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the begining of a new hero



the begining of a new hero

Much Years After the Jack of blades. A hero was born his name Claymore. Named after a legendary sword.

Claymore: Hello , father ready to teach me how to fight today?

Father: Son , how much times have we had this conversation im sending you to the guild tommaro they'll teach you .

Claymore: But father you promised i was going to stay with you.

Father: Listen you Bloody Twit , I cant take care of you anymore.

the father hits his son and threatens to kill him

Father: you better shut up boy or you might be killed tonight. , you hear me boy?

Claymore: Yes , sir

Claymore always looked up to his father though he wondered about his red aura and his horns.

------Later that night--------

Late at night he found out why he had to leave.While listening to a conversation

Assassain: Hello Boss Whats my job?

Father: Dispose of my son , that rotten bitch thinks hes going to the guild. I want you to act like maze and then kill him. Bring me his head so i know you did the job.

Assassain: Alright!

-----Next Morning-----------

Assassain: Hello , im maze the guidmasters apprentice come with me boy!

they walk out of bloodstone and to a heavily wooded area near camp crystal lake where jackson the famous albion murderor slayed his victims.

Claymore: Sir are we going the right way?

Assassain: Well fo where your going

the assassain unsheaths his sword turns around and does a blood thristy laugh.

Assassain: Haaaaaah!!!!!!

just as hes about to swing his head starts to crunch and compress spppshhhh
his head explodes Maze appears behind him.

Maze: Sorry i would have came sooner ive been watching you father lately he wanted you dead

Claymore: I know i overheard him last night

Maze: are you ready to join the heroes guild....

...............to be continued today if you want


Re: the begining of a new hero

The hero grew stronger by day and could soon conquer a pack of white balverines.

Guildmaster: Hello boy

Claymore: <bows> can i go after my father for vengence?

Guildmaster: I was hoping youd say that i left a quest card
Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Objective: Kill Jackson

Claymore: I see ill be on my way!

Claymore runs so fast that he forgets his sword.

---Camp Crystal Lake---

Claymore: Come out you *****!!!!

Thunder Strikes!

Jackson: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! who is wondering on my turf!

Claymore: It is I claymore! I've came to take your life

Jackson: Ok! Lets go bitch!

Claymore realises he forgot
his sword and teleports back to the guild

---Heroes Guild---

Claymore: I forgot my sword here

Guildmaster: Im sorry its not here the last sword ive seen today the merchant picked up from the floor its a legendary sword.

Merchant: How can i help?

Claymore: I want my sword back

Merchant: No!

Claymore: How about you give it to me?

Merchant: How about NO!

Claymores eyes lit up like a fire. His voice got more demonic

Claymore: Give me it!!! NOW!

Merchant: Im not scared I got the guards to help me

Claymore rolls his fists into a ball and knocks out the merchant.

a Guard comes

Guard: Oi!

Claymore: Turn around for a second.

Guard: ok

the guard turns around

Claymore Steals his sword back and teleports

Guard: Dammit!

The guard takes the Merchants stuff and slowy walks away.

---Camp Crystal Lake---
Jackson appears to be sleeping


Jackson Slits his throat

as blood pours out he crush's Jacksons head with a huge rock.

He finds a letter in his pocket from his dad

to Jackson

Hello, ive heard rumors my boys coming to kill you
dispose of him and get 1,000,000,000,000 coins

Sincearly - The Boss

I might continue this tonight or tommaro who likes? and please give me ideas

Cobalt Gamer

Resident miserable sod.
Aug 11, 2008
Reaction score
Re: the begining of a new hero

hmmm im torn between wether its a **** take or an actualy story, spelling needs work and the story kind of made no sense and was a little rushed but i good idea.


Re: the begining of a new hero

he became strong and powerfull.
he is now 29
Guildmaster: Hello Hero
Claymore: Hello <bows>
Claymore: Can i destroy the criminal underground and get vengance on my dad?
Guildmaster: good thing you asked i got the location of one of your fathers thugs. His names Jackson hes a known killer so you better get ready for a fight.
Claymore: Ok!
Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Objective: Kill Jackson
Claymore ill be there very soon!

