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The Trials of Aarkan

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The Trials of Aarkan

The Trials of Aarkan

Set ablaze the Guild held for as long as it could, trying not to give away. His sword cut through countless hordes of demons, holding off as many as he could.
"Aarkan get out of here!" Deacon yelled, but Aarkan ignored him as he continued killing the demon beasts. He spun and he slashed his way through the attackers, killing all in his way. He laughed and he snorted as more and more fell to his feet and their corpses littered the room. He drove his blade into the demons watching as they fell to ashes. He gave out winces of pain as he slaughtered the evil forces, they were like no other. Stronger, faster, smarter then anything he had seen before. But they still did not match up to his skill. He yelled for many to get out of the burning Guild, but none listened and fought along side him, losing their lives for the hero they helped. But soon the Guild gave out and it's structure began to crumble. Stone, wood, and glass began to be whipped at all inside. Aarkan knew that it was now or never to escape the doomed building. But he turned around, and spawned infront of him a demon, craving for his blood. For Aarkon unsheathed his longsword and waited for his enemies first move. For it snarled then trusted it's blade at Aarkan's chest. But Aarkan rolled behind the demon and thrusted his blade at it's exposed back. A slight grin grew upon his face as the demon raored in agony then turned to ash, Aarkan had won. He dashed out of the Guild and headed towards Lookout Point, the smouldering remains of the Guild left behinde him. For Aarkon sheathed his longsword and slowly comtinued his way to Lookout Point. But he was shocked in utter horror, for what lay before him was the corpse of the Legandary King, Archon. Aarkan dropped to his knees and said a prair from the now dead king. For he had tought him all he knew. Now the war had begun for all of Albion and heros from all over lay in it's wake. For now Aarkon did not only fight for survival but he fought for revenge. He would make them pay, he would make them all pay.

Breath came in ragged gasps, he rounded the corner, Bowerstone coming in full view. But to his dismay, there stood a demon lunging his blade into a dieing soldier, he gurgled on his blood. He choked on his last moments of life then stopped, he curled up into a heap and lay there motionless, dead. Aarkon took out his bow, aiming straight and true, with the release of his fingers the arrow screamed through the air headining for the demon. It shrieked in fear then it's life ended in a flash as the projectile pierced it's heart and left it lifless where it stood. It then exploded in a cloud of dust. He gave out a slight grin. One less demon to think about he thought, but the war was not over for it just begun and what was instore for Aarkan was more then he could ever imagine. Aarkan continued through the gates and into Bowerstone South. He shook his head, it was engulfed in flames and destroyed by the demons infernal wraith. Heros lay scatttered on its bloodsoaked streets and ashes filled the whispy wind. Hell had taken Bowerstone and none had been given mercy. Aarkan knew there was nothing he could do, he whipped out his Guild Seal and transported to Hook Coast, for what would be the last stand. Streams of blue light filled everyones vision as outstepped Aarkan, protected by his Bright Platemail Armor and his legendary longsword, The Soul Reaper at his side, townspeople cheered for joy as he continued towards the tavern for the last meeting with the heros that were alive.
"Any suggestions?" Solcius asked, staff in hand.
"None, we have nothing thats why we came to this meeting, Solcious!" Solus roared.
"Calm down! We need a strategy to beat these demonic beasts. We cannot beat them by brute force, we need strategy to win. We need to outsmart them." Murren said calmly.
"We not need to fight our own kin, but we need to fight the enemy which threatens our safety." The Dollmaster said. Aarkan entered the room, all eyes shot upon him and his bloody sword. Aarkan just looked at them all in silence, waiting for a greeting.
"Where is he?" Solcious gulpped.
"Dead, like the others." Aarkan replied.
"How did he die?"
"Battle." Aarkan whispered.
"We now fight for the king." Murren announced.

