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The story of jack of blades

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The story of jack of blades

ok im not really a good writer but plz bear with me i got bored and decided to write a story well here it is

The Story of Jack of blades

this is not the real story of jack of blades just a little story i decided to write

Chapter one

In a time when the guild was barley being built and the giuld master himself was still doing quest
there lived a young boy named Jack,Now this boy was a good boy always doing good deeds but unfortunatly
is parent werent so good for they hated their son and no one could ever figure why, Every day when the boy
came home from a fun day his parents were there to turn it around, they would beat him out of anger for the
most silliest things. One day it eventually was too much for the young boy and he decided to run away.
Though this would not be easy for his room was worse than a prison cell and his parents kept very good watch on him,
it had no floor the boy was forced to sleep in dirt and the walls were made of paper and the parents beed room,
it was like a king and queen should live there. As he got ready he thought he heard his dad coming to his room to give him
some more beatings he quickly broke though his wall his dad came in and saw him running and ran after him. The fater cought up to the boy
with out even trying for the oy could not run fast yet and the dad beat him and told the boy, "You wanna leave then go ahead
no one cares for you, not even the animals or the trees!". The boy hurt and beaten crawled away slowly as the father watch
with no care. The boy determined to get away crawled for 3 days and three nights until he could not crawlno more.
When the boy woke he was flying, he thought this must be heaven but it was not he soon woke from his sleep to find
he was on the back of a horse."Awake now i see"."Whos there", said the boy in fear.'Do not be afriad for i am a hero"

i was gunna continue on but i will later and if youd like you could write more to it

ok hers part 2 i hope you enjoy it :D

part 2

Though this hero came and saved the young boy, it was not of matter of chance that the hero came and saved him for the hero was called by Avo himself to
try and save the young boy. Avo saw the future that the boy could be a powerful hero but he did not see any further. The boy soon recovered from his injuries
and ask the hero if he could teach him the become a hero, The hero knew this wouldnt be an easy task but he gladly helped the young Jack
soon after they began training. The boy was determined and learned quickly. One day after a day of training the hero and
the young boy went to a inn to sleep. In the night assassains came and killed the hero in his sleep for
their master of the assassains had his plans for killing a group of people was foiled by this hero.
Luckily they ddnt see the young boy for if they did they would have killed him. When the boy woke up in the morning he found the remains of his teacher
and wept by his side. The young hero hurt and alone set himelf on a journey to nowhere.
5 years later, the boy in his teens, tought himself from what his teacher left off.
The boy became a excelent fighter and a and was skilled at almost every thing. The memories of
his motehr and father still ran through him and over this time of training grew to hatred. His heart soon became
a heart of evil and hatred and he craved vengance for his mother and father and wanted to kill them for what they id to him.
As Jack walekd to find a tavern he saw a strange looking man following him. He turned to strike when the man pinned him down to the ground.
the hero as never seen such a man with this speed.The man offered him a deal that Jack could not refuse.
The deal was that if he wanted vengance on his parents he sould first obtain ultimate power
and find the mask of power. The strange man gave him a map to where he could find it. The hero quickly thanked the man
and set of for his journey. Though Jack didnt know this man he felt as if an evil shadow was cast upon him
when the man was near him, for the hero didnt relize that it was Skorm himself who took te body of a man
to make jack find the mask of power which consisted of great evil. The mask was protected by holy knights making sure that
the mask would not get into the wrong hands until it the holy ones figured out hw to destroy it.
Jack had to go through horrible weather and conditions he had to fight off horrible monster and creatures.
When he was close he saw the holy knights but thought they were statues and as e walked past they hit
Jack with such a blow to break bones, good thing jack has trained to with stand such blows.
The knights said "None shall pass for this is place of great evil,We the holy knights are sworn to
protect until it is destroyed". jack thought of this as a challange. They fought and were very hard to hit.
Amzingly the battle lasted for 3 days until finaly jack summoned the rest of his strength to hit the final
blow on the last of the knights. Exhausted from the battle, Jack could not stand an longer but his
hatred for his parents drove him to keep going and soon he found the mask. Jack grabed the mask and Luaghed in victory.
When jack put on the mask is consumed him in ultimate evil and his hatred came out full blown. They sat you could
hear his screams for miles and miles for the strange man had betrayed the mask totaly took over jack
But it was the most painful thing jack had ever felt in his life. The mask did grant jack ultimate power
it consumed his soul and jack was not jack any more only a man filled with evil and run by hatred.
jack soon caused destruction all over the land. He made his parents suffer for what they did to him
and soon killed every one in the land. He took a boat and floated across the seas to a new land.
He soon drifted to land.When he got off the boat he Laughed an evil laugh for he was going to try
and destroy this land like he dd the rest. At the time Jack was going to win the trust of the land
and ten destroy it.Unfortunatly this land was called Albion and was destined for great things.
Re: The story of jack of blades