---Camp Crystal Lake---
Claymore: Come out you *****!!!!!
Jackson walks slowly behind him
Claymore turns around they both lunge and parry
Jackson trips Claymore and starts to cut his left foot off
Claymore Kicks and stuns Jackson
Claymore gets ready for a slash
Jackson gets up and punches claymore down
Claymore with his sword sliding away from him has no option
Claymore casts beserk RAAAAAAAAAAA fire emerges from around him but Jackson slows time
He gets his saw and pins down Claymore hes about to slash
suddenly lightening comes from Claymores hands it stuns Jackson
Claymore cuts Jacksons back Jackson falls
Claymor picks up a rock
and screams
Claymore: Die you son of a ****ing bitch
and with that he crushes Jacksons head
....... to be continued


Re: the begining of a new hero

What Claymore found in jacksons coat was disturbing and very supiscious
To Jackson
The boys coming to you dispose him

from you know who!
Claymore: This cant be the guildmaster wants me dead
Claymore teleports back to the guild
Guildmaster: Claymore I need you to leave become a bounty hunter under the name Dark Maverick ill contact you then
Claymore: dosnt this go against what we stand for?
Guildmaster: your going undercover ********!
Claymore: where am i stationed
Guildmaster: Bowerstone the city of Albion . Now go there looking for you.
Claymore goes to bowerstone and starts a new life and gets married to a girl names Sandra and has a boy names Cutlass
a year later he recieves a letter
To: Dark Maverick
Ive heard about you i heard you killed Jackson in one punch your working for me now bring a bow with a scope and meet me ontop of City Hall.
From Twin Blade
Later on he kisses his wife and kid good bye and heads off to the roof
Twin Blade: Thank Skorm i thought you wouldnt make it
Claymore: I wouldnt miss my first job
Twin Blade: lets get to buisness i want you to kill Lady yellow
Claymore: Okay!
Claymore looks for a steady shot at her he get one he pulls the arrow back as far a possible and then shoots her head off!
in that second he places the crossbow in Twin Blades Hands and pushes him off the roof
Claymore: Look whos getting to buisness now
Claymore heads home has a sexy time with his wife and then goes to the tavern to drink
......continued im thinking of more :p


Re: the begining of a new hero

when he headed to the tavern he noticed a very awkward event a person that has blood all over them was biteing a young lady as fast as he could Claymore arrived equipped with the strongest weapon the masters claymore

Claymore: Whats going on here?
zombie:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah <runs towards Claymore
claymore stabs the zombie in its brains.
the lady died but as Claymore was leaving she got up and tryed to bite him lucky for Claymore he had his sword ready but it was too late he got toppled and was knocked out.

He awoke in his house with the doors shut and a mysterious Lady watching him.

Claymore: Where am I?

Lady: Your in your house....

Claymore: How did i get here?

Lady: Well me and Briar Rose rescued this town from a zombie infestation.

Claymore: Wheres My wife? Where my little Cutlass?

Lady: They all died last night your lucky you didnt get bite

Claymore: How do you know if my wife died? and my son?

Lady: They were with us but a group of atleast 60 ambushed us. Luckily we won and well your boy was hiding in the tavern cellar when the Bartender turned into one when he was down their.

Claymore: Noooo!!!! my family cant be dead.

Lady: They are but dont worry we can fix everything.We can rebuild

Claymore:<crying> I have to kill who ever caused this!!!!.

Lady: That would be your dad trying to kill you. He has powerfull sorcerers that watch your every move.

Claymore: I'm going to find my dad and give him a slow painfull death.

Lady: Well first work on regaining your motor skills because you really were in massive shock and may have had a stroke.

Claymore: Im leaving now.

Lady: You cant! yo-

Claymore: shhhh I must go stay here ill be back tommaro im scouting for assassains

A Bard break brought to you by ICP
Ticket please, thanks, walk through the door
Into the Halls Of Illusions, visit yours
And see what coulda and shoulda and woulda been real
But you had to **** up tha whole deal
"Lets take a walk down the hallway
It's a long way it, it takes all day!"