Nostro stood at the gate of Lynchfield Graveyard, poise for any attack. He looking at the horizion for any sight of the demons, for if they came and awaoke the long dark lord the tides of the war would be forever changed as the demons would gain the upperhand. Sweat rolled off Nostro's forhead, if it wern't for his bloody helmet he would wipe it off. But he took no breaks, not even a blink making sure that no demons came towards the graveyard, yearning his soul. Dakrness consumed the hero's vision making it difficult to see. He squinted, that was a mistake. A demon teleported infront of him, catching him offguard. Nostro backed up then regained his calm. He raised his might blade and swung it upon his unlucky foe, turnin it into a nothingless of space. He chuckled and smirked at the emptiness, the demon nothing but a pile of ash. Just then demons appeared, not just one or two, hundreds upon hundreds of demons appeared waiting to take Nostro's soul. Nostro knew this was a fight he could not win, but he could hold off as many as he could. He raised his fist and slammed it upon the ground sending a fury of fire around destroying a few demons. They came closer cutting off his path to escape and closing on him forming a circle. He slashed and hacked away at the enemy forces, downing as many as he could. But they overwhelmed him, jumping on his back and front, thrusting blades into the mans armor, hurting him in anyway imaginable. But the worst was not to come for his body was injuried beyond any mages repair, the demons backed away and their leader kneeled down to Nostro's side. It snarled at gave out a spine chilling roar then it stuck it's blade into Nostro's heart, sucking out his soul.
"Useless hero," it spat. "destroy the corpse." the demons jumped onto Nostro's corpse and ate away at his flesh and bone till nothing remained but his skeleton, helmet, armor, sword, and shield. But the demons did not stop, they approached his crypt, the evil one would awake. His crypt lay untouched, cobwebs and other things surrounded the dark ones grave, the leader chanted spells and waved his staff in graceful ways. It cracked, the crypt busted open and his stood up from his long slumber.
"I have awoke!" he shouted, the demons roared in statisfaction. He took the staff from the demon leader and walked out of his tomb. "For the heros will die today!" he said coldly. "Onto Hook Coast."

A lone figure sprinted across the snow, his cloak covered his body from the icy storm and all the people watching. He ran and ran till he came to a house, aleast the size of the arena. He knocked on the door in an unusual way and it creaped open, an eriee sound filled his ears. But he did not falter, he continued down the strange and never ending hallways till he arrived at a gold crested door.
"We are the unsung soldiers, we are the unknown heros of war and the forgotten men of battle. We are the Guardians of the Night." he whispered, the door split apart and light filled the entrance and the mysterious figure entered. Warmth beated down on the mans face, and the room came into his vision. They stood infront of him and saluted him.
"Welcome brother." he slauted and the doors shut, making not a sound.
"So, the war has it begun."
"All wrong brother, it has just started and more will unfold."
"Should we join in on the war?" one questioned.
"No, we will watch from afar and join when the time is right." The leader spoke softly.
"When will it be just?"
"When the moon is full and the demons feast upon the soldiers souls, we shall join and make the world right. Understood?" the leader asked, the other members looked at him and nodded their heads.
"Understood." they said togather in harmony.
"For this ground we stand upon today will be the breeding place for guardians to come, we shall not let the war touch our home. We shall fight upon our enemies homefield and defeat them were they spawn. We shall close the gate that Archon onced upon in his youth and we shall purify the world. For we are the Guardians of the Night!" the leader annouced. They nodded, stood up and walked out of the room, the meeting was over.

