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DLC Idea - Downfall

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Nov 7, 2010
Part 1 - Calling
You will be preforming a judgement at court when a man comes rushing in, yelling about ghosts and spirits at his home. He says that they requested for you to come to his home. His home is in Millifields, so you decide to head out. When you get there you find that it is by Hero Hill. You walk in, and there you see the Guildmaster. He is fuzzy and gray (like a ghost). He tells you to head into Bower Lake.

You find a small cave that leads into the cave systems underneath Bower Lake. There are beetles and hobbes that you have to fight through. On your way there you can find notes and papers that have been there for centuries detailing the past of the cave's. Soon you get to the room where Theresa was mainly in Fable 2. It is even more destroyed then usual. It's split right in half. On one side is the cullis gate, and the other is you. Theresa is on the otherside. She's about to tell you something until another ancient hero appears, Briar Rose. She's yelling and is very frenzied. She mentions a dark and evil creature haunting and attacking those who are dead. Not letting them rest.

Theresa then tells you that the Crawler is not gone. It's feed on the souls of the dead and harvesting them to allow itself to come back. She says it's your job to venture into the realm of the dead, and to finish it once and for all.

Part 2 - The Fallen
Theresa tells you that you need to venture into the greatest depths of the Guild, for it's the only way for you to get to the realm of the dead. You walk to the edge of your side, and jump.

You fall for a few seconds before you land in water. The water is black, cold, and thick. It's unlike anything you've ever seen. You swim forward to land where there is an ancient person. You find that it's Thunder. He tells you that what you need to do is near impossible, and that you'll need help. He explains that he and a few heroes from his time have been forming a group to fight against the Crawler. In it is he, Maze, Whisper, Briar Rose, and the Guildmaster. They're called the fallen. He explains that your father, and any other heros of the Archon bloodline do not go to the realm of the dead. They go somewhere else.

Thunder leads you to the where the resistance is holding out. It's a place that looks similar to the Necropolis in TLC. Everyone says something about what they will help with. Then Maze walks towards you and gives you Archon's Battle Armor. You have to wear it. He also gives you the legendary weapon The Harbinger.

You and rest of the heroes lead an attack on the Crawler. His holdout is a destroyed Bowerstone Castle. You go through waves of shadows. Fight five sentinels, and then the Crawler takes control of each hero. You defeat them (they fall on the ground because the Crawler was also draining their powers and energy).

Now this is the final fight with the Crawler. He changes into people you know as you fight him, but he mainly stays as the Crawler. He uses Will to summon things, minions and shadows, but he also directs at the Hero. You eventually defeat him. With all the heroes returning back they thank you and greet you for what you did. They slowly fade away. You then are teleported to the Guild. This time your next to Theresa, there she congratulates you and tells you that you still have more in store for you.

Overall you meet past heroes, go into the realm of the dead, kill the Crawler for sure, get Archon's Battle Armor and The Harbinger.
Part 1 - Calling
You will be preforming a judgement at court when a man comes rushing in, yelling about ghosts and spirits at his home. He says that they requested for you to come to his home. His home is in Millifields, so you decide to head out. When you get there you find that it is by Hero Hill. You walk in, and there you see the Guildmaster. He is fuzzy and gray (like a ghost). He tells you to head into Bower Lake.
You find a small cave that leads into the cave systems underneath Bower Lake. There are beetles and hobbes that you have to fight through. On your way there you can find notes and papers that have been there for centuries detailing the past of the cave's. Soon you get to the room where Theresa was mainly in Fable 2. It is even more destroyed then usual. It's split right in half. On one side is the cullis gate, and the other is you. Theresa is on the otherside. She's about to tell you something until another ancient hero appears, Briar Rose. She's yelling and is very frenzied. She mentions a dark and evil creature haunting and attacking those who are dead. Not letting them rest.
Theresa then tells you that the Crawler is not gone. It's feed on the souls of the dead and harvesting them to allow itself to come back. She says it's your job to venture into the realm of the dead, and to finish it once and for all.

Part 2 - The Fallen
Theresa tells you that you need to venture into the greatest depths of the Guild, for it's the only way for you to get to the realm of the dead. You walk to the edge of your side, and jump.

You fall for a few seconds before you land in water. The water is black, cold, and thick. It's unlike anything you've ever seen. You swim forward to land where there is an ancient person. You find that it's Thunder. He tells you that what you need to do is near impossible, and that you'll need help. He explains that he and a few heroes from his time have been forming a group to fight against the Crawler. In it is he, Maze, Whisper, Briar Rose, and the Guildmaster. They're called the fallen. He explains that your father, and any other heros of the Archon bloodline do not go to the realm of the dead. They go somewhere else.

Thunder leads you to the where the resistance is holding out. It's a place that looks similar to the Necropolis in TLC. Everyone says something about what they will help with. Then Maze walks towards you and gives you Archon's Battle Armor. You have to wear it. He also gives you the legendary weapon The Harbinger.

You and rest of the heroes lead an attack on the Crawler. His holdout is a destroyed Bowerstone Castle. You go through waves of shadows. Fight five sentinels, and then the Crawler takes control of each hero. You defeat them (they fall on the ground because the Crawler was also draining their powers and energy).

Now this is the final fight with the Crawler. He changes into people you know as you fight him, but he mainly stays as the Crawler. He uses Will to summon things, minions and shadows, but he also directs at the Hero. You eventually defeat him. With all the heroes returning back they thank you and greet you for what you did. They slowly fade away. You then are teleported to the Guild. This time your next to Theresa, there she congratulates you and tells you that you still have more in store for you.

