Re: Which class should i be? (in TLC)
Your title has 3 parts to it. The first part (Unknown, Unsung, Famous, etc.) depends on your renown, and varies from the 8 levels. The second part depends on your skills and experience. The third depends on the title you bought, or other things you have done that cannot be bought (Paladin, Necromancer).
I'm assuming you're talking about the second title. It works this way:
Your title depends on the experience gained (Personality window, scroll to bottom). If you've gained the most in Strength, your title will be a strength title. Same goes for Skill and Magic. The next part depends on how many levels of a stat you have. So, let's say you have most experience in Strength, but your Speed is level 7, which is the highest compared to everything else. Your title will be "Hunter".
Physique - Warrior
Health - Fighter
Toughness - Barbarian
Speed - Hunter
Accuracy - Slayer
Guile - Infiltrator
Spells - Spellwarrior
Magic - Spellsword
Physique - Knight
Health - Soldier
Toughness - Bountyhunter
Speed - Scout
Accuracy - Archer
Guile - Rogue
Spells - Witchhunter
Magic - Mystic
Physique - Battle Mage
Health - Theurgist
Toughness - Sorcerer
Speed - Moonchaser
Accuracy - Seer
Guile - Warlock
Spells - Will User
Magic - Invoker
By the end of the game, you will either be Spellwarrior, Witchhunter or Will User, because there are A LOT more spells than anything else. If you want a title other than that, I suggest you get Physical Shield if you care about scars, or Enflame if you don't. But nothing else. You can't have more than 7 Levels of Spells if you want to keep away from these titles.
Personally, I am a Warrior. I don't know why, as my Physique and Health and Speed are all the same level.