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Westcliff - Crucible Guide

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Ryu hayabusa

Dec 31, 2008
Westcliff - Crucible Guide

Although the Crucible is fairly easy to beat some people have trouble. So I decide since I have nothing to do I made this guide. I will take you step by step to beating the Crucible and unlocking the Legendary Axe at the end. All I ask is you +rep me if you find this was helpful or useful in any way.
This guide contains what I did to get a perfect round on all 8/8 rounds. I tell you about the rooms your in and the enemy's you face plus the time I got on it.

A lot of the strategy's to beat these rooms are the same just keep that in mind.

-----------------------------------Room 1----------------------------------
For room one you will face beetles. Cast level 4 slow time soon as the round starts. Once you do that pull out your ranged weapon and start firing away. On occasion I used level 4 inferno to kill most of the beetles.
Round Completed in: 1:11
Environment: A small very open room with a small hill.

Room 2----------------------------------
room two you will face Hobbes. The same strategy applies here. Once the round starts cast level 4 slow time. Pull out your ranged weapon and fire. You do not have to keep casting it but I did that way you never get hit once.
Round Completed in: 1:29
Environment: A room medium sized room has a switch that brings spikes up. Enemies come from all sides.

-----------------------------------Room 3----------------------------------
room three you will face more Hobbes. Yes they are back for more. But this time the room is much bigger, and they attack you with bombs. To beat this you can sit back with your ranged weapon and pick them off before they get to you. And that is all you have to do the whole round, I used slow time though.
Round Completed in: 1:54
Environment: A very large room has a whole in the middle. Bombs are placed around 4 or 5 spots in the room. Can be used to kill Hobbes.

----------------------------------Trader Room------------------------------
room three you come into a trader room. That way if you are low on anything you can stock up for the next few rounds.

Room 4---------------------------------
room four you will fight Hollow Men. Stay in the place where you start the round and cast slow time. Once you do that just sit there and kill them as they run into you. When slow time is cast they can't even hit you due to them already being slow.
Round Completed in: 2:10
Environment: Very foggy and swamp like. There is some water and they spawn all around you. Lots of tree's.

Room 5---------------------------------
Room five you fight Bandits. And lots of them. But this is far easier than the Hollow Men. Before you step on the blue beacon to start the round cast slow time. Once you do that run to the beacon and run across the room to the left side of the bridge. And from there keep casting slow time and killing them how ever you want. It is easy either way.
Round Completed in: 2:02
Environment: A large room there spawn points look like a fort. There is a bridge where they spawn and at the top of the hill by the door. Best bet is to be on the left side of the bridge.

Room 6---------------------------------
During room 6 you will fight yet again more bandits. But this time they are far more annoying. To beat this you have to utilize the 3 beacons that push out fire on the walls. That way you can kill the bandits that are to far for a melee weapon. And than just slow time and shoot the ones that rush you. And rinse and repeat.
Round Completed in: 1:36
Environment: It is a large room with 3 rock bridges leading to walls where bandits will spawn with rifles. As well some who spawn with swords and attack.

----------------------------------Trader Room------------------------------
room six you come into a trader room. That way if you are low on anything you can stock up for the next few rounds.

Room 7--------------------------------
Room seven is the second hardest one of you don't know what you are doing. You will be facing Balverines. I cast level 4 slow time ran to the middle and just started shooting them as much as I could. It is harder to use melee but is possible.
Round Completed in: 1:13
Environment: Ruins and tree's every where. There are also lots of hills. Easy to see where the Balverines spawn though.

-------------------------------------Room 8--------------------------------
Room eight you fight the Rock Troll. Don't let the name scare you. This room is actually one of the easiest if you have the right will powers. Before I started the round I cast a level 5 slow time. Than I start the round and switch to level 5 Inferno. Than you run up to him and use the level 5 inferno twice and you win.
Round Completed in: 0:14
Environment: The room is based around a hill which the troll comes out of. The room is pretty empty besides a few rocks here and there you can use to hide behind.

Please keep in mind this took me a while to make no flaming please.
Any questions feel free to post. I am also working on a
"West Cliff Shooting Range" Guide or just update the old one I made.

Re: Westcliff - Crucible Guide

helpful guide me and a friend defeated the toll in ten seconds thanks for the guide :P
Re: Westcliff - Crucible Guide

thought id put this out there if it helps with Ryu hayabusaS guide:
the 1st and the 7th can be much quicker by simply using a fairly high level summoning of the dead and than use lvl 5 inferno and repeat i get around 30-45 seconds on the 1st room and 7th room by doing this :)
Re: Westcliff - Crucible Guide

I never really used Summoning the dead, but I am sure it is worth a shot. I was just posting the sure way to do it :D but thanks for the input
Re: Westcliff - Crucible Guide

you shouldnt use slow time as your perfect round timer dosent slow down, but still a nice guide.
Another way to beat the troll me and my bro used is master flintlock rifles rolling on either side. it took us hardly any time. but your method is stilll good :D
Re: Westcliff - Crucible Guide

I know the round timer doesn't slow down, but the creatures do. Which makes it a lot easier.

And you use it before the round starts.
Re: Westcliff - Crucible Guide

Gotta say :rep:

I know its weird but i always take way to long with that freaking Rock Troll!! It's only like 15 seconds, but that 15 seconds wont go away!
Re: Westcliff - Crucible Guide

Just follow the troll part of the guide and it is pretty easy.

Just make sure to use the Slow time before you hit the timer.
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