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The One Thing I Did Not Like About Fable III

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That Asshole Son-of-a-Bitch
Feb 3, 2010
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When I play a game, I base it on originality, and compare it to its predecessors. I do not compare it to similar games. So with Fable III, I compared it to FII and FTLC.

Characters? Improved in my look.
Areas/Exploration? Lots more better.
Combat? More fluid and quicker exchanging between weapons.
LONG Lists? Gone, but the new Sanctuary proves more problems - though I like the idea.
Interface? Looks more... better, now that we got the whole 'card' idea away from Fable II.
All other improvements? Personally, III is an improvement from II.

But now, let me get to the ONE thing I sincerely hated about Fable III, not to mention Fable II!

Childish Things. Expressions, some Side Quests... I mean seriously? Some things on there was entirely to childish for a M-Rated Game. Dancing to make friends? Flatulating in faces? Belching at people? Holding a MAN's hand? Chicken dancing? The plays? Some dialogue and voices?

I mean come on, we're talking about a game with violence, sex, GUNS, STD's, prostitutes, cursing, and other things... from there it looks like a badass game. The trailer, the case, the guide book even, all makes the game look like a 'man' game, something I'd look forward to kicking back and kicking ass on, blowing **** up, beating the hell out of villagers.

Actually, I did! I have kicked ass on there, blew **** up, and killed all sorts of damn people. Pretty freakin' sweet. I banged a hooker. Hell, even my first expression was cool - Shaking Hands! Something a guy would do damn it! The manliness of Walter shaking hands with Major Swift "There he is!" I was like, this is my kind of game! Slaughter wolves, bang hookers, shoot stuff, blow **** to pieces!

But oh my God, those dumbass expressions, those dumbass sidequests (only a few... like the plays... like the chickens...) they was God-awful and extremely chidlish. Why are they in here? Is that just British Humour? Do British citizens find that funny? If so, no offense, I mean I am reasonable enough to accept opinions.

Anyone else here with me? No? Yeah?


And what an impression you've made. :D
Nov 11, 2010
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Childish Things. Expressions, some Side Quests... I mean seriously? Some things on there was entirely to childish for a M-Rated Game. Dancing to make friends? Flatulating in faces? Belching at people? Holding a MAN's hand? Chicken dancing? The plays? Some dialogue and voices?
While I agree there were many childish things in the game, it was rather balanced out with the seriousness of the plot. Life isn't good unless you laugh. The Nice Expressions are pretty simple (handshake, dance, ect). It's the evil ones that are farting and such (cept in Fable 2 where it made them laugh most times. I thought, you being a guy, would have enjoyed that). And oh noes! Two guys holding hands?! Well! We can't have that in there! Those men should just go bang some hookers instead of walking around with other men because it is sooooo wrong. Would it be okay if I walk around holding my lesbian wife's hand?

I mean come on, we're talking about a game with violence, sex, GUNS, STD's, prostitutes, cursing, and other things... from there it looks like a badass game. The trailer, the case, the guide book even, all makes the game look like a 'man' game, something I'd look forward to kicking back and kicking ass on, blowing s*** up, beating the hell out of villagers.
Fable 2 and 3 had all of that. But you might want to consider that not all games are made for men (and some people don't care about 'violence, sex, GUNS, STD's, prostitutes, cursing, and other things...'). I mean, my characters screws everything on two legs (because the sex scenes make me chuckle), kills people that **** her off, and has so many STDs she should be very, very dead. Most of them, she got from the female and male prostitutes. And you can blow plenty of things up.... like the entire city.

The manliness of Walter shaking hands with Major Swift "There he is!" I was like, this is my kind of game!
I'm tempted to ruin that manliness with what my friend was saying while we watched the scene.

But oh my God, those dumbass expressions, those dumbass sidequests (only a few... like the plays... like the chickens...) they was God-awful and extremely chidlish. Why are they in here? Is that just British Humour? Do British citizens find that funny? If so, no offense, I mean I am reasonable enough to accept opinions.
Aw, you don't go up and randomly tickle and dance with your friends? I actually liked the side quests (well, most of them) and most of them got me to chuckle. Extremely childish? Not so much. The game is really 'to each their own'.


