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  • Thread starter Thread starter The_Bard
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TheCrims is a (very stupid)online game where you can be a criminal. I have made this thread, ´cause i need some help. In the game when you reach 50 respect you can make a Gang or be part of one , I have creat a Gang called "ProjectEgo Gang" and i need you some help ´cause i have some friends tryng to kill me (in the game of course). This is the link if you are interested in play:


My profile name in this game is Temmins and TheBard, and if you want to join to ProjectEgo Gang and help me with my revenge, after reach 50respect post where your profile name. By the way you can also visit my private club: "ProjectEgo Club";)
Re: TheCrims

I started playing it yesterday, just reading through the instructions and learning the ropes at the moment.
Re: TheCrims

Seigfried said:
My name is Seigfried, I'm a hitman and my respect is 76. Let us join together and kick some ass!

I have already make a invitation to you Seigfried... I am now very close of my revenge!!!:devil:
Re: TheCrims

Seigfried, I have just made to you a invitation to join my gang!;)
Steve, check your friend list for Temmins and accept him(me) as a friend.
Re: TheCrims

Bad news Bard, I got caught. I'm going to be in jail for at least until Tuesday. Just pray for me that I don't get ass-raped or something, okay.
Re: TheCrims

ProjectEgo Gang is over, now the new Gang is " JarheadPT " .
And remember if you want to be part of it post here your profile name.
By the way the new Gang leader is " GrimreaperPT ".
And dont forget, visit " ProjectEgo Club " and " ProjectEgo Rave Party "!

Seigfried you wiil be invited to the new Gang soon.
Re: TheCrims

Seigfried said:
Bad news Bard, I got caught. I'm going to be in jail for at least until Tuesday. Just pray for me that I don't get ass-raped or something, okay.
Word of warning: Don't drop the soap in the showers.
Re: TheCrims

I have been betrayed again by Grimreaper/JarheadPT , dont accept any invitations from them. ProjectEgo Gang is back !!!

bigblue box and Seigfried my name in the game is PieMaster / Temmins / ElMuxaxo
Re: TheCrims

names LocoMoto im a robber with 73 respect but ill be in jail for like 3 days
Re: TheCrims

oky well that one was in jail i made a new the name is TheBeast89 and it has 111 respect and is a gangster
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