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Black Weekend



Black Weekend

Black Weekend

Luke turned on his phone, waited for service to pick up, and went to the menu screen. There, he located “Messages” and selected “Create”. Under “To:”, Luke wrote the number 256-468-2668. He hit “ok”. Under “Message:”, Luke wrote, Hey, waz^? Where do u wanna go Saturday? After hitting “ok” again, Luke selected “Send”. Then, the phone vibrated. Luke read the reply.

To: Luke
From: Jessica
Message: How about we eat at Red Lobster?

Jessica and Luke had been dating for two years now. They were intensely in love. They had met at the high school that they were now attending: Parksman High. Luke was 17, and Jessica was only a year younger. Luke would die for Jessica.
Luke texted back, Sure. Pick you up at six?
C u. Love ya bunches. Bye!
Love u, bye.

Luke turned off his cell phone. What to do now? He was bored and grounded from his Xbox 360. There was only one thing to do: sleep. So, that’s what he did. Luke laid down in his bed. He dreamt.

It was night time. Stars shone out overhead. Luke and Jessica were in a park, sitting on a bench. Luke could see Jessica’s face clearly. He could see her long, dark hair; her emerald eyes; and her perfect, full lips; and her exquisite smile, which showed Jessica’s flawless white teeth. Luke stroked Jessica’s hair, looking deep into her eyes. He felt compassion, love, hope, everything good. Things were perfect. “I’ll love you always,” Luke told Jessica. Jessica continued to smile. Then, she began to fade. Luke felt despair, agony, pain, everything bad. Jessica disappeared. She was gone.

Luke woke, cold sweat dripping down his neck. It had only been a dream! Jessica? Gone? There was no way possible. She would be with him always, and he with her. Their love would always bind them together; keep them together. Luke could not, would not, lose Jessica. Not even when Hell froze over.
Rising from his bed, Luke stretched. He looked at the clock. 4:45 pm. He had slept for two hours. Odd how it had seemed only two minutes. But Luke couldn’t complain. He felt refreshed. Yet, he would need something to do for the next five hours. Luke thought for a moment. He could read Halo: The Flood. Or he could possibly read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Oh, if only he hadn’t had his Xbox 360 taken from him! Then, Luke could’ve played Fable: The Lost Chapters. In the end, Luke picked up Halo: The Flood.
Time passed. Luke read. Eventually, the clock read 10:15 pm. It was time for bed. Luke finished the chapter he was on and marked his place. Luke set his book on his night stand. Afterward, he got under his covers and closed his eyes. He dreamt again. But not a horrid dream like the one he had had earlier. In this dream, Luke could control fire. Nothing noteworthy happened in this new dream of Luke’s.
The next morning, Luke went through his usual routine: he got up, took a ****, took a shower, got dressed, made sure his hair was perfect (it was a light brown and draped over his ears and eyes), and ate what he considered brunch. By the time Luke finished with all this, it was 12:42 pm (Luke was a late sleeper on the weekends).
The rest of the day was monotonous as well; that is, up until 5:32. Luke had to make a mad dash to his room (he had been outside, target practicing with his paintball gun) to get ready for his date. He hastily got dressed. Afterward, Luke started his car and drove to Jessica’s house.
“What took you so long?” Jessica asked mockingly as Luke opened the passengers’ seat door for her. “You’re two minutes late!” Jessica smirked.
Luke smiled back at her, “You know I’m always late.”
“Mmm-hmm…” Jessica said. She chuckled.
At 1939 hours (7:39 pm; I felt like putting down military time for fun), they arrived at Red Lobster. Amazingly, they did not have to wait long before they were seated. Once they were, Luke and Jessica placed their orders.
“So, how was your day?” Luke asked Jessica after they had gotten their meals. “Did anything interesting happen?” Jessica then began to ramble about her day. Luke listened intently.
“And, then,” Jessica said, “she was, like, ‘Here, let me wipe it off.’ My mother is such a slut!” Luke smiled. He was content. Content to sit here and listen to Jessica’s meaningless stories. Content to listen to Jessica blather about.
Eventually they finished their meal. “So, what now?” inquired Jessica.
Luke mused for a moment. “Mmm… I dunno. What do you wanna do?”
“We could go to the park and go for a walk.” Agony, pain, everything bad. Luke shook the sudden burst of emotion.
“The park? Whatever. Let’s go.” They departed from the restraint
The headlights of Luke’s car illuminated the trees of the park as he pulled in. Luke turned the car off. “Well, we’re here.”
“Thank you, Mr. Obvious.” Jessica chuckled. Luke opened his car door, got out, went to the passenger’s side, and opened the door for Jessica.
The stride in the park was a pleasant enough one. They talked about their future plans, the people they hated at school, they mocked some of their closest friends (out of love), and pretty much the same old, same old. It was just chit-chat. Nothing important, nothing special.
Jessica was laughing at a joke Luke had made, when Luke heard a rustle from behind. Instinctively, he turned his head around. Nothing. Luke dismissed it. Then, the rustle happened again. This time, Jessica heard it, too. “What was…” she began to question. Yet, before she could finish her query, the unthinkable happened. A loud bang went off. Jessica screamed. There was a thud as her body hit the ground. Luke fell on the ground as well, lying over Jessica’s body. He could feel her blood seep through his clothes. Luke felt her pulse. He cried in anguish. Tears flooded his eyes. Jessica was gone.
Luke got back up and turned around. He faced a masked figure, who camouflaged well with the darkness. Luke looked down. There lay a sharp, pointed stick. He bent down and picked it up. “I will kill you,” Luke stated darkly. Luke sprinted toward the figure. The figure raised his gun to fire. Yet Luke was too fast. He jabbed the pointy end of the stick into the figure’s ribs. Luke could hear crack as they broke. Blood spilled from the figure’s wound. The figure fell over.
Sorrow, mixed with anger, overwhelmed Luke. Gone? Jessica? But… but… “NO!!!” Luke screamed into the night. Luke took his cell phone and dialed 911. After telling the operator all the information she asked for, Luke sat down. His eyes were dry by now. He just stared at Jessica’s body. A fresh outburst of tears erupted.
Luke barely remembered hearing the sirens as the ambulance arrived. He could barely recall the trip to the hospital. Luke couldn’t recollect calling his mother to pick him up. He couldn’t call to mind going to bed and waking up the next Saturday. Life was as a dream, now. A dark, twisted, and sick dream.
Luke wanted this “dream” to end. He forced it to.

