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Code Alpha Red One


Jun 28, 2009
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Code Alpha Red One

Chapter 1:

The Awakening

The ash and embers in the air floated down onto the scattered bodies of scientists, civilians and bodies of unknown soldiers that lay stiff on the cold ground. The scientists and civilians were not scattered, many lay on top of each other, slammed against a steel closed two way door, which was drenched in the thick blood of the dead, and bullet holes. It almost seemed as if they were trying to get away but nobody would open. The soldiers were in all black, had balaclavas on, with standard issue Sun, Dust Wind goggles on and each with IBH helmets. They showed no bullet wounds or punctures of any kind, only bite marks on mainly their necks or they had their necks snapped. I was in the C8YA containment room of the facility, but I had forgotten why I was here and what happened. Blood completely soaked the floor, it had been slowly dripping and falling down into the drains. I looked around, many of the buildings were on fire, the barracks, eating hall, apartments and test chamber #2. But I could tell there were more on fire, flames were in the distant. As I sat up, and came to my feet, there was a soldier who ran through a different door, just like the steel one the scientists and civilians were piled out, shortly after the soldier ran through the door closed. There are screams in the distant still, a woman's cry pierced the quiet night. I'm scared, lost and confused...​


Jun 28, 2009
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Re: Code Alpha Red One

Chapter: 2

Just A Dream

"Jackson! Jackson wake up!" I heard as my body shook and twitched under the warm covers of my rack. My eyes opened to see Ramirez in my face, gripping my cold body. I thought to myself how could I be cold when I have 3 layers of blankets over me? His eyes were glaring straight into mine. "What the hell were you dreaming about bro?" he screamed. I stretched out my arms and pushed him off me. "Doesn't matter man." I replied. "Yeah it does matter, that's the third time you've been twitching and **** in your bed, you're cold as ice yet you got 3 blankets on you! See a shrink, you freak." He slowly walked back to his table where him Allen, Joe and "Spike" were playing poker. "Spike" was a Christian, barely talked and didn't have many friends in High School or in any school at all, he wore a silver cross around his neck and kept to himself mostly, but when it was time for poker or to report to the mess hall, he was the first one there. His closest buddy here was Allen, but he wasn't completely dependent on him. Allen never really told us anything about "Spike", he didn't want to spill any secrets. Allen was a smart guy, top of his class, quarter back for his High School football team and always got the girls, but he keeps true to the one he has. Joe was the joker, always in everybody's business being rude and what not, cracking on everybody for whatever they were doing wrong. Truth is Joe messed up more than anyone here. That's only 3 of the guys in our Platoon. The rest were sleeping or in the mess hall or rec room. Just as I was about to sit down and get some food in my growling stomach, the alarm went off. It's piercing and shrieking sounds ran straight through my ear drums. "Come on Jackson! It's game time!" the guys yelled as they ran through the exit to the hangar. Everybody got dressed up in the normal gear, all black uniforms with American flags on the side, black Balaclavas and Delta Force style helmets with NVGs on them. We were the real deal, the bad boys you see in those video games, tearing stuff up, completely destroying the enemy without a fight. I grabbed my M4 Assault Rifle and dashed into the hangar, where the platoon was loading up into two separate CH-53E Super Stallion helicopters. Captain Reck was standing up in the helicopter as it was taking off. "Something strange has landed... crashed... in a field not too far from here. That's all I got, let me rephrase that.. that's all the Government is telling me." He sat back down, with a nervous look on our face, his eyes were wandering, as I looked around the helicopter everyone else had the same exact face on.​


Om nom nom nom
Jan 9, 2010
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Re: Code Alpha Red One

Sounds kind of like the black site area-51 plot but i like it keep it coming


Jun 28, 2009
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Re: Code Alpha Red One

Really? I honestly don't know what Blacksite is about, haha, played the demo when it first came out but died instantly so I don't know anything about it. xD But thanks man. I'll write more tonight or tomorrow.


