Seriously, this feels and sounds like some SNL skit come to life. This man has no business being in the presidential race, but he's in it anyway. He's a republican to the core and fully embraces his own bull manure on a daily basis, every time he opens his mouth he says all the wrong things and it doesn't even faze him. Bigotry to racism, he's done it all. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger & Ronald Reagan before him I fear his pop-culture status is what will give him that exceptional edge and that's probably what will indeed happen.
I've seen folks all over the net express how hilarious it will be for Trump to be president and will opt to vote him into office for that very reason. Really? I guess George Bush was hilarious too given all the damage he caused.
I mean what's next, Kanye West running for president? This country...
I've seen folks all over the net express how hilarious it will be for Trump to be president and will opt to vote him into office for that very reason. Really? I guess George Bush was hilarious too given all the damage he caused.
I mean what's next, Kanye West running for president? This country...