These Css-thingys...
I have been trying to find a good tutorial on how to use, and how CSS-documents works. I have webdesign in school, and I dont want to code every visual little tiddly-bit in the html like I use to becuase i think I'll get higher grades if i use CSS:ninja:
So, if anyone know any good tutorials it would be really great if you could help me out! (If someone, for some reason, have a swedish tutorial- that'd be preferable).
I have been trying to find a good tutorial on how to use, and how CSS-documents works. I have webdesign in school, and I dont want to code every visual little tiddly-bit in the html like I use to becuase i think I'll get higher grades if i use CSS:ninja:
So, if anyone know any good tutorials it would be really great if you could help me out! (If someone, for some reason, have a swedish tutorial- that'd be preferable).