You should continue!^_^
Re: The story of jack of blades

HEy sweet story i really like it^^
Re: The story of jack of blades

sorry im kinda of a bad typer but bare with me here
Re: The story of jack of blades

Wow part 2 is twice as long as part 1;)
Re: The story of jack of blades

I'm pretty sure Jack was an immortal being and did not have parents. Have you played The Lost Chapters?
Re: The story of jack of blades

yes ive played it i even beat the game 100 times atleast but hey this is fan Fiction it does not have to be the real thing it can be fiction duh
Re: The story of jack of blades

Arbiter2010;95523 said:
I'm pretty sure Jack was an immortal being and did not have parents. Have you played The Lost Chapters?

He even said it wasn't the actual story

And im pretty sure Jack of Blades isn't immortal, as I just killed him last week.
Re: The story of jack of blades

Arbiter2010;95523 said:
I'm pretty sure Jack was an immortal being and did not have parents. Have you played The Lost Chapters?

You just got owned by arcturius. +rep for that owning.
Re: The story of jack of blades

badass, dont listen to the hater, i actully dont know what jacks past was like, but i imagine it was along those lines, +rep
Re: The story of jack of blades

good story, looking forward to another segment. Maybe add how he obtained his red hood and armour with runes. And why he has been searching for the Sword Of Aeons for so long.
Re: The story of jack of blades

It was revealed by the Tales of Albion that Jack of Blades came from a place called the Void. It is also revealed that he had come with the Queen of Blades and the Knight of Blades (together known as The Court). He and the others are said to have demanded that the people of Albion bow down before them. When they were refused, the court "burned Albion until the earth turned black and the sky was thick with smoke". When the people refused a second time, they lifted the sea into the sky and flooded the world. The third time they demanded worship they said they would bring peace, but again the people refused, so the court twisted their minds until they went insane. Finally, the inhabitants bowed to the court.
Later in the future, when William Black was consulting a tome, Jack transported William from Albion to the Void. Jack tried to enslave William with an ornate sword but William managed to fight back and escaped, and at the same time managed to steal the sword from Jack (the sword was later known as The Sword of Aeons).
The second time they met they fought again, and William Black managed to break Jack's body. However, Jack's soul is believed to have escaped and possibly took refuge in his mask.

Sorry to burst ya bubble I Just had to tell you the facts your stories good but this explains the real story
Re: The story of jack of blades

Lemme tell ya the story is good but the little boy ain't called Jack..he was known as something other then jack since anyone who wears the souls mask has the soul prisoned within the mask so that Jack's soul possess the body until it ages and wither's away or gets destroyed. So how did jack transform into a dragon without the mask?I thought up a theory and I say that the body jack possessed had enough hatred so that it would be a temporary vessel until Jack had gotten his mask back. Jack never had a physical body to begin with so when his soul was broken down by William black he somehow inserted the rest of his essence into the mask. Jack ain't immortal since he possess the body's of hero's or hero like people and sticks to them until the body dies. Oh yea and once Jack captures a body the person dies only his corpse remains which Jack controls, basically each time someone wears the mask...the mask gets stronger, perhaps this is how Jacks full body would reincarnate or at least his soul.
Re: The story of jack of blades

OMG. @ the last two: OP said ''this is not the real story of jack of blades just a little story i decided to write'' . derp <_> . He knows it's not the real thing... Actarius already said that... READ before you post. please.

I'm going to read that story now, though. xD

EDIT: And what a nice story it is. ^^ Indeed, your writing could be better (I sometimes had a little trouble), but it's alright. =D