What happened?
I tried to apologize but it blew up in my face...
I went to Friendly's with 2 of my best friends, R and C, about a month ago and I didn't pay for any of the meal, just the tip because I had cash. This wasn't on purpose, but it wasn't on accident...completely. He (R) said he would pay for it and I would get the tip, I offered to pay more, but it would have been wierd to split the bill with 2 debit cards. A while after, another best friend, B, told me that R was upset by it because he spends his money on everyone. I have the same problem because my C and B don't have jobs which means they don't have money.
I knew how he felt, so last night I apologized to R. However, my honesty led me to tell him who told me, B. Apparently no one can keep whatever he vents about between him and the person(people) he tells. He's sick of it. He starts threatening to tell everyone what everyone else thinks about everyone else. He proceeded to tell me that C and B think I'm b!tchy and that C doesn't really like B, which is a big deal if you knew the history. I don't particularly care about any of this because we all get sick of each other sometimes.
He then decides to take a break from all of us. He leaves a status on Facebook that is mean after me writing "Sometimes it's not even worth having friends...but then I'd be lonely, and I'm cranky when I'm lonely" or something along those lines. After reading his status, I just decide to delete my facebook because I don't even do anything on it anyway. I also proceed to block and delete him from my AIM.
R just had a temper tantrum and is acting like a child in my opinion. He said he's going to revert back to how he used to be (which is a very mean, rude, and nasty person). I did not become friends with this person though, so if he's going to go through this change, I don't want anything to do with him. I don't think I did the most mature thing either, and I know that's what they're going to think as well, but they can still text me if any of them need to talk to me. I know C is going to side with R and B stays behind me in everything.
I'm not going to talk to him for a while, or until he contacts me, and I'm going to leave C alone because I know she's going to be aggravated that it happened and probably blame the whole thing on me which is not going to go over well with me if I'm correct. I'm just assuming this is going to happen so, it's all open. I don't know how to unblock a deleted friend on AIM, but I think I remember his actual screen name. I'm not going to reactivate my Facebook account because there's truly nothing to do on it. I will if you want me to tell you what his status is/was if you want.
I just don't know what to do and I know I was wrong for outing B but it wasn't even a big deal and I thought R wouldn't care...clearly I was wrong. B doesn't even care that I told him so that's okay. I just don't want to reach out because I know he's just going to slap my hand and say "no" in the meanest and harshest way he can. I guess I can update what happens with the four of us (R, B, C, and I). I just need help, I have absolutely no idea what happened here and would like to know.
I tried to apologize but it blew up in my face...
I went to Friendly's with 2 of my best friends, R and C, about a month ago and I didn't pay for any of the meal, just the tip because I had cash. This wasn't on purpose, but it wasn't on accident...completely. He (R) said he would pay for it and I would get the tip, I offered to pay more, but it would have been wierd to split the bill with 2 debit cards. A while after, another best friend, B, told me that R was upset by it because he spends his money on everyone. I have the same problem because my C and B don't have jobs which means they don't have money.
I knew how he felt, so last night I apologized to R. However, my honesty led me to tell him who told me, B. Apparently no one can keep whatever he vents about between him and the person(people) he tells. He's sick of it. He starts threatening to tell everyone what everyone else thinks about everyone else. He proceeded to tell me that C and B think I'm b!tchy and that C doesn't really like B, which is a big deal if you knew the history. I don't particularly care about any of this because we all get sick of each other sometimes.
He then decides to take a break from all of us. He leaves a status on Facebook that is mean after me writing "Sometimes it's not even worth having friends...but then I'd be lonely, and I'm cranky when I'm lonely" or something along those lines. After reading his status, I just decide to delete my facebook because I don't even do anything on it anyway. I also proceed to block and delete him from my AIM.
R just had a temper tantrum and is acting like a child in my opinion. He said he's going to revert back to how he used to be (which is a very mean, rude, and nasty person). I did not become friends with this person though, so if he's going to go through this change, I don't want anything to do with him. I don't think I did the most mature thing either, and I know that's what they're going to think as well, but they can still text me if any of them need to talk to me. I know C is going to side with R and B stays behind me in everything.
I'm not going to talk to him for a while, or until he contacts me, and I'm going to leave C alone because I know she's going to be aggravated that it happened and probably blame the whole thing on me which is not going to go over well with me if I'm correct. I'm just assuming this is going to happen so, it's all open. I don't know how to unblock a deleted friend on AIM, but I think I remember his actual screen name. I'm not going to reactivate my Facebook account because there's truly nothing to do on it. I will if you want me to tell you what his status is/was if you want.
I just don't know what to do and I know I was wrong for outing B but it wasn't even a big deal and I thought R wouldn't care...clearly I was wrong. B doesn't even care that I told him so that's okay. I just don't want to reach out because I know he's just going to slap my hand and say "no" in the meanest and harshest way he can. I guess I can update what happens with the four of us (R, B, C, and I). I just need help, I have absolutely no idea what happened here and would like to know.