Virtua Fighter 5 Recieves Online Mode For 360
The latest installment of the ever popular Virtua Fighter series has just recieved a boost for the Xbox 360 version with Sega saying they are working on an online versus update for Xbox Live. They have gave a straight 'No Comment' reply for the PS3 version which features no online play at all. However an update over the Sony Network has not been ruled out entirely.
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Virtua Fighter 5 online on 360 -
The latest installment of the ever popular Virtua Fighter series has just recieved a boost for the Xbox 360 version with Sega saying they are working on an online versus update for Xbox Live. They have gave a straight 'No Comment' reply for the PS3 version which features no online play at all. However an update over the Sony Network has not been ruled out entirely.
Read whole thread here:
Virtua Fighter 5 online on 360 -