Your Future Emperor
Jul 15, 2009
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Some of the expressions seemed a little childish, yeah, but I don't mind them too much. Alright, holding hands with another men, while being a man could be somewhat odd. I don't hold the hands of my friends, we just... walk. However, I liked the quests that were around. They were silly, and I thought they were funny. Well, some of 'em at least. :p

Oh, it is indeed not a 'Man's Game'. There are enough women that play it, too. Fable is just... A Fable game.


Jul 26, 2010
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Do you have anything against two men holding hands? Because in my opinion it isnt a weird thing at all, its a thing that happends in everyday life. There are people in the world who are attracted to the same gender, but that doesnt make them any lesser then us, we all have our own differences.

As for the quests, the chicken thing seems to be Lionhead's sort of trademark in a way, in every game there's mention of a chicken in one way or another. Yes it may seem a bit childish, but its all there for a laugh. All because it has guns, prostitutes and STD's doesnt mean it can have some humour in it aswell.

Also it isnt a "Man Game", its targeted at a much wider audience then just hardcore gamers who are looking for a "Man Game". If your looking for something serious, play something like Oblivion or Gears of War.


New Member
Nov 15, 2010
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I love having the option to be silly or serious. Loved the new expressions in F3 but I think that losing the wheel - some way to choose exactly what I wanted to express - was a bummer. If the only thing that changed in F4 was going back to more choices than "good = A" or "bad = X" buttons, that'd be awesome. It'd also mean if someone didn't like a particular expression or interaction, they wouldn't have to use it.

Ollie Pop x

New Member
Dec 26, 2010
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Well, the one thing that disappointed me about Fable 3, was the lack of clothing that the game offers to players. Fable 2 had a huge selection of clothes, whereas Fable 3 only has about 12 different outfits per gender. Sad face...


Your Future Emperor
Jul 15, 2009
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Do you have anything against two men holding hands? Because in my opinion it isnt a weird thing at all, its a thing that happends in everyday life. There are people in the world who are attracted to the same gender, but that doesnt make them any lesser then us, we all have our own differences.

You're right, that men holding hands is an everyday thing, and it's not weird, if they want to. However, I haven't seen many (to none) men holding hands when they are straight. There are plenty of men, but only some of them hold hands, only when they want to. Most of the men, however, wish not to do so. I respect all of those wishes. Therefore, I think it sucks that in F3 you are forced to hold hands, even when you aren't gay. It looks so silly...


Hero Of Albion
Aug 23, 2010
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Firstly, let me say that I think that the Fable series is one of the greatest series ever made. Everything about it just contributes further to this lighthearted, comedic feat of gaming, and what you are saying completely contradicts that. If you want "a game with violence, sex, GUNS, STD's, prostitutes, cursing, and other things", go pick up GTA 4! It has all of that, and none of the "childish" things, as you describe them.

Secondly, you think that there's something wrong with holding a guy's hand? You don't think it's "manly"? Well i've got one thing to say to you; MAN UP! Seriously dude, it's a game, don't gripe about something that is so insignificant, it's not even worth mentioning. It was included into the game to incorporate homosexuality, and to enable gay players to have the same rights as heterosexual ones. Yes, sometimes you have to think about things other than yourself, and the fact that there are people who play games and are gay. And in the quests in which you have to hold a guy's hand, it's not in a "gay" way. In Aurora, you have to guide Walter when he can't see, and things to that effect. The only time other than for that kind of reason that you would have to hold a guy's hand is when you're going on a date, and if you're doing that with another guy then I don't see what you're even complaining about! And hey, guess what? Relationship Quests are optional, meaning that you have the option NOT to do them. If you don't want to have to do a Relationship Quest in which you have to take somebody somewhere, don't try to be their friend.

Lastly, "Dancing to make friends? Flatulating in faces? Belching at people? Holding a MAN's hand? Chicken dancing? The plays? Some dialogue and voices?" ARE WHAT MAKE FABLE, FABLE! Seriously, without all of the expressions, witty dialogue, funny, random side quests and often strange voices, Fable wouldn't be Fable, it would be just another game. If you don't like all of that, why are you even playing? For the violence? Smackdown Vs. Raw 2011 has violence. For the sex? GTA 4 has sex. For the guns? Gears of War 2 has guns. The list goes on and on. So why are you effectively wasting your time on this forum, and playing a game which you apparently only like HALF of? Go pick up Mass Effect and be on your way.