All was still, the darkness nibbled away at the day as night slowly began to fall upon Hook Coast. War was going to reach it's shores and it would forever be changed for the events of this very night. Doors of houses all around were shut and locked as they feared for the worst, yet the worst would come. Heros, soldiers, and anyone able to hold a sword surrounded themselves around the city, hoping to surprise the demons. They all just waited for the sight of one of the demonic beasts, they would demolish it were it stood. Aarkan chewed on a peice of hay as he stood at the tavern door making sure all were safe inside. For he would charge into battle first, being the gallant knight. Next to Aarkan stood Murren, his legendary axe in hand. He snorted and cocked his head back and forth, humming Avo's tune. Then beside him was Alyx, her blue eyes pierced the midnight sky and with her Avo Tear held high, she whispered to Aarkan and Murren, both listening closely.
"What!?" Aarkan questioned.
In the mist of the night a red sphere engulfed the horizion, hundreds of demons ran out. All snarling with their mighty weapons at their sides. Alyx, Murren, and Aarkan all stood fast, waiting for their first move.
"Lets go!" Aarkan roared, but Murren stuck out his arm holding the warrior back.
"Not yet young one." he said.
"Aarkan, wait untill I say so."
"Come on!" Aarkan shook his head then got back into his stance, Soul Repear in hand. Demons all around dashed forth, swining with all their might, the heros quickly rolled out of the way and readied themselves again.
"No more waiting!" Aarkan bellowed, he sprinted forward, slashing left and right. His weapon, The Soul Repear tore threw the demons with ease. It made a slight singing as it cut through the air. He smiled and continued his way through the horde. Hundreds upon hundreds of demons packed into Hook Coast, but it was no use, all the remaining heros had joined the fight and continued to slaughter the evil beasts. They groaned and winced in pain as all the Legendary heros fought off the beasts.
"Take that!" Aarkan yelled, his blade slicing into one of his foes. He put his foot on the beasts chest and pulled with all his might, his sword came loose and he again began to fight. Demons all around ran away from Aarkan as he destroyed most of them. Heros began chanting as it looked if they were winning the battle. Houses doors opend, children screamed with joy. Soon not one demon remained alive, the heros had won.
"We did it!" Alyx jumped with happiness. Aarkan ran over and picked up Alyx and thrusted her up tino the sky.
"We won!" But their victory would be short. On the horizion he approached, the dark one had returned.
"Heros, you think you won?" he said in the most sinister voice. Many gasped and looked in horror.
"How are you alive!?" Murren asked.
"Ressurection! Old fool, you really though you could kill me didn't you."
"You! You killed my famliy, you took my son! You will die!" Aarkan shouted, he dashed forward and swung with great might, his sword zoomed in the air towards the dark lord. His sword cracked upon impact with the evil one and sent him flying. Aarkan did not stop there, he took his sword and thrusted downwards, at the man's chest.All of a sudden a bright flash blinded Aarkan, he was thrown backwards and sent through the taverns doors.
"Silly little boy, it will take more then that to kill me."

Work in Progress!
Re: The Trials of Aarkan

Very, very good. Only about one or two spelling errors but other than that it was MARVELOUS!!!
Re: The Trials of Aarkan

Nice way to make an introduction, Aarkan. ;)

Keep up the good work.
Re: The Trials of Aarkan

Updated a little more incase you wanna read.
Re: The Trials of Aarkan

Thanks, Drakan. Plan on writing more over Thanksgiving. Expect to find out who started the war and more.
Re: The Trials of Aarkan

I like it...would never have the balls to write my own stuff and post it, so kudos to you ^_^
Re: The Trials of Aarkan

Thanks for the support guys! Once again updated, enjoy!
Re: The Trials of Aarkan

I haven't read it all, its a little too long for my taste. Maybe its the fact that I just got back from a 6 hour drive and I'm tired as hell...
Re: The Trials of Aarkan

Updated! This will be one of the last updates as the battle draws to a close. Who will win, the dark one, or Aarkan and his band of heros? It shall be decided in the bloodiest of ways.
Re: The Trials of Aarkan

That was a good read so far, I like the way you are using legendary characters who have weapons named after them. Cant wait to see how it turns out and how things end up. Very bleak in a lot of respects, which I totally love. I must say, in terms of destroying guilds and plunging Albion into chaotic scanrios you are a gentleman after my own heart ^_^