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Definitive answer on upgrading weapons

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Nov 1, 2010
There is a lot of bad information out there about weapon upgrading and wanting a definitive answer on the matter.

I quickly worked out that contrary to what some sites say you only level up the weapon your holding when completing objectives.

The bit I cant work out is do you have to use the weapon to complete the objectives. for example sites say to get holy blast on avo lamentation you can kill 200 hollowmen using the morter but the bar doesnt seem to be increasing at all when i use morter or spells.

What I am para about is when unlocking the kick checkens 100 times objestive for another weapon i know i kicked more than 100 hcickens with the weapon on but it never seemed to complete until 5 min afterwars when in a fight so I dont know if i can trust the red bars..
after the bar fills up you have to attack with the weapon for it to upgrade...
for example killed 300 hollow men in morter, at least a hundred with spells, say 50ish with gun and about 100+ with sword and the red bar was a quarter, then i was fighting hobbes and the red bar is now over half way. plus i only have 1 love and the blessed skill didnt move and all of a sudden its showing 2.

its kinda confusing.plus sometimes people love you and some times they just become best friends and the relationship quests take a very long time and you only get 1 guild seal from it, its getting very long winded for something that should be fairly quick
Yea...the weapon upgrading can be a little...quirky at times. I know that killing hollows with the mortar doesn't help. I had two weapons with that upgrade and it did nothing. I'm pretty sure if you have a gun and sword that has the same type of upgrade, killing so and so amount that they both upgrade no matter what weapon u use. Now I can't be 100% sure on that one. I've only noticed in passing and don't remember using my other weapon. What I do know for 100% fact is that you can tell when the requirements for an upgrade is fulfilled when the text for said requirement is grayed out, then the next time you draw said weapon during combat it upgrades.
What I wanna know, is if your dog kills a baddie on the ground does it count towards the upgrade too. I can't really tell cause I'm working on the merchant's bodyguard sword and with 400 mercs to kill its hard to tell if it moves or not >.<
This isn't related to the topic but....
bler bler bler bler bler bler bler etc.

As far as im aware, you have to complete the objective by using the weapon if possible. With regard to the Avo's sword, just says kill 200 hollowmen on mine, so kill 200 of them with melee attacks using that sword and it should work. Other objectives, like "blessed" and "rightous", which require things like getting people to love you or increase your moral standing, you must have the weapon equipped to do it. As long as you keep it on you the whole time and attempt the objectives straight away if possible, it should work. I've never had any problems at least
ummm....o.0 k?

Back to the topic at hand....With the kicking 100 chickens upgrade, does it have to be 100 different chickens. Or can ya just kick the same one all over town :D
ummm....o.0 k?

Back to the topic at hand....With the kicking 100 chickens upgrade, does it have to be 100 different chickens. Or can ya just kick the same one all over town :D

You can just kick the same one.
Fun way to kill chickens, if you like that kind of thing:
Go to Aurora and outside some houses there are small pools of water. Try kicking a chicken into them. You get a nice splatter of blood when they enter the water, then they randomly appear just outside the pool of water on the ground.... DEAD
I kicked the same chicken in aurora up against a corner so he wouldnt move and it worked.

leveled up my sword and almost finished my gun. want better weapons but dreading the upgrade quests.

I have a shotgun and the quest is the 2000 score on the morter but i cant get higher than 1500, anyone have any tips for beating it?
Hah! I'll have to give that a try in aurora when i get there.

Speed speed speed. Launch a mortar then move to the next group. Don't worry if you got em all with your first hit. But its best to try and get the full group in one go. Just don't wast time picking off the stragglers. Keep in mind too that it takes time for the shell to hit, so lead your target if they are already on the move.
You have to kill 200 hollowmen with THAT weapon. I had to figure that out myself while upgrading Avo's Lamentation and the dragonstomper. Dragonstomper has you get 150 flourish kills so I thought I could do that with melee, I was wrong. Wasn't moving at all. Did the same thing with Inquisitor. I murdered like 300 villagers before I figured out I had to kill them with the actual sword.
I don't think you have to make the kills with that weapons, but it does have to be equipped. You can still use will or ranged and the kill will count for that upgrade, but it must be equipped. Hero weapons will morph regardless of whether you have them equipped or not.
I don't think you have to make the kills with that weapons, but it does have to be equipped. You can still use will or ranged and the kill will count for that upgrade, but it must be equipped. Hero weapons will morph regardless of whether you have them equipped or not.

Not sure, could be. I've actually read through the manual and it says
"To receive a legendary weapon's rewards, you must complete it's objectives with that weapon equipped. For example, the bonesmasher requires you kill 300 undead. Any you kill with other weapons will not count towards this total"

I do think it has to be with the actual weapon itself though, and not you melee or ranged one, or will. I'm sure i've noticed it not going up if i've made kills by other means. Tell you what, i shall investigate and report back shortly
Yeah, you definitely have to use the actual weapon itself. Just tried it with Avo's Lamentation. Equipped it, found lots of hollowmen, shot them all, the bar hasnt increased at all.

You have to kill the enemies with the actual weapon itself. FACT
I've been running around with the merchants bodyguard. I play alot of coop so it's perfect ^_^ So I wonder, whats so good bout this Avo's Lamenation o.0 I think i saw it in another post before.
Whats the damage and upgrades on that? I just like it. It's pretty good damage, + shock damage (which i find handy) and extra damage vs evil enemies. Dunno whether that just means all normal enemies or just the really evil ones. Thinking of giving Really Sharp Pair Of Scissors a try tho, now that i've maxed out Avo
is anyone able to explain how upgrading your hero weapons works?
is it random?
when you upgrade the legendary weapons you might get a damage bonus or electric shock.. does anyone know if you hero weapons get bonuses as they change?
is anyone able to explain how upgrading your hero weapons works?
is it random?
when you upgrade the legendary weapons you might get a damage bonus or electric shock.. does anyone know if you hero weapons get bonuses as they change?

Sorry to say your hero weapons only get bonus from road to rule. Not for morphing :'( Legendary weapon upgrades are set in stone. And can be quite nifty.

Whats the damage and upgrades on that? I just like it. It's pretty good damage, + shock damage (which i find handy) and extra damage vs evil enemies. Dunno whether that just means all normal enemies or just the really evil ones. Thinking of giving Really Sharp Pair Of Scissors a try tho, now that i've maxed out Avo

hmm 1 gold per hit (not great), 20% damage in multiplay, and the last one is 10 to damage (gotta kill 400 mercs though :'( so still working on that one. wiki says damage is 12-78 I dont' have the game up to say what its at right now.

BTW, what do you have to do to get shock damage on the Avo? I'm trying to find a sword that doesn't require me to use spells to get an elemental damage on it. I don't want my guy to get old trying to lvl a weapon >.<
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