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What are some of your Pet Peeves?


driftin' along.
Town Guard
Feb 8, 2007
Another thread where we all get to know just a little bit more about each other. =]

One of my bigger issues in day-to-day living is when I talk to people and I seem to be doing rather well paying attention, but then my mind wanders for like 1-2 seconds and just like that... I completely forget everything that person had said and I then have to ask them to repeat it. They usually respond with enormous sighs, head shakes, frustration, or flat out giving up on the conversation altogether. Tempting to blame my ADHD, I wish I was better at paying attention because the aftermath really annoys me.

Some other annoyances that I can't avoid bumping into:

1. People who blast their obnoxious music from their cars and garages thinking everyone has a burning desire to hear it. It doesn't make you a badass or the cool guy on the block, it only makes you look like a knob-end with an ass-filled taste in music.
2. Those who constantly use the words "fa**ot" and "ni**er" with zero restraint because the words are apparently "fun to say" without even a care in the world for what they even mean.
3. When someone is flippity flapping on their phone or texting while driving, potentially getting someone else hurt or killed because the conversation they were having was far more fascinating.
4. When someone tells you to do something and you were already going to do it, so then you end up looking foolish or inconsiderate because of it.
5. When you let somebody borrow something, but when you want it back they have every excuse in the book for why they can't. That and they eventually magically disappear from existence.
  1. People telling me to do something as I was just about to do them, making it seem as if I have no initiative.
  2. My complete inability to find a happy medium between nightly drinking/fun times and sleep (Such as now)
  3. When people tell me I should watch or listen to certain things, specifically if the show has hour long episodes, I have so much I already enjoy doing and so little time to do it in that I honestly don't have time to throw in their stuff even if it does seem good; but then I feel like an ass when I haven't watched it by the next time they mention it.
More to come when I think of them.
All very relatable.

One I got hit with today was being asked how to do something and ending up doing it myself. Someone called early this morning asking how to get a video on a disc, elaborating that she already had a cd in the computer, and later adding that the video is on Youtube. This phone call woke me up on a Sunday, by the way. Many instructions, explanations and facepalms later I burn the video onto a dvd and call her back asking where she needs it, because she said it was important and time-sensitive. "I'll pick it up tomorrow." Woman, are you ****ting me?

People failing to observe the glass houses principle. I am criticized for drinking schnapps (referred to in this conversation as "hard liquor") on a Sunday by a neighbor who puts away the equivalent of a case of beer every day, even Sunday, a tallboy at a time, and often driving back to the store for seconds. Anyone who drinks schnapps can tell you that a couple shots on the weekend is seriously lightweight. But sure, I'm the sinner here.

A recent one that I've developed is having to explain commonplace things. In conversations here I can sometimes feel like a time traveler. Some exaggerated examples would be "roads, flat paved things that you can drive on so your car doesn't fall to pieces," or "you know, internet, that thing Al Gore invented between pants and global warming." Real examples are like in the first pet peeve I mentioned, trying to explain the million ways you can show people a video on Youtube that don't involve a dvd. Who still uses those anyway?

Of course I imagine the reverse is also true. If I were older I'd probably scorn the thought of explaining to someone that people used to burn mix cds and that these were actually gifts of affection and not just shiny frisbees.
My biggest pet peeve is that guttural clicking noise people make when they're looking for a sniff.
If I were older I'd probably scorn the thought of explaining to someone that people used to burn mix cds and that these were actually gifts of affection and not just shiny frisbees

I wish I still lived in an age where mix CDs were still a way of showing affection. If only I had been born 10 years earlier...

1. People who blast their obnoxious music from their cars and garages thinking everyone has a burning desire to hear it. It doesn't make you a badass or the cool guy on the block, it only makes you look like a knob-end with an ass-filled taste in music.

I must admit, I am guilty of the above. Only in a moving car, mind, but if you're having a great time with friends, sometimes turning up the music just makes it more enjoyable. That said, because of this I find it easier to stand it when the same is happening to me because of this, as I just imagine that the annoyance I'm getting from hearing someone else's loud music is less intense than the happiness that they're getting from it.