Jun 28, 2009
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Re: Code Alpha Red One

Chapter: 3

Crash Site B

The ride over was long, stressful and irritating. The helicopters landed softly in the field of brown dead grass. The men, ran out quickly and silently, getting into their defensive positions. Other helicopters were landing in near by areas dropping off troops from our platoon and other divisions. Beyond the field was a small wooded area, behind that were old ruins from buildings made ages ago. The grass swayed back and forth violently as the helicopters lifted off the dry ground. Captain Reck yelled his commands "This is Delta One and Two, we've landed and are now on the move to assembly area." His words went through all of us sharply, and our feet were moving again. Dashing through the field we could see the other divisions and platoons doing the same. We had no idea what to expect... but we already knew something wasn't right. The wooded area was not think at all, and within no time we had reached the ruins. It was a two layer complex, there were outside stairs that led to the second floor, and doorways leading to the first floor, where we could see 50 caliber machine guns set up in windows. On the second floor, there was Maj. Ryker with his binoculars, and his 20 some men walking around and patrolling the area. Captain Reck told us to do the same, as he walked over to Maj. Ryker, who automatically said "I don't give a **** who told you what, you refer to this place as Crash Site B", we all looked out the windows in awe... a flying saucer, a disc shaped object was half way into the ground not too far out, fire was spread around it, and electricity was pulsing through it, every once in a while it made an odd moan. In the corner was one of Ryker's men, on a stretcher, twitching and shrieking like a mad man, throwing up blood and puke every five minutes as men tried to calm him. Reck asked what was wrong with him and Ryker only said "He touched the damn thing." This was going to be a bad day.​


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2009
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Re: Code Alpha Red One

Wow, this is awesome. I need you to write more, and I can't see the picture.

Write more.



Jun 28, 2009
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Re: Code Alpha Red One

Chapter: 4

Origin of Hell on Earth

Reck looked deep into Ryker's eyes and replied back with "Sir, you lost me.. he touched the ship .. disc piece of **** and it's causing his body to vomit blood and puke? I'm sorry sir, but if this is Crash Site B where is Crash Site A and what the hell is going on?" Ryker stared back with an irritated look. "You're asking me as if I know." Reck didn't know what to do, so we left him and Ryker alone. We looked around and didn't see Joe anywhere, nobody knew. We heard his maniac laughter and looked out to the field and courtyard of the building where the saucer lay, he was dancing around the grass, poking the object with his rifle. Dumbass. He looked up at us and winked, then touched the saucer before any of us could tell him not to. He just dropped... just dropped right down onto the ground like he had been knocked over the head with a 2x4. We rushed down the stairs to get him up but as we entered the doorway to the courtyard, Ryker's men shoved us back and drew their guns at us. Ramirez had slipped through, and ran to get him. But Cpl. Washington's squad had arrived, they don't **** around. Pvt. Swift dashed across the yard and tackled Ramirez before he could get near the UFO. Swift was a ex- Army Ranger, ex-Force Recon Marine and a true Rambo. Washington's whole squad was like that. ****ing crazy. "Spike" was the same as them. Joe was twitching on the ground next to the UFO, throwing up blood just like Ryker's man upstairs. What the hell was happening. Right before the medics were about to grab Joe Pvt. Smith yelled from upstairs "Don't touch him!" We looked up at them, Cpl. Alec was bleeding from the eyes, and his skin was falling off, Alec was the only man who had touched Ryker's man who touched the UFO. Ryker's man, Pvt. Wellington, had completely changed his facial features.. his skin had darkened, and he dashed towards his friends with shrieking cries and moans, trying to gnaw at their necks. Smith put an M4 round right through his head, then another into Cpl. Alec's head. As Swift saw what was going on he noticed Ramirez had gotten away and helped Joe, he shot them both without remorse or regrets. What is going on? I can't explain what just happened here today....​


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2009
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Re: Code Alpha Red One

Slightly confusing, if you ask me.


Jun 28, 2009
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Re: Code Alpha Red One

In short terms, more and more squads are showing up at the scene. If anyone touches the crashed UFO, they get infected with something and black out for x amount of time. Their physical features then begin to change as they vomit and throw up blood, anyone who comes in contact with them also gets infected. The soldiers shoot the other 4 infected soldiers.