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What do you play fable for?


New Member
Oct 24, 2011
The roleplaying? Action? Customization?

For instance, I play fable for the storyline, Since I've played every other fable.
Plus, I love the customization, You can be your own character, Plus they've worked on the multiplayer side by far. But it's finding people to play with? The marriage/Buisness partnership Make that ALOT more interesting/fun.

But thats just me...

Oh by the way. Does anyone actually like/Do Roleplaying?
Yeah I guess. I hope to multi-player improves as well. Like 4 people in one game. or something. And keeping the marriage/Business thing.

But they defiantly need to improve the storyline length, And maybe do something to keep the Player occupied after the player has completed the storyline. Like running their own kingdom fully. building up from a village, to a city, Fully customizable or something like that.
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My favorite games are RPG I play Fable because it gives me that thing i always wanted FREEDOM well it does have its limits its still an awesome game though.Prototype is a RPG too but you can only go around New York while in Fable you can go through the whole Kingdom Of Albion I cant wait when/if Fable IV comes out.Not the journey not some dweller they put a magical glove on but what i want is the BLOOD LINE the son or daughter or grandson or grand daughter of my Hero from fable 3

P.S If someone can answer this I would really be grateful i watched the trailer of Fable:the journey and what is that thing that is chasing Theresa I know this isnt part of the bloodline but it takes place right after the event in Fable 3 the thing chasing Theresa what was that because I killed the Crawler and that couldnt be the crawler was it the Darkness or The Dark Void which the crawler spoke of?
I played F3 for the sheer heck of seeing if it is as good as its predecessor. Unfortunately, it falls a bit short of my expectations. Still, can't complain, can't complain: it was a pretty good game (even if it really killed my Will-master career). I still play it now partly because I still like it a bit and partly because it is more fun to play than GBA ROMS played in my emulator.
Fable III was terrible, the *only* thing left to do is really find some lads to play with and "help" other people collect/kill/chase things
Mostly for the storyline, and just cuz i love to upgrade my character. I like the upgrading system in every Fable game, but I did like the one F1 the most. They kinda just seem to be dumbing it down further and further. But I still like each upgrading system. While they do dumb it down a bit, I love seeing the evolution of your weapons and all that.
I like to find out the storyline and try and link them to the other games before.^_^
I also like the idea of the games going back to the first game and linking it up with the missions you are doing .
Me? I just play Fable for the sheer entertainment. The Fable saga is probably my favourite because
a.) It lets you be who ever the hell you want? A devil with horns? No problem brother? An angel with an helo? No problem (If you don't mind sacrificing a few things as well). A family man/woman? Take your pick at Albions best selection of available spouses! A adventure loving person, who likes quick flings? Take a journey to Bloodstone (or the whore house) and just pick some ladies on the street (watch the STD's though ^_^). The ONLY thing I wish it let you do? Be evil and STILL look good. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the red skin and horns... but my bed fellows don't, neither do the villagers, and I do like it when people don't spit at me in Bowerstone or what not!
b.) Customization. Dyes, cloths, hair... Sweeeet!
c.) Storyline. Whenever I make a new character, be it any Fable, I like to think about my previous character (and this is where the fun with Fable I begins, I can just be who ever I want) and do what they would like me to do, following the footsteps of the family, y'know! And I just generally like the storyline of every game. But sometimes I feel like the only one who likes Fable III, with people saying it is terrible... While I agree that it is lacking something, I like the fact I can either save Albion or let them rot in hell. :devil:
d.) Action!!! Though sometimes it is annoying to just take a stroll near Bowerstone and then a mob of bandits or shadow-ninja-fighter-something attacks you. I mean.... Every single freakin' time!
e.) Role-play... :lol:
I was actually pretty surprised with Fable 3. I beat the first one and played through quite a bit of the second one, but only recently played the third. I didn't expect a whole lot going in to it, but am having a lot of fun so far! The co-op works relatively well, although I am sure the next installment will be even more polished, and the story line and side-quests are pretty interesting. I like the idea that you can upgrade your weapons by meeting special requirements and the capability to customize your avatar.
I guess overall, I play it for the gameplay and multiplayer mostly, but am enjoying the storyline almost as much!
My story is alot sadder then most.. I play Fable because I get sick of my own life, and I need a place to escape, and it just so happens (Gaming) Fable is one of those places where I can leave everything behind and get lost in my own world..

And its a great game, well Fable I and Fable II are..
i love the world that Fable creates. I seem to be part of the minority that actually really likes Fable 3 but i have to say, i can't wait to see what happens next
I personally play for personalisation and how events can change depending on your actions in the world, enjoy games, but sometimes it can be boring with the linear nature of games - one way to play it, everyone plays it the same, like games such as fable that can have alternative endings or story. Additionally - guns(or crossbow) magic swords - good combination to have in any game XD
I play it for S**ts and Giggles. atleast the third one anyway. The first one I played because I loved it since I first played it... That old chesnut.