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What are your thoughts on this series' black sheep? Looking for opinions and general input


Aug 10, 2022
I remember being nine years old when I first played the original Fable on my sisters' original Xbox. I'd play through it again and again enjoying the story and side quests, laughing at all the humor and being both good and evil. Fable was my first RPG and it gave me my love for the genre. I played both Fable II and III when I got a 360 from my grandparents and loved them both as well. Fable, as a whole, has just stuck with me as a series I've always fond memories of. After a long hiatus from gaming in general I got a copy of Anniversary and Fable III on Steam, only to find the third game unsupported.

A year or so later a workaround was published on the Steam community page (Though I ended up breaking it anyway by altering files and so found a cracked PC version) and replayed it. As I played through the game I noticed a lot of things I didn't when I was thirteen and playing it for the first (few) times. I had seen discussions online, through comment sections, reddit, YouTube videos, where people either adored the game or despised it. And then of course you get in the mix of people who've never played it, or skimmed a let's play on YouTube and took to skewering it as the hip thing to do. I've not been involved in gaming for a long time, but even more so I've never interacted with a community in regards to any games, as I was introverted growing up and didn't have Internet access until relatively recently.

After lurking a while I've noticed the forum isn't very active anymore, but from what I've read there's a lot of people here who really love the series and understand it. In general, I want to know what you all think. What aspects of Fable III do you enjoy most? Which ones do you think could be refined or toned down? Added to, maybe, or just cut out entirely? For myself I'll have to say the aspect of the game I enjoy most is the art style and the way the world has been constructed. Every location has a unique style to it, a beautiful and often diverse range of colors and objects in the environment that makes every location instantly recognizable to you once you've been there. Even the places that are similar in nature, such as Mistpeak and Silverpines which are both densely forested are differentiated by the weather and topology. Mistpeak is mountainous and quite vertical in places, while Silverpines has few inclines, Mistpeak is snowy compared to Silverpines appearing to be more temperate, etc. The world design of Fable III is superb and I believe to be the games' strongest attribute.

For something I think the game is lacking in it would have to be the combat. Enemy spam, constantly, ceaselessly from start to finish. In my most recent playthrough I just ended up running past all enemy encounters that weren't required for the questline. I believe it to be the weakest attribute of the game overall.
After lurking a while I've noticed the forum isn't very active anymore, but from what I've read there's a lot of people here who really love the series and understand it.

First of all welcome to the forums and thanks for taking the time to post, we do have some members still around and also a Discord group too.
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It’s not my favourite but I definitely have a soft spot for it. Every now and then I get an itch to play it, along with the others.