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the origin of reaver


Hero of Skill
Jan 4, 2009
Reaction score
the origin of reaver

Come on Randall lets go shoot the beer bottles down at the ocean side with our slingshots!!!!! you bet and i will knock down every single one with out hesiation! we will see about that replies Gregory. They both take turns randall turns out to be the winner. Looks like im the winner old chap sates randal! shut up, you just won out of fluke. Be here tommorow every kid in oakvale will be here t see whos the better champ. Winner has to buy that toy gun from the trader by the inn. Deal says Randal. So thy both said goodbye and randal walks to his home. He walks inside RANDAL!!!!!! where have you been you were supposed to clean up the house today!!! Sorry mum i..... No excuses yor gonna grow old anduseless like your father! And run out on us to become a bandit in that new sleaze town BLOODSTONE! Mom i.. Why cant you be more like the hero of oakvale?? He lived in this houe you know and he did so many good deeds when he was a oyung lad. He never went out and wasted his time! But im not the ehro of oakvale am i mum!!! so deal with it! With that randal slammed the doro of his house and stormed off. Just once i wouldnt like to be compared to famous heroes or murders like dad. just once i want people to be proud of me. When i grow up, im gonna be famous. ill be rich and i will have my own boat! and i will be the best shot in all of albion. THE NEXT DAY- Allright everyone lets go down to the docks to see whose the better marksman is it greg? or randal!
10 mins later- Looks like randall is the iwnner!!! and you know what that means greg. You have to by me the gun! Oh allright. 10 years pass. Randall is now 17. Congratulations randal i here you saved up to buy your first gun. It isnt evry nice thought. Its only a rusty old flintlock pistol. Yeah well it will do for now. We will see. Later htat night- Randal!!!! i hear you wasted your money on an instrement of death Mom i.... No i dont want to hear it. Pretty soon you will go sooting people down going on raids and hoards for gold like your fther! MOM I.... No get out. I never want to see you again. Never come back here. GAHHH!!!! shouts randal! i hate this stupid town and i hate the hero of okvale AND I HSRE MY FATHER! FOUR YEARS PASS- Welcome back to oakvale randal! We are glad to see you. How was your trip around the world. Exellent old bean. I carry the best gun in the world. Only 3 people in the world have them you know. Uh i thought there was six. No. I kleed the other three ha ha! uhm yes quite well. Which reminds me i also but this master cutlass and these new clthes imported from outside of albion. M<ade from a special tailor. Guarrenteed to resist bullets and up to steel wepons. Cant get better than that! Very good randal i see you have your own boat! Yes i do its called the reaver. Because it was an old war ship owned by julius P reaver/ The great grandfather of weaver the greatest amrksman in the world. Reaver was also a good marksman i hear. Very good randal but i have soe terrible news. What ? someone stole all my sploils of the trade? no im afraid.... your mother. Passed away when you were gone. Along with your girlfriend Amanda. Randals heart almost snapped in two. What happned? Well an adventurer knwon as hal came into town and hes from another time far ahead of us. And well before he left the portal he camefrom sucked your mother and girlfreind in along with it. GAAH! randal wait where are you going? im laving this place im going into the woods. Randal its too dangourous. So randal went into the woods. there he killed many balverines, hobbes, and trolls. He fell in a cavern where he met the shadow court. Randal. We have been expecting you? Huh who are you? * he shoots them with his pistol* That petty tool wot harm us, we are already dead. And we have beenw aiting a long time for you to be here? What do you mean? We have a deal for you randal. If you be our prophet, we will make you have eternal youth yiou will stay this age forever. No deal i want my loved nes back and i... SILENCE NEVER INTERUPT THWE SHADOW COURT. Now if you wait long enoug then eventually you will see your family again. What do i have to do? You have to be a reaver of souls for us. What is that? It is a prohet who every couple of years brings a new vessle. A human for us to take. And in return we grant another hundred years. You have a deal. Take your gun Reaver. For tonight there is a blood harvest. And your world which once was will no longer be the same. You will see replied the shadow court. Reaver the new prohet walked out of the cavern and back to oakvale. But where oakvale WAS he saw a flaming fiery hell. Balverines hobbes trolls and banshees took over this place set it aflame and slaughtered everyone in oakvale. What have i done?!!!!!! screamed Reaver! The shadow court appeared. You have made your first donation. in order for the deal to work we must sluaghter your home your past so you can be reborn and start a new life. YOu didnt tell me thi scrweamed reaver!!! we do as we please. Replied the court. 50 Years later- he did it he killed the gang leader!!!!! what do you have to say mr. ?/ Reaver call me reaver. What do you have to say reaver? I say! I declare this house mine!!!! Everyone cheered. The town of bloodsotne was under new rule. Reaver the mayor of bowertstone had it all. The next day he threw a huge party. But instead of enjoying it he was upstairs righting away his feelings. Yes reaver had it all. Almost. He had a mansion, wealth, he was the best shot in the land after killing weaver. He even had the boat. But reaver had one thing that he took for granted as a youngster. Reaver no longer had a family. And he no longer had a home/


Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Re: the origin of reaver

"Come on Gregory, lets go shoot the beer bottles down on the beach with our slingshots! I bet I can knock down every single one with out hesitation!" Called out Randall.
"We will see about that," replies Gregory.
They both take turns but Randall turns out to be the winner. "Looks like im the winner old chap!" States Randall.
"Shut up, you just won out of a fluke. Be here tommorow; every kid in Oakvale is coming here to see who's the better shot. Winner has to buy that toy gun from the trader by the inn."
"Deal," says Randall.
So they both said goodbye and Randall walks to his home. He creeps inside slowly as not to alarm his mother. "RANDALL! Where have you been; you were supposed to clean up the house today!" Screamed Gertrude.
"Sorry Mum I....."
"No excuses, you're gonna grow old and useless like your father! And run out on us to become a bandit with that ex-hero Twinblade!"
"Mom I..."
"Why cant you be more like Maze? He lived in this house you know and he did so many good deeds when he was a young lad. He never went out and wasted his time!"
"But i'm not like Maze am I Mum! So deal with it!"
With that Randall slammed the door of his house and stormed off. Just once I wouldn't like to be compared to famous heroes or murderers like Dad. Just once I want people to be proud of me. When I grow up, i'm gonna be famous. I'll be rich and I will have my own boat! I will be the best shot in all of Albion!


