But... IV is 4, and V is 5... So, you were right. If I understand what you're saying.
Oh good! I've been referencing Fable IV all over the place, when i "found out" that i was using the wrong numerals it was a dark moment to be had

Thanks! lol[/quote]
The Roman Numeral concept isn't that hard. 1 = I. 2 = two times one, so II. Follwoed by III. However, you can't have more than three of the same symbols in a row, so the V was invented, meaning 5. the 4, inbetween the to, is a 1 before the 5, so IV.
Logically, this means that 6 is VI. Thus, you can continue to 7 and 8, writing VII and VIII. But again, we can't write VIIII. So we use the symbol for the 10: X. If you paid attention, you can see that 9 is IX. Let's continue to twenty, starting with eleven:
XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX. Yes, twenty is two X's together (10+10). It's not too hard to grasp this concept, right? YOu just need to know the letters that are used, and their corresponding numbers. L for 50, C for 100, D for 500 and M f or 1000. MDXXIV means 1000+500+10+10+(5-1)=1524. The largest number you can write with this is using all the letters three times. I'm not completely sureif that's allowed, but since there's nothing greater than M, I think we are. So:
MMMDDDCCCLLLXXXVVVIII: 3(1000)+3(500)+3(100)+3(50)+3(10)+3(5)+3(1)=5003.
I hope this was clear, and that you learned something today.
Or I just thaught you stuff you already new, even though you thought you used IV and V wrong... Oh well. ^_^