That Asshole Son-of-a-Bitch
Feb 3, 2010
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For those who said something about me not liking holding men's hands...

Put it this way. You and a FRIEND (a male) are going somewhere. You hold his hand all the way there. NO. THAT is what I hate. Holding Walter's hand to help him escape was fine, as it was needed. Now, if a MALE FRIEND simply followed me somewhere, that'd be fine. But did we have to go as far as holding a friends hand to take him somewhere?


And I also think humour IS good, in fact I love humour. HOWEVER with the amount of stuff they tried to make humourous in Fable III, and II, it seems very.... TOO much. Remember Fable I had humourous things in it, but not a WHOLE lot, that was fine. I like the humour yes, but it seems LionHead put WAY to many things they THOUGHT was funny (which I admit, some of it was).


And what an impression you've made. :D
Nov 11, 2010
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Put it this way. You and a FRIEND (a male) are going somewhere. You hold his hand all the way there. NO.
Yes. :O I hold their hands so we don't get lost (some of my friends would float off otherwise). They humor me most times. I know a couple of my male friends hold hands with other guys too (normally to be obnoxious, or when we are hiking and it's kinda a messy path, or when one of the girls are sad). But we're also kinda backwater here. And i think the only quest you are forced to hold hands with another male (as a male), is leading the trader through Mistpeak (besides Walter). <---I don't have good memory so there may be more. And in reality, that would be a real case. If someone is scared of being jumped by bandits (or anything else in the wild), the best way to stay together is to hold hands.

And again, hand holding isn't weird if you are a girl. We tend to do the 'connect to hands and swing arms back and forth while standing in front of each other'.

I also disliked Fable 1. I only played it because I thought it would connect with the second game more than it did.


a l'espirit libre
Dec 12, 2010
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Really? I don't really pay attention to the masculinity of my video games... i mainly like to have fun... if it's leading a man by the hand to Hobbes that will consume his flesh... so be it. Maybe grand theft auto would suit your manly needs. Theres plenty of sex and drugs there! some hookers to run over too!


a l'espirit libre
Dec 12, 2010
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That's exactly what I said. Clearly GTA would be much better for him than Fable is.
To each his own. I just hope he never gets his hopes up to high! Peter M. never really stressed STD's and orphans THAT much.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
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Holding a MAN's hand?
Hm, I recently wrote a post on this in the "Random Fable 3 rants!" topic. I think the average person's perception from here when reading this post would be to say that you're a gay-hater or something. I [I'm a gay man] don't think this makes you a gay-hater at all, actually. However, I really don't think it should bother you so much. It's understandable where the discomfort might come from, but we're in an age where we need to outgrow silly fears like that. I believe that as a guy, you shouldn't be showing such insecurities and fears like that anyways since it detracts a bit from masculinity. That and, it's only a game. Yes it's unrealistic to hold someone's hand the entire time when walking in the great outdoors over a sizable distance, but it's just a game. They only did that to make taking people with you a more interactive experience, and nothing more. It's not like they're forcing you to rip off the shirts of the male NPC's and start feeling them up or something, although since the male NPC's are so ugly anyways, I wouldn't want to do it either.

I mean come on, we're talking about a game with violence, sex, GUNS, STD's, prostitutes, cursing, and other things... from there it looks like a badass game. The trailer, the case, the guide book even, all makes the game look like a 'man' game, something I'd look forward to kicking back and kicking ass on, blowing s*** up, beating the hell out of villagers.
Well, one major goal that they're trying to encompass is that this is a game with full, real life. Real life has everything - ranging from hilarious, silly things, all the way to dark and horrible things. All there at the same time, everywhere. Cursing itself is... pretty generic and boring, and I'm not sure why it should even garner interest. As for the last part of this quote snippet about "blowing **** up, beating the hell out of villagers", if the game had only that alone, it would slant it to seem more like a teenage guy's game, rather than a "man's game", but as D3m190d said, the game has a female following too. And that doesn't make it "feminine" either - it just means that it appeals to everyone across the board, which is what I believe they're trying to do anyways.