"Alright everyone lets go down to the docks to see whose the better marksman is it Greg? or Randall!

10 minutes later

"Looks like Randall is the winner! and you know what that means Greg. You have to by the gun!

10 years pass

Randall is now 17. "Congratulations Randall; I hear you saved up to buy your first gun. It isn't very nice thought. Its only an old rusty flintlock pistol."
"Yeah well it will do for now."
"We will see."

Later that night

"Randal!!!! i hear you wasted your money on an instrement of death Mom i.... No i dont want to hear it. Pretty soon you will go sooting people down going on raids and hoards for gold like your fther! MOM I.... No get out. I never want to see you again. Never come back here. GAHHH!!!! shouts randal! i hate this stupid town and i hate the hero of okvale AND I HSRE MY FATHER! FOUR YEARS PASS- Welcome back to oakvale randal! We are glad to see you. How was your trip around the world. Exellent old bean. I carry the best gun in the world. Only 3 people in the world have them you know. Uh i thought there was six. No. I kleed the other three ha ha! uhm yes quite well. Which reminds me i also but this master cutlass and these new clthes imported from outside of albion. M<ade from a special tailor. Guarrenteed to resist bullets and up to steel wepons. Cant get better than that! Very good randal i see you have your own boat! Yes i do its called the reaver. Because it was an old war ship owned by julius P reaver/ The great grandfather of weaver the greatest amrksman in the world. Reaver was also a good marksman i hear. Very good randal but i have soe terrible news. What ? someone stole all my sploils of the trade? no im afraid.... your mother. Passed away when you were gone. Along with your girlfriend Amanda. Randals heart almost snapped in two. What happned? Well an adventurer knwon as hal came into town and hes from another time far ahead of us. And well before he left the portal he camefrom sucked your mother and girlfreind in along with it. GAAH! randal wait where are you going? im laving this place im going into the woods. Randal its too dangourous. So randal went into the woods. there he killed many balverines, hobbes, and trolls. He fell in a cavern where he met the shadow court. Randal. We have been expecting you? Huh who are you? * he shoots them with his pistol* That petty tool wot harm us, we are already dead. And we have beenw aiting a long time for you to be here? What do you mean? We have a deal for you randal. If you be our prophet, we will make you have eternal youth yiou will stay this age forever. No deal i want my loved nes back and i... SILENCE NEVER INTERUPT THWE SHADOW COURT. Now if you wait long enoug then eventually you will see your family again. What do i have to do? You have to be a reaver of souls for us. What is that? It is a prohet who every couple of years brings a new vessle. A human for us to take. And in return we grant another hundred years. You have a deal. Take your gun Reaver. For tonight there is a blood harvest. And your world which once was will no longer be the same. You will see replied the shadow court. Reaver the new prohet walked out of the cavern and back to oakvale. But where oakvale WAS he saw a flaming fiery hell. Balverines hobbes trolls and banshees took over this place set it aflame and slaughtered everyone in oakvale. What have i done?!!!!!! screamed Reaver! The shadow court appeared. You have made your first donation. in order for the deal to work we must sluaghter your home your past so you can be reborn and start a new life. YOu didnt tell me thi scrweamed reaver!!! we do as we please. Replied the court. 50 Years later- he did it he killed the gang leader!!!!! what do you have to say mr. ?/ Reaver call me reaver. What do you have to say reaver? I say! I declare this house mine!!!! Everyone cheered. The town of bloodsotne was under new rule. Reaver the mayor of bowertstone had it all. The next day he threw a huge party. But instead of enjoying it he was upstairs righting away his feelings. Yes reaver had it all. Almost. He had a mansion, wealth, he was the best shot in the land after killing weaver. He even had the boat. But reaver had one thing that he took for granted as a youngster. Reaver no longer had a family. And he no longer had a home.

I will finish grammar/lore corrections later. Wow it doesn't indent.

On another note.

-Little Sparrow casts Wall of Text-
-Jakuro is crit for 99999999-
-Jakuro dies-


Old Name: Zencidal
Jan 2, 2009
Reaction score
Re: the origin of reaver

Try adding maybe transitions or atleast put it in paragraphs.


Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Re: the origin of reaver

I'm trying to for him but 5 spaces doesn't work and tab takes me to the Post Message option. I'm sowwee.

Redy Brek!

Active Member
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Re: the origin of reaver

I'll just wait for the spelling and grammar corrections are complete :S.

Pretty good story, but ya need to check up on a few lore mistakes, (Wasn't Hero of Oakvale only realy young?), and spelling/grammar, because they made it really hard to read :S.

Still, seems like an alright story :)


Pistol Fiend
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Re: the origin of reaver

I want you to think back to a time in the not-so-distant past, a time of blackboards and desks pushed into neat little rows. It was in this room, a classroom of sorts, that you were instructed in the ways of grammar and punctuation. After tireless hours of practice, you were able to construct your first proper sentences.
Now take those basic principles and apply them to your piece of writing there. In all honesty, it's very hard to pay attention to. The characters have very little depth and description about them as well and it makes reading rather dull.