Overall you meet past heroes, go into the realm of the dead, kill the Crawler for sure, get Archon's Battle Armor and The Harbinger.

After that, maybe Theresa could tell you that you inadvertently freed the crawler, or JoB/Lucien/ will come back (somehow) even more powerful than before (or some new evil; either way, some evil), and you have to build an elite order of the best fighters, sharpshots, and magisters around. After the battle is done, you have a choice; divert money from the treasury to build the new order, aptly named 'The Guild of Heroes' a grand fortress, or don't, and have it look less good/more tacky (you could add a few more judgements in there)
If you had the guild hall built on the old hero guild site, you could add the old heroes in again at some point, maybe add a few more quests, and have it all shipped as an EXPANSION PACK!
I think this is a very well thought out dlc Idea. I like the idea of being able to see the old Heroes again, while still making sense of the fact that Fable 3 takes place a good 550 some years since all the Old heroes must have died. And, fighting the Crawler again would be pretty fun. Also, seeing as how Archon's Battle Armor pwns EVERYTHING, having the ability to wear it again would be pretty sweet. This whole idea seems to me like a Lost Chapters of Fable 3 itself. You sir, have a very good idea going here. I'd download it. :)
I think that could help us rebuild the Heroes Guild, and maybe change it. The old one was corrupt, they were basically mercenaries. The new one could be worse(a terrorist organization), the same(corrupt), or a true heroes guild(good/only good heroes in the guild).
After that, maybe Theresa could tell you that you inadvertently freed the crawler, or JoB/Lucien/ will come back (somehow) even more powerful than before (or some new evil; either way, some evil), and you have to build an elite order of the best fighters, sharpshots, and magisters around. After the battle is done, you have a choice; divert money from the treasury to build the new order, aptly named 'The Guild of Heroes' a grand fortress, or don't, and have it look less good/more tacky (you could add a few more judgements in there)
If you had the guild hall built on the old hero guild site, you could add the old heroes in again at some point, maybe add a few more quests, and have it all shipped as an EXPANSION PACK!
Bringing back Crawly and Jack a third time and Lucien a second one? Yeah, no.
Bringing back Crawly and Jack a third time and Lucien a second one? Yeah, no.

I agree. Jack was the first game's main bad guy, and Lucien was the second's. It should stay that way. I see no problem bring back The Crawler, though. I mean. He's the third game's bad guy, so I don't think it would be a problem to continue to revolve the third game's storyline around destroying him.
This would just seem like a desperate attempt to bring back tons of sh*t from TLC. Sure, we all like those Heroes and everything, but if Lionhead made something like this, it would be so god damn obvious that they would just be yelling, "HERE'S SOME TLC STUFF YAY!" and there would be no quality put into it. It would be awful, and despite all the things Lionhead gets sh*t for, they are infinitely better than making something like this.

Fanboys attempt at not utilising creativity and coming up with original stuff, instead taking cues from crappy J-RPGs and using the same bosses and characters we've seeen three times already.
It doesn't matter much what we say here anyway... LH/PM is going to ruin fable anyway... he may as well take advice from us and ruin it our way.
Why do you people have to knock down the idea. it was just a brainstorm, granted i dont think JoB or Lucien will be there or even any of the previous heroes but the Crawler can certainly come back.
Why do you people have to knock down the idea. it was just a brainstorm, granted i dont think JoB or Lucien will be there or even any of the previous heroes but the Crawler can certainly come back.

Because we're sick of dumbass fanboys coming on here and talking about how cool it would be to bring back an inordinate amount of sh*t from TLC when doing so would make a terrible story and ruin the game (which Lionhead already knows).
Because we're sick of dumbass fanboys coming on here and talking about how cool it would be to bring back an inordinate amount of sh*t from TLC when doing so would make a terrible story and ruin the game (which Lionhead already knows).

You're obviously not that sick of it or you would start avoiding it. It's so pathetic when people pick on someone else for no reason, but it's even more pathetic when it's someone they don't even know. This person did nothing to elicit anger from you. You're sick of dumbass fanboys? You know what I'm sick of? Browsing through this site and seeing losers who have nothing better to do than pick fights over nothing. You must be a very unhappy person, I'm sorry.
Because we're sick of dumbass fanboys coming on here and talking about how cool it would be to bring back an inordinate amount of sh*t from TLC when doing so would make a terrible story and ruin the game (which Lionhead already knows).
if you dont like the idea then leave the thread dont troll
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Troll? Hes voicing his opinion. In case you didn't notice thats what a forum is for.
Seriously, does nobody know what trolling is anymore? Its posting something that has no objective except to **** everyone off. Hell, your trolling more than he is. Your post has seemed to **** off a few of the older members.
You want Jack of Blades, Lucien and the Crawler, replay the 3 games.

@Noelle Alexander, your new so I am going to explain it for you. This isn't the first time this has come up. Most of us have lost count of the 'Bring back joB and Lucien because I have the creative writing skills of a 5 year old' threads that have popped up. Theres loads on the fanfic forum, and they at least try to think of creative ways for Jack to come back, rather than he just comes back. So when a older member gets ****ed at a new member, this is why.
I don't want to bring Jack or Lucien back, there dead, they don't need to come back. I was just posting and idea I had that could allow you to face the Crawler again. I was also voicing my opinion. I'm sorry if I offended you Necromancer11, but still if you don't like my idea, don't post in here. Not liking this idea gave you no right to call me a dumbass fanboy.
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