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The sword of the bard


I have a cunning plan
Apr 28, 2007
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The sword of the bard

Many tales of the so called singing sword say its infinite power could destroy millions, yet none have ever found such a weapon of mass power, until now.


Jock was walking around oakvale and was heading towards the tavern and he put his left foot on the wooden stairs he heard a faint cry
"HeLp MeeEe" he immediately spun around and started looking for the person to cry out this call of distress.
After many hours of looking he found nothing out of the ordinary and nobody seemed to know about this cry either "maybe i just imagined it" he said to himself silently.
"HeLp MeeEe" he stopped dead in his tracks, he knew he didn't imagine that.
Jock walked on to the nearest guard and asked him "Did you hear someone cry for help?"
"Why no young sir i didn't" replied the guard. Jock was getting increasingly worried now so he ran home as fast as his little legs could carry him opened the door
"hey mum did yo..." he got no further as he fell to him knees when he saw his mother lying on the floor..dead.


Jock slowly crept forward towards his deceased mother lying on the floor as he noticed a little slip of paper in her hand, he took a hold of this paper and read it out loud
"The sword that sings you will find, if you look inside your mind"
he read it time after time almost forgetting about his dead mother on lying on the floor. He stood up put the paper in his pocket and ran outside, crying and shouting for the guards.


As jock made his was towards the guards he heard the cry of distress again,
"HeLp MeeEe"
He stopped crying and stood perfectly still.
"HeLp MeeEe"
He slowly walked towards the tavern again put his left foot on the first step
"HeLp MeeEe"
He hurled himself to the ground, looked under the stairs and..nothing there.
He stood up ran around the back of the tavern, again nothing there.
"HeLp MeeEe"
Jock fell to his knees and screamed out
"WHO AND WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" instead of a reply he heard again.
"HeLp MeeEe"
"The paper" he thought to himself he pulled out the little slip and read it again
"The sword that sings you will find, if you look inside your mind"
"The sword that sings?" he said outloud
then he remembered a tale his mother told him when he was a lot younger about the singing sword. He went over this story in his mind many times then realized the singing sword is located where it said in the story. But in the story it said it was supposed to be with the most untalented bard in the world, where could he find such a person as this?
"HeLp MeeEe" he heard again, then realized, the voice that said help me was completely off tune, ugly and depressive, So where did it come from, he stood up and walked around, he heard it time after time again and it seemed the voice was coming from that barn at the south side of town.

With utmost haste he ran the that old barn at the south side of town. When he arrived he noticed a faint yellowy bronze glimmer on..no underground that was pulsing through. In his head he wanted to dig like a madman but he was scared stiff, finally after building up his courage he fell to his knees and began to dig, after at least half an hour of digging the colored glowing was almost blinding for him but he dug on. 10 minutes past and he was shattered he drove his right hand in the dirt the fell forward. DING, the metal buckle on his belt hit something in the ground, he rolled over, brushed some dirt away from where his belt buckle hit and found a yellowy bronze, spiked short sword which had deadly voice scribed on the blade.
"could this be that legendary blade?" he asked himself. so the franticly ripped dirt from around the sword and pulled it out of the earth with his right hand.
"man thats light" he told himself as he walked forward. He sliced midair and the sword began to make a noise, almost like singing.
"Help me i say, a young hero braves the dirt and rescues this fallen blade"
Jock stopped there, job smacked. He slowly turned around and thought to himself
"Oh boy i have to clean all this up" just then the sword dragged his arm up and all the scattered dirt amazingly compacted itself back in the hole! a huge grin spread across his face as he turned around and ran home to tell his mother what happened.

CHAPTER 5 (finally)
As he got home and opened the door he remembered, he remember that his mother was now nothing more than a corpse lying down on the ground. He stumbled forward (not dropping his newly found blade) and dropped to his knees.
"Mom" he whimpered out loud.but just then the sword in his hand struck him deep in his chest immediately killing him . the sword disappeared. what he should of realized was the writing on the handle
"To a mere mortal"

There is no singing sword unless you mod one the sword i based this story on wasn't the singing sword at all, its one i made up in my head, The deceiving killer.