The pet peeve that comes to mind most immediately is passive aggression; I absolutely despise it. I have literally no respect for people who are malicious enough to want to cause another person to feel bad, without even the balls or the common decency to do it directly - if you tone down your arseholery so you can be an arsehole without people calling you out on it, you are, in my mind, a larger arsehole than the man who is blunt and direct.
1. When I'm doing something and someone tells me something else that needs doing. I have no problem doing thing 2, but maintaining a mental list of things is downright strenuous for me when I'm trying to focus. I completely blame ADHD for this. I live my life with 1 GB of RAM, folks.
2. Any sounds at all when I'm trying to focus. If I'm taking notes for class and you drop a pin, it's going to completely throw off my train of thought; something that can take minutes to get back.
3. When people don't tip generously. It's several dollars. You could afford the meal. If we all tipped just a little generously, servers and delivery drivers would be so much better off. There is a standard tip, but with so many cheap skates out there, why don't we put in some minimal effort to offset the average.
4. People who don't clean up after themselves in movie theaters. The trash is literally on the way out. Come on.
5. People who drive drunk. You are reckless and not even thinking about the people who love you. Oh, you say you do it all the time and never crash? I guess you've made stupidity and recklessness part of your lifestyle. Murphy's Law.
6. When someone asks me to do something, and then proceeds to tell me how it should be done. I guess this mostly applies when they start calling out instructions to me in the middle of the act. If I'm not your employee, I'm not going to listen.
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1. When someone asks me if i know a place and i tell them yes. and then they call someone else and asks them about where that place is while i am taking them there.
2. When people ask me to do something because they don't know how to do it. and then keeps asking me if i am done. and give me suggestion of how i should do it.
3. people who wait till the last moment to throw everything in my face and expect me to bow and say "As you wish my lord"
4. People who eat with thier mouth open and make loud numming sounds.

and this

When someone is flippity flapping on their phone or texting while driving, potentially getting someone else hurt or killed because the conversation they were having was far more fascinating.
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Yeah I'm gonna add procrastination to my list. ****.

Oh, and Tumblr gifs. Those aggravating gifs, with their terrible filters and 2 second animations that completely ruin the humor that was meant to be had.
  1. When people tell me I should watch or listen to certain things, specifically if the show has hour long episodes, I have so much I already enjoy doing and so little time to do it in that I honestly don't have time to throw in their stuff even if it does seem good; but then I feel like an ass when I haven't watched it by the next time they mention it.
I'm gonna recommend some Breaking Bad though, quite a fantastic show if you haven't gotten into it yet already. Absolutely mint. Also don't forget about that new Dragon Ball Z movie.... just as a reminder. =]
All very relatable.

One I got hit with today was being asked how to do something and ending up doing it myself. Someone called early this morning asking how to get a video on a disc, elaborating that she already had a cd in the computer, and later adding that the video is on Youtube. This phone call woke me up on a Sunday, by the way. Many instructions, explanations and facepalms later I burn the video onto a dvd and call her back asking where she needs it, because she said it was important and time-sensitive. "I'll pick it up tomorrow." Woman, are you ****ting me?
I used to deal with this on a daily basis with my dad, to add some salt to the wound he still refers to CDs and DVDs as "tapes". He would forget my instructions every following day, I wrote it on a paper then he lost the paper, eventually 2 years later he ends up figuring it all out himself. So now he can happily record his Youtube videos to his tapes.
Precicpice said:
people used to burn mix cds and that these were actually gifts of affection and not just shiny frisbees.
I actually still do that for my mother... but now I suddenly feel really old for it.
My biggest pet peeve is that guttural clicking noise people make when they're looking for a sniff.
Clickin' noises? And a sniff of what? I'm almost afraid to ask what exactly you're referring to here Zarkie.
I must admit, I am guilty of the above. Only in a moving car, mind, but if you're having a great time with friends, sometimes turning up the music just makes it more enjoyable. That said, because of this I find it easier to stand it when the same is happening to me because of this, as I just imagine that the annoyance I'm getting from hearing someone else's loud music is less intense than the happiness that they're getting from it.

