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How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)



How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)

As you all know, it's no fun to be old in Fable. If you want to hold on to your youth and max out all of you skills very early in the game this method is probably the best. Also, it only takes 1.5 to 2 hours of repetitive killing so its the fastest I know of. :D

Note: If you didn't know, you age .7 years for every stat you lvl so its necessary to lvl them ALL in order to permenently make you young.

This beginning section tells explains how to get 20 keys to unlock the chest in the guild (gives a mace with an xp augmentation on it that increases xp gained by 20% i think):
For starters, play the games like normal until you get the the Hobbe Cave quest. After taking the quest go to the Rose cottage and dig up the silver key in the flower ring by the old ladies house. Talk to old hag then enter the hobbe cave. In the final room where you save the boy, there's another key to dig up in the North part in the middle of a ring of mushrooms. That makes 2 keys. Hero save then load the save you just made. You'll start back in front of the rose cottage with the 2 keys you found and can repeat the process until you have 20 keys (there's also a will elixer you can keep getting in one of the rooms in the hobbe cave). You can now get the mace from the hero's guild chest. At this point be sure to put a point into the summon spell, a few points in the physical shield spell, and a point in the slow time spell.

Now that you have the weapon needed, keep playing the game until you are given the quest to Find the Archeologist. Here comes the part where you gain experience REALLY fast. Stock up on as many mana potions as you can get your hands on then go back to the Hobbe Cave. Keep your physical shield on at all times and start killing the hobbes. Travel back and forth between the first room you come to and the main chamber down the stairs from the first room and kill everything in your way while keeping your shield and watching your mana bar. Now HERE IS THE KICKER! Your multiplier should get as high as 21-22 and average around 17-18. Your summon spell gives you 3 will points evertime you use it. 3 * 18 = 54. Thats 54 will points evertime you cast summon. So SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM that summon spell. When you multiplier gets really high (over 20) you can use slow time to give you a big burst of will points because it awards 28 times whatever your multiplier is (this is not as mana effiecient as summon but hey, you have a ton of mana pots right?). They key to this is to hit that summon spell as often as you possible can.

I did this for about 30-45 minutes and got around 120k general points, 30k strength points and over 250k will points. You need to allocate your xp carefully to minimize the amount of time you spend killing hobbes. Don't use your general points for anything but skill abilities utill your skill is maxed out. This helps because you dont get any skill points in this method. After that is done, start using general points on nothing but strength abilities. You'll earn enough will points to max out all your spells without using any of you general points.

It took me 2 hours (with a couple breaks) to max out everything. Now, lets not forget the reason for all this effort....youth.

To regain your youth, spend some time to make around 70-80k gold. Be sure to SAVE YOUR GAME!! Then teleport to witchwood. This will start your "Find the Archeologist quest". Then run straight to the temple of Avo and donate all of your money, but KEEP PRESSING A AS FAST AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN for about 10 seconds just to be sure. This lets you keep your money while still reaping the rewards. You should get the Sentius mace after your first donation. Then donate 1 gold (thats right, 1) a few times and you should get the gift of youth which takes 5-10 years of your life (and you may get the title "Paladin as well :D). Check your stats to make sure you are no longer 65. If it worked, HERO save then load the game you just saved and repeat the donating process until you are the age you desire. If it didn't work load the game you saved before you teleported to wicthwood and try again.

I now have a fully max'd character who is only 18 years old.
Side effects: Blue designs all over my character which have yet to dissapear. Blue/white eyes which have yet to change. You will permanently become a will user in you statistics menu.

Sorry for the book-like length. This combines a bunch of info I have read all over forums and new ideas I came up with in a big bundle, and I'm not good at concise writing :blush: Hope it's helpful!

IRifle ProdigyI

Re: How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)

Sweet, I am going to use this. Thanks for the guide!


Re: How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)

Well written, easy to understand.

Good job +rep


Re: How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)

Cools ;)


Local Succubus
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
Re: How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)

sweet except it's in the wrong place :D


Re: How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)

Oh, sorry about that. I'm just joined the forum so I'm unfamiliar with the layout. Thanks for keepin me in check :)

Xerin Zelusa

Bandit Hero
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Re: How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)

Nice but there is a easy way my friend just use the guide in mods to make you young for ever ^_^


Illogical Process of Elimination
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
Re: How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)

I don't understand why people keep posting F2 things here. >_>

Xerin Zelusa

Bandit Hero
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Re: How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)

They dont read which fable?


Re: How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)

Tyloric;226452 said:
I don't understand why people keep posting F2 things here. >_>

If you're talking about this guide, then I believe you're incorrect, because this guide relates to Fable 1

Unless Fable 2 had a Save the Archaeologist questline


Amateur Human
Premium Legend
Jun 23, 2008
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Re: How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)

its in the right place...


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2008
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Re: How to completely max out your skills and become forever young (in under 2 hours)

balverinebard;228116 said:
its in the right place...
It is, it wasn't stupid.