Debra, Luke’s mother, finished preparing lunch. Debra had like Jessica, was glad Luke had found her. Tragic what happened. Poor soul, Debra thought, thinking of Luke; He’s going to have a rough time coping with this. “Luke, lunch’s ready!” she shouted. Usually, there was the reply of “coming!” or “in a minute!”. But not today. Debra allowed Luke a few moments to answer. When he didn’t, she shouted again, “Luke! Lunch is ready!” Again, she waited. Again, no reply.
Debra started off to Luke’s room. She said, as she opened Luke’s door, “Luke, I said… OH GOD! LUKE! LUKE! LLUUKKE!!! GOD, NO! OH GOD!” For this was the sight she beheld: There was a rope tied to a hook in the wall. The rope had a noose. Inside the noose was Luke’s neck. Luke had hung himself. “GGOODD!!! LLUUKKE!!!” Debra burst into tears.
After her tears dried up some, Debra noticed a note clenched in Luke’s hand. She picked it up and read, I lost her. I have gone to find her.


Down with this sort of thing
Town Guard
Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Re: Black Weekend

I'm sure I've read this somewhere before....getting major deja vu here...could be wrong though...


Re: Black Weekend

I hate reading long things on this website (bad sentance spacing), screws with my eyes... But I'll say it was good anyway.


I Am Awesome
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Re: Black Weekend

Yeah me too... Looks interesting!


Re: Black Weekend

Angel;54910 said:
I'm sure I've read this somewhere before....getting major deja vu here...could be wrong though...

How could you've read it already? Unless you ninjaed your way into my room and hacked into my computer. :ninja: Or if I read it somewhere and forgot about it and it popped up into my mind. Though, I doubt it. However, I do admit it was inspired by Romeo and Juliet. What with the committing of suicide and all.


I Am Awesome
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Re: Black Weekend

Wow that was a pretty good story! I actually read it lol


I Am Awesome
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Re: Black Weekend

Yeah +Rep!