White people were obsessed with war. Thats why so many of us are racist it comes from an older part of the brain your colours defined you and your posistion in the world.Like a flag. We are still the same today and when we arent killing eachother we play sports to sate ourselves. Sports are the most tribal event ever thats why people go frenzy over them.
War drives the need for stronger weapons and thats the only reason we have technology today is because it can all be used to kill someone better.
People say if there was no religion there would be no wars but that is just stupid. We will use any reason to justify it.And simply God is the only reason you have when you dont have any reason.
White people are superior because of the 'divine right to rule' He whoever is willing to kill to get what he wants has the right to rule.
Another reason we are superior is the 'golden rule' Whoever has the gold makes the rules.
The greatest movie of all time is 2001 a spacer odyssesy. Most people who watch it will never understand a lick of it but it the greatest cinematic masterpiece of all time.(Literally the best movie ever created, literally)
At the start of the movie it shows the dawn of man before time existed. One apeman is given the spark of intellect and sets in motion the entire rest of history.
This movie is famous for the Hal supercomputer, an artificial intelligence that goes insane because it is told to lie. The only reason computers were invented was because it was impossible for humans to wright down and keep track of how many jews they killed in the holocaust. So the first IBM computer was invented. The computer in the movie is called HAL 9000 H>I A>B L>M.
I highly suggest anyone watch this movie almost the entire thing will fly over your head the first time you watch it I dont think I even have come to fully understand it. But there is a second one 2011 a space odyessey not as good but it clears up alittle of the storyline and helps you get a better picture.
But yeah other races of man simply arent willing enough or savage enough as white people so we will always be top dog until something more ugly comes along.
Here is the first clip this will make it perfectly clear to anyone
During the Eureka moment you will instantly recognize the soundtrack this movie has made it famous.