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Ehyo, sorry to bother you, but I was curious, do you still have a way to access that Fable font you've made?
You sure? Every time I try to download it I get a "The file link that you requested is not valid. Please contact link publisher or try to make a search" error. The other font seems to have disappeared completely too.
Again, so sorry to bother.
Ohh darn I’ll have to look into it when I’m off. But like I said before there are much better versions since then see if you can google any.
I have found one, in a Fable 2 site that's basically a white page with a few words and links that don't work anymore, all BUT the font one for some reason.
I'd appreciate if you could work on the one you made, when and if you want of course. I quite like it!
I am genuinely shocked and appalled at the fact that you do not follow me. I am going to submit a formal complaint to management and contact HR.

I may or may not mention the sexual harassment. Not from you. From Hermit.
Ok we're cool then, march 17 is my bday. So coming on here and the only msg is someone calling me a pervert was a downer lol.
Sorry Rummy. Happy belated birthday!

I agree with Angel. I kinda feel like the name Hermit is sorta synonymous with the running joke we had back then. When you’d make jokes about if people had wombs etc. So it’s like the name has taken on a mind if its own. So Hermit is like a old forum folk tale we tell the kids to keep them from staying out after hours or otherwise Hermit may come for their wombs...
People...have...wombs?? What new devilry is this??

Also, happy belated brothday. Yes, brothday. I have no idea why my phone autocorrects birthday to brothday, but eat your soup and smile.
Woman, why on earth are you awake? Is everyone in your house snoring too??
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I sensed your presence and I just knew I had to meet you here. <3

Seriously though - I sleep like crap and I have a headache that may or may not be Covid vaccine related.
Ahh...I didn't get the vaccine headache but I did feel like crap for a few days after mine. Weirdly my stomach was the worst thing afterwards.

How goes life, anyways?
It’s not that bad honestly. I think I’ve been lucky so far.

Lemme PM you...
Only able to play Fable TLC OG and Anniversary.
Trying to RP Bandit anyone got any ideas with FE and CB?
Finally started a thread on all of Fable’s cut quests. All the information has come from a early development build of Fable. This thread is called Quest Cards, Demon Doors and Items of Doom. Many more secrets and surprises are yet to be revealed!!!.
Now do I get a Christmas themed face mask for this year? 2020 is already shot to hell, might as well keep it festive...
Blooming 'eck! Thank you for the amazing donation! I'll get the ball rolling now and we should hopefully have the fancy padlock activated within 24 hours!
All set! My host got everything up and running sharpish. The padlock is looking right lush and should help boost our standing in the search engines. Thank you!!!!!!!!!
It was supposed to an anonymous donation but oh well! You’re very welcome. I sight this forum as the place where many of my greatest joys came from, without it I wouldn’t have Scotty or my daughter so I’ll always try to do whatever I can to help! <3
:coffee:. Make it. Make it nao. 2 sugars, milk and stir it anticlockwise.

I have spoken.