.

In March I started my college life, still at the age of 14. I took all summer classes, and made a Barchellor on Computer Science that takes 4 years, in 2 and half with a 4.00 GPA (As in School, I never studied for tests, it was all memory). I graduated and Suma Cum Laude and took my department's Exelence in Studies award. During that time, I took the LSAT (Law School Admition Test). The Board didn't allow me for extra time because of my handicap. I didn't finish any part, what little I did answer was so correct, it was enough to pass.

At the age of 17 I started Law School. At last I was among thinkers, and I felt challenged. I finished Law School at 20, but graduated at 21 (my birthday being May 28th) with honors (Cum Laude). I took the Bar Exam and result came last December. I sworn as a Lawyer on last February became probably my jurisdiction's youngest lawyer (as Barchellor + Law School = 7+ years and people enter college at 18 or so). On April I had my first 3 cases and I won them.

So there is my story. Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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Re: T3h Anubis joins your ranks

Welcome to the forums, Hope you enjoy it here. :D Very long introduction.

Woo, sounds like you have a lot of health problems. I'm sorry.:'(


Down with this sort of thing
Town Guard
Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Re: T3h Anubis joins your ranks

Hi and welcome to the forums :D

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
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Re: T3h Anubis joins your ranks

Possibly the most informative intro ive read and welcome to the forums. ^_^

T3h Anubis

Re: T3h Anubis joins your ranks

moonfever;220175 said:
Welcome to the forums, Hope you enjoy it here. :D Very long introduction.

Woo, sounds like you have a lot of health problems. I'm sorry.:'(

Are you the same moonfever from masseffectforums? I'm Legis there.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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Re: T3h Anubis joins your ranks

T3h Anubis;221142 said:
Are you the same moonfever from masseffectforums? I'm Legis there.

I don't change my name most the time, it gets to hard to remember what they all are. So Yeah.:)


Re: T3h Anubis joins your ranks

guys hes trolling this story is fake, hes been on 20 sites posting this bull**** story..he even raided 4chan