And when you get to tha end, you'll find a chair
With straps and chains, we slap you in there
Lock you down tight so you can't move a thread
And pull your eyelids up over your head
Cuz you're about to witness an illusionary dream
It's just to bad it ain't what it seems

You walk in and see two kids on the floor
They playin Nintendo and he's got tha high score
And sittin behind them chillin in a chair
Is your wife, when ya look, oh, you ain't there
It's some other man in the hand in hand
Now she looks so happy you don't understand
See this is an illusion, it never came true
All because of you!

Back to reality and what you're about
Your wife can't smile cuz ya knocked her teeth out
And she can't see straight from gettin hit
Cuz you're a fat ****in drunk piece of ****
But it's all good here, come have a beer
I'll break the top off it and shove it in ya ear
And you're death comes wicked painful and slow
At tha hands of MILENKO!

Great Milenko, wave your wand
Don't look now, your life is gone
This is all because of you
What you got yourself into
Great Milenko, wave your wand
Don't look now, your life is gone
This is all because of you
What you got yourself into

Look who's next it's Mr. Clark
The dirty old man from the trailer park
You got your ticket? Thanks take your coat off
And later on, why not, I'll rip your throat off

"Lets take a walk down the hallway
It's a long way it, it takes all day"

And when you get to the end you'll find a chair
You see all the blood, yeah your boy was just here
We get all different kind of people comin through
Richies, chickens and bitches just like you
In the Halls everybody gets a turn
To sit and witness your illusion before you burn

What do we have here, oh yeah, no way
It looks like your kids and they okay
Your daughter's chillin up in college top grade
And your son's a ****in doctor, phat paid
They got families and kids and it's all good
They even coach little league in the neighborhood
Is this true have ya really seen tha holy ghost?
Nah, bitch, not even close!

Back to reality your son's on crack
And your daughter's got nut stains on her back
And they both ****in smell like ****
And live in the gutter and sell crack to each other
When they were kids you'd beat em and leave em home
And even whip em with the cord on the telephone
And that reminds me man hey ya gotta call
Watch your step to Hell...it's a long fall!

Great Milenko, wave your wand
Don't look now, your life is gone
This is all because of you
What you got yourself into Great Milenko, wave your wand
Don't look now, your life is gone
This is all because of you
What you got yourself into

Ah, it's time to pack up and move to the next town
But we forgot Mr. Bigot, okay, dig it
We can't show you an illusion cuz we're all packed
But I'll still cut ya neck out, hows that?

Great Milenko, wave your wand
Don't look now, your life is gone
This is all because of you
What you got yourself into
Great Milenko, wave your wand
Don't look now, your life is gone
This is all because of you
What you got yourself into
Great Milenko, wave your wand
Don't look now, your life is gone
This is all because of you
What you got yourself into
Great Milenko, wave your wand
Don't look now, your life is gone
This is all because of you
What you got yourself into

Back... Well as Claymore continued his journey

He became more tempted to be evil But when he got to his old town of bloodstone his temptations stopped he realised his dad is now the ruler of half of albion when he was in blood stone he was stopped by two older looking assassains

Assassain: Thats the boy that if i killed i would of been a billionare

Assassain 2: Wow he shaped up to be strong

Assassain: Lets kill him

Assassain 2: tommaro we will i hve to repair my poison dagger

Assassain:Ok . Mate.

The Great hero Claymore left town immediatley after listening to that he found a horse and rode away.

Claymore is currently patching up his life hell be back tommaro and for the next month on his path to destiny.


Re: the begining of a new hero

I hate to say it, but this story has little to no structure and doesn't make a whole ton of sense. I don't know, but it's kind of a mess. Don't quit your day job...

Cobalt Gamer

Resident miserable sod.
Aug 11, 2008
Reaction score
Re: the begining of a new hero

Im afraid i have to agree, i liked the idea to begin with but it jumped from one thing to another then jumped back.

the lord hero

Re: the begining of a new hero

im a book maker and i can pubish this epic story


New Member
Nov 1, 2008
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Re: the begining of a new hero

uh? maze dies in fable 1, so how could he be alive after jack of blades? also twinblade could have died in fable 1 (depending on your choice.)


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2008
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Re: the begining of a new hero

sorry but i dont know what this is about