The pet peeve that comes to mind most immediately is passive aggression; I absolutely despise it. I have literally no respect for people who are malicious enough to want to cause another person to feel bad, without even the balls or the common decency to do it directly - if you tone down your arseholery so you can be an arsehole without people calling you out on it, you are, in my mind, a larger arsehole than the man who is blunt and direct.
If we're talking a group of mates just moshing in their car to music collectively, I'm okay with it. Kinda fun to watch sometimes. But I'm more against that one single guy, slouched in the seat, one arm on the wheel the other hanging out the window, volume up to 11 and zero ****s being given. Bonus heel points when they stop at a cross walk, roll the passenger window down and turn it up even louder. Just, why?

Also, amen on the passive aggressiveness.
1. When I'm doing something and someone tells me something else that needs doing. I have no problem doing thing 2, but maintaining a mental list of things is downright strenuous for me when I'm trying to focus. I completely blame ADHD for this. I live my life with 1 GB of RAM, folks.
2. Any sounds at all when I'm trying to focus. If I'm taking notes for class and you drop a pin, it's going to completely throw off my train of thought; something that can take minutes to get back.
3. When people don't tip generously. It's several dollars. You could afford the meal. If we all tipped just a little generously, servers and delivery drivers would be so much better off. There is a standard tip, but with so many cheap skates out there, why don't we put in some minimal effort to offset the average.
4. People who don't clean up after themselves in movie theaters. The trash is literally on the way out. Come on.
5. People who drive drunk. You are reckless and not even thinking about the people who love you. Oh, you say you do it all the time and never crash? I guess you've made stupidity and recklessness part of your lifestyle. Murphy's Law.
6. When someone asks me to do something, and then proceeds to tell me how it should be done. I guess this mostly applies when they start calling out instructions to me in the middle of the act. If I'm not your employee, I'm not going to listen.
I'm sadly rather guilty of 3 & 6. For 3 it's especially when the person to be tipped takes out their bad day on the customer with impatience, lip smacking, and "Sigh, no, sorry, we're outta those". But I still try tip when they've been nice, sometimes the meal is all I'm able to afford though. As for 6, I've done it a few times with my dad with his standard response being "*stops what he's doing and gives the look* You wanna come up here and do this?" Hey I'm just tryin' to help.

Also, I'm mad that a lot of drunk drivers appear to be seemingly invincible while the person(s) they hit were much less fortunate. Worst yet when they fail to learn from it.
1. When someone asks me if i know a place and i tell them yes. and then they call someone else and asks them about where that place is while i am taking them there.
Yeah I hate it when people do that too. On the flipside however, I'm also guilty of similar with my fiance. I'll ask her a question about something and she'll actually give me the correct answer 90% of the time... but I'll look it up anyway just to be sure. Then I receive a stern talking to afterwards. I really gotta stop doing that.
I actually still do that for my mother... but now I suddenly feel really old for it.
I'm sorry. Sorry enough to invoke the use of an emote. I meant no harm with it, promise. :(
Although I do think that's a sweet thing to do for your mother. Mom's still got a cd player in her car, but she's already got burning cds on lock and her taste in music is hard to decrypt so any Mother's Day potential is lost there.

Also, I'm mad that a lot of drunk drivers appear to be seemingly invincible while the person(s) they hit were much less fortunate. Worst yet when they fail to learn from it.
Then you might share my rage at that girl who livestreamed her drunk drive home. Fortunately, cops got her without incident. No one had to watch a livestreamed vehicular manslaughter.

Yeah I hate it when people do that too. On the flipside however, I'm also guilty of similar with my fiance. I'll ask her a question about something and she'll actually give me the correct answer 90% of the time... but I'll look it up anyway just to be sure. Then I receive a stern talking to afterwards. I really gotta stop doing that.
How's your memory? Prec's protip for staying out of the doghouse is to either look it up without asking or ask and look it up to confirm later on (provided you still remember what it was by that point; I almost always forget).

Edit: Adding a pet peeve.

I can't look outside my