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White Superiority


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
There, now that I caught your attention with that title, let me first say that I believe everyone's created equal and should be judged by the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin.


There is one thing I can't really wrap my head around:

If White Europeans weren't superior to black Africans (or beige South-Americans, or "red" native North-Americans) how come they were able to develop into such an advanced civilization that made these conquest of the others' less developed civilizations possible? There must've been something that set them apart.
Interesting, indeed.

Well, we first all started in Africa (at their hearts, everybody is black), but some people decided to go a little further. Find some more places. I think that was the first thing that triggered the eventual 'need for progress' or whatchamacallit that we inherited, because people wanted to find something new. But I'm not entirely sure about that one. Anyway: So people found new lands and at some palces decided to stay. It may very well be that those places simply were better suited for settlement that the dust fields in Africa. This also allowed for even more progress, like making ships, because there was plenty of wood. For the rest, there was an abundance of water 'n... more stuff, I guess.

But this is just a guess, I think sounds nice. Tough, I would actually like to hear some arguments about the ol' egyptians and the romans 'n those dudes.
The Egyptians do make a great case against the theory of Africa being hostile and civilizations unable to thrive there.

Something I've read/heard about is that we Europeans are actually Neanderthal/Homo Sapiens hybrids; rather than killing the Neanderthals as initially assumed, the two kinds of humans cross-bred and were assimilated into each-other. The Neanderthals were pretty much superior to Sapiens so it has always been quite puzzling how we seemingly made them extinct.

Now I don't want to argue for white superiority, as mentioned, but if we assimilated some of their seemingly superior society it could explain why Europeans were a few steps ahead.
We were lucky to survive long enough. Throughout the history you can see that many places
were attacked by civilizations which weren't looking ahead, but merely caring about a mindless
expansion throughout the world. (The Persian Empire, for example)

I just think that's normal to have populations which run tightly on their own... We were able to
develop technology, science and medicines just because we kept mixing with each other. (Wars,
commerce, conquests and etcetera)

North Africa was a haven. Egyptians, Romans, Arabs, Europeans and well everyone wanted a part
of North and South Africa, that's why they evolved throughout time. Central Africa didn't have
anything to help colonization or a little interest from the superpowers, and that's why they were

Oh, about the North American friends. Well I think diplomacy was misunderstood and I guess
Europeans couldn't share that piece of land with someone they couldn't understand properly.
Perhaps, it was for the amounts of gold, prime resources and the lack of communication between
the two continents.

Europe had its own gold age.
I'd say Europe has been pretty war-torn through-out the ages, too.
Exactly, that's why Europe advanced quickly - same goes with Asia. When Europe found China,
Korea, Japan and well - Asia back then (And now) They were a completely different culture which
evolved their own technologies with time and it can also be considered they were first in
gunpowder and explosives.

Luckily nowadays the world is either the United Nations or you're against the whole world. You
can sleep safely - as long as you are in the UN.
White people were obsessed with war. Thats why so many of us are racist it comes from an older part of the brain your colours defined you and your posistion in the world.Like a flag. We are still the same today and when we arent killing eachother we play sports to sate ourselves. Sports are the most tribal event ever thats why people go frenzy over them.

War drives the need for stronger weapons and thats the only reason we have technology today is because it can all be used to kill someone better.

People say if there was no religion there would be no wars but that is just stupid. We will use any reason to justify it.And simply God is the only reason you have when you dont have any reason.

White people are superior because of the 'divine right to rule' He whoever is willing to kill to get what he wants has the right to rule.

Another reason we are superior is the 'golden rule' Whoever has the gold makes the rules.

The greatest movie of all time is 2001 a spacer odyssesy. Most people who watch it will never understand a lick of it but it the greatest cinematic masterpiece of all time.(Literally the best movie ever created, literally)

At the start of the movie it shows the dawn of man before time existed. One apeman is given the spark of intellect and sets in motion the entire rest of history.

This movie is famous for the Hal supercomputer, an artificial intelligence that goes insane because it is told to lie. The only reason computers were invented was because it was impossible for humans to wright down and keep track of how many jews they killed in the holocaust. So the first IBM computer was invented. The computer in the movie is called HAL 9000 H>I A>B L>M.

I highly suggest anyone watch this movie almost the entire thing will fly over your head the first time you watch it I dont think I even have come to fully understand it. But there is a second one 2011 a space odyessey not as good but it clears up alittle of the storyline and helps you get a better picture.

But yeah other races of man simply arent willing enough or savage enough as white people so we will always be top dog until something more ugly comes along.

