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To be friends or not to be friends, that is the question.


Amateur Human
Premium Legend
Jun 23, 2008
Might be a long read, sorry, if you're not interested in my personal life then I am cool with that, I don't assume any of you would, but if you wish to share advice then it is welcomed, whether it is what I wish to hear or not.

Alright, so I have a friend named Evan, to give background, me and him have been friends for about twelve years, indeed he is one of the few friends I had before my teenage years began. Me and him have had a fairly stable friendship, talked on the phone for several hours a week and played games together, saw each other about twice a month to hang out, had similar interests and sense of humor, similar views. For about six years he was one of my few friends, in the past five years I have socially bloomed to a wider group of friends, but I am still to this day one of his few true friends, other than me he has maybe two people he likes to hang out with that are over the age of fourteen, and he prefers me over them. Due to recent (Past couple of years) circumstances I have contemplated breaking off our friendship, these reasons vary from petty to semi-serious. I have compiled a short list of why I still hang out with him and why I think I should break off our friendship.

Why I still hang out with him: He is fun, fairly humorous, his family is fairly nice, and I feel obligated to hang out with him because he has often been there for me.

Why I want to stop: Politically we differ; he seems pro-autocracy, religiously we differ; he is a closed minded baptist, he hates homosexuals and I think he may dislike blacks; I am a closet bisexual, he is misanthropic, he and his family put him on a intellectual high-horse because he is extremely good at math (Calculus in Junior year) yet he fails elsewhere (He is illogical, doesn't have much common sense, is illiterate and believes psuedo-sciences) he says he can see angels and demons, and his family fully supports him on this, on top of his unprovable religious hypotheses he believes the moon landing is fake and that we never found organisms or water anywhere other than Earth, he is corrupting me I think, he can be insulting, he is very needy and whines when I don't play with him or when I choose another friend or event over him. I have tried to ignore these things, and I have also tried to help him get over them, neither works.

As you can see the reasons for < against. So what makes me hesitate? Guilt alone makes me hesitate, my anger at him overwhelms the happiness. We have been friends for so long, he has helped me through many tough times, I am one of his few friends.

So should I dump him or try to push through this doomed relationship?

If I dump him, should I do it before or after his birthday party in two weeks? Should I tell him and try to explain to him and then break it off, or should I simply send him a written message (Which he will need someone else to read for him) and then delete him from my friends lists on everything?

Any advice or info would be hot.
That is essentially what I mean: If I stop being friends with him, should I phase him out or make it a confrontation/discussion? And when should I, afterall his birthday party is coming up next Friday.
If I were You I'd see him one last time then phase him out, to me that seems the most straight forward option, plus you wouldn't have to bother yourself with confrontation. If he's as closed minded as you say he is then a rational discussion/confrontation wouldn't really compute with him (Personal experience taught me that,) it'd probably just end in pointless anger and bitterness due to a lack of understanding on his part. Better to just avoid him and hope he forgets about you, thats what I would do with such a person anyway.
Well, if that were happening to me, I would do it after his birthday (no reason to make him sad on his birthday) then wait about a week and explain what he does that annoys you and WHY it annoys you. And, if you are thinking about responding to this with something along the lines of "But I can't because I'm a CLOSET bisexaul, no one knows." then you should come out of the closet because who cares what the **** anyone else thinks and if they don't like they aren't really your friends. **** them. and also, if he reacts badly to anything you say then break it off immediately.
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What james butts said is the best option I think if he cant respect you as the person you are he isnt a good friend, even if he is against gay people you are his best friend as you said an he should have to accept it and if not just break the friendship.
Things that should never be discussed amongst friends lest the differences tear the relationship in twain: sex, politics, and religion.

Unless that's all he talks about and you can't steer the conversations elsewhere, factor that out of your equations. What's left to make a split deserving?

he is corrupting me I think, he can be insulting, he is very needy and whines when I don't play with him or when I choose another friend or event over him.
How is he corrupting you? Morally? (I doubt that one) The only way for something/one to become corrupt is when there's a gap in your moral fiber large enough to welcome it; of course, it need only be the tiniest crack, as corruption can seep in like water in a basement. How old are both of you? The "being needy and whines" could just be a product of youth...in time that should straighten out. Patience will also see you through his high-horseness. That self-image will become more mellow over time as well...at least it should. Ignore his insulting manner or give it back as good as you get it, but keep it lighthearted and fun (some relationships are strong because both sides are constantly insulting each other, though it is generally mutually fun).

That all being said, as Dentie put it if someone can't respect you as a person and a friend, then they are not your true friend and you should seek brighter pastures.
Unless that's all he talks about and you can't steer the conversations elsewhere, factor that out of your equations. What's left to make a split deserving?

How is he corrupting you?

It comes up quite often.

I have to act a certain way when around him, have a certain humor, a certain lifestyle, a certain personality, this has started seeping into my normal life.

EDIT: Broke it off, I feel a little guilty, but overall relieved.
i'd phase him, and if he doesn't fight it then it isn't worth the trouble.

if he starts with the "but why"s then that indicates he's willing to listen. ask him to be honest about his racism/homophobia. tell him if he thinks he can see angels and demons, or believes in pseudo-sciences and conspiracy theories, than he should keep them to himself. tell him if he doesn't shape up and start acting more like a sensible human being and less like an indigo than he can go be the next Jim Jones without you.
Oh he is fighting it: He has tried to call me 32 times in the past hour, sent me fourteen Xbox messages and has friend invited me on Facebook again. I've said my peace to him, I told him I don't want to talk or argue because it would make us both feel bad.
Since you've already acted, my advice is nigh on useless, but I'll give it anyway.

I dont see why you couldn't have stayed friends with him. I've got a friend like that and we argue all the time about his retarded beliefs, but we both accept that that, whilst our beliefs are a part of who we are, they're not the most important thing. If you enjoy being around the guy you should stay friends with him. If you don't, then tell him you dont, and if he wants to fix it to keep you as a friend then he will.

tl;dr: Be honest with him about how you're feeling and go from there.

Post Scripit: not too late to salvage something out of it. Answer the phone and talk to him about it. If you were going to break it off anyway, you've got nothing to lose.