Well, the one thing that disappointed me about Fable 3, was the lack of clothing that the game offers to players. Fable 2 had a huge selection of clothes, whereas Fable 3 only has about 12 different outfits per gender. Sad face...
Yeah, but Fable II's selection of clothing absolutely sucked. I really detested it. This game didn't have a very differently-sized selection, but at least they had some clothes that actually looked cool instead of some ugly colonial trash. But what they really need to do is bring back the kind of selection they had in Fable I days - not only was the selection large, but many of the outfits actually looked cool.

I thought, you being a guy, would have enjoyed that
I'm a guy, and I hated it. It's disgusting to me. But it's pretty funny to people 15~ish and under I guess, so I can understand why they'd give that option for use to appeal to all senses of humour and personality [and before anyone points it out - yes I know the game is rated M, but they know that people younger than that will end up playing it too]. I have never used that expression in any Fable game, and never will.


Your Future Emperor
Jul 15, 2009
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The very best thing that could have been done by Lionhead was make the player decide how to make people follow you. Of course, it not a requirement. I'm fine with holding hands with people that I'm married to, are dragging them to work, but I still find it weird to hold hands with regular friends. I never see people do that in real life, and if the relationships in Fable should be at least a little realistic, we should be able to choose whether or not to do something. I'm fine with how it is, though. I will respect Lionhead's every decision, until the game utterly sucks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
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The very best thing that could have been done by Lionhead was make the player decide how to make people follow you. Of course, it not a requirement. I'm fine with holding hands with people that I'm married to, are dragging them to work, but I still find it weird to hold hands with regular friends. I never see people do that in real life, and if the relationships in Fable should be at least a little realistic, we should be able to choose whether or not to do something. I'm fine with how it is, though. I will respect Lionhead's every decision, until the game utterly sucks.
It is unrealistic to see that in real life. I mean really, who does that? Seeing it in a video game though didn't seem unusual to me at all, probably because it's just a fantasy world. I don't think I gave it a second thought. In the end though, I have to admit that I actually didn't like it for the fact that it limited you to only being able to have one person following you at a time [disregarding the prostitute auto-follow]. I much prefer when you could just get people to follow you by saying "FOLLOW" in a monotonic voice.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2008
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I will say this about holding hands: if I lived in a world crawling with monsters that could crush my pathetic little form with a few swipes and had to be escorted somewhere dangerous, and my escort happened to be a powerful man who borders on, if not achieves, demigod status then I would not feel at all gay or unusual having him hold my hand while we walk through that crap. Likewise, if I were the demigod individual, I would not feel at all gay providing my friend with a sense of security as we wade through the monsters by holding his hand.

That being said, my problem with it is that it limits you to one follower at a time, which takes the fun out of some things. All that aside, I miss the expression wheel and swapping spells on the fly most of all.


Your Future Emperor
Jul 15, 2009
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I will say this about holding hands: if I lived in a world crawling with monsters that could crush my pathetic little form with a few swipes and had to be escorted somewhere dangerous, and my escort happened to be a powerful man who borders on, if not achieves, demigod status then I would not feel at all gay or unusual having him hold my hand while we walk through that crap. Likewise, if I were the demigod individual, I would not feel at all gay providing my friend with a sense of security as we wade through the monsters by holding his hand.

That being said, my problem with it is that it limits you to one follower at a time, which takes the fun out of some things. All that aside, I miss the expression wheel and swapping spells on the fly most of all.

And when you take your friend to the pub (or any other fun place in the city, for that matter)? Did you still need the Hero's guiding hand, because we know that all places are filled with evil creatures, even when we don't ever see them? I don't think you need that much protection from scary beings, in a city like Brightwall, when you take someone to, uhm, check the library for some books. Unless he/she is really paranoid. o_O'


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2008
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There's really not much to do in the pubs now... speaking of which, what the hell happened to pub games? Anyway, Albion's pretty crazy, you know. It's not paranoid if they're right. Maybe they want you to hold their hand to keep the giant talking wall from eating them. :blink:

Besides, you're a celebrity. Everybody wants to touch celebrities... or something.


Your Future Emperor
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
There's really not much to do in the pubs now... speaking of which, what the hell happened to pub games? Anyway, Albion's pretty crazy, you know. It's not paranoid if they're right. Maybe they want you to hold their hand to keep the giant talking wall from eating them. :blink:

Besides, you're a celebrity. Everybody wants to touch celebrities... or something.

Yeah, but I don't want to touch them. :p They might dirty my beauitful hands I cast my Will-powers with.
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