Here is the first clip this will make it perfectly clear to anyone

During the Eureka moment you will instantly recognize the soundtrack this movie has made it famous.
Another semi-insane rant by Zarkes that doesn't make a lick of sense... The one point I did get, however, I have a rebuttal for: non-white people are just as prone to war as us.

The ancient Egyptians, the ancient Aztecs (them guys in particular) were all very warlike and thrived on conquest, as did many other civilizations.
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zarkes I swear man you are like me but turned up to 11 and without the love for everyone <3

This has however, been something I've always wondered about. To save myself from hours of wondering "WHY" and eventually killing myself, I just attributed it to the hostile environment of Africa, but you've all (not you zarkes) raised some excellent points. I entertained the thought that maybe their tribes had something to do with it, but I'm not really that knowledgable in it, and I don't want to act like I am.

<3 you all

(not you zarkes)
the human race divided into different cultures which over long periods of time grew more diverse - the skin color is a result of residing in the respective region; not the culture or people themselves.
different cultures emphasize different values. a child of one race raised in the cultures of another would turn out like anyone else. if it was due to race alone, then the children of those tribes wouldn't have moved beyond simple tribe-like thinking...and yet we have figures like Martin Luther King Jr. who upstaged white people within their own society.
Let me see if I can summarize what happened.

Europeans developed a cultural philosophy known as 'Social Darwinism.' Basically, they believed that the strongest country should rule and if THEY were the strongest society, then everyone else should either die or be absorbed by them. Eventually it came to pass that anyone who wasn't white was seen as sub-human because their society was 'weaker' or less advanced than Europe.
Europe was kicking a lot of ass back then. They were the center of the civilized world. They were jerks, to be sure, but very few people could tell them they were wrong. It was a mixture of this aggressive, high handed philosophy and superior technology that allowed Europe to conquer less developed cultures and enslave/exploit them without guilt. In the minds of Europeans: if other races couldn't fight off the Europeans, then the other races were obviously inferior and deserved what they got for not being as awesome as the Europeans. Simple as that. What bunch of assholes, am I right?

The philosophy of Social Darwinism is still alive and well today... although it has been adopted on a more personal level by the common man and distorted by time. It survives in the form of misguided, hateful patriotism and also as a nameless shapeless notion in peoples heads that tells them they're better than someone else based on very ill-defined reasons. Most of us in modern times know and accept that one man from any race is much the same as another. Still, there are plenty of people who cling to an antiquated ideology without realizing it.
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I think Shadowfiend stated it perfectly. Survival of the fittest. This is also where eugenics came in from the idea of sacrificing the less desirable people from the gene pool, the same ideals that the whiteman is the best race.

The bewildering things I was stating was what makes the whiteman the fittest to survive?
But all that is irrelevant to the discussion... kinda; what made us able to develop into a civilization able to invent (and successfully put in practice) beliefs such as Social Darwinism?

That's the one thing I'm trying to nail down. Since white Europeans were able to "evolve" to the point were they easily overthrew/conquered other civilizations, they must've had some advantage; be it Neanderthal genes/customs or geographical advantages.
^I am also fond of the neanderthal gene mixing theory it would have interesting implications.

It is strange to think that European peoples seem to be the more inventive of the races.

I was watching a documentary I cant remember what but the only reason man's brain stopped growing and becoming more advanced was because it eventually just couldnt fit through a vagina.
I was watching a documentary I cant remember what but the only reason man's brain stopped growing and becoming more advanced was because it eventually just couldnt fit through a vagina.
That explains everyone's obsession about sex.
We are only human after all. Whats cool about procreation is that you are half your mother and fathers DNA, but everysingle person has foriegn bacterial DNA encoded into their DNA at inception aswell, a viral string of code. So every single person has something genetically unique only to that person and it is passed down through their offspring who also encode a new mutation.

Man is everevolving into a higher lifeform.
But all that is irrelevant to the discussion... kinda; what made us able to develop into a civilization able to invent (and successfully put in practice) beliefs such as Social Darwinism?

That's the one thing I'm trying to nail down. Since white Europeans were able to "evolve" to the point were they easily overthrew/conquered other civilizations, they must've had some advantage; be it Neanderthal genes/customs or geographical advantages.
I think it's mainly thanks to geographical advantages. And then, simply because they were able to do more, they did it.
Europe was abundant in resources and with the plague it got to happen all over again. Its hard to pinpoint a defining factor for why historically they were so well off. Luck it seems to come down too.
^I am also fond of the neanderthal gene mixing theory it would have interesting implications.

It is strange to think that European peoples seem to be the more inventive of the races.

I was watching a documentary I cant remember what but the only reason man's brain stopped growing and becoming more advanced was because it eventually just couldnt fit through a vagina.
why can't vaginas just grow bigger? :blink:
(prepares to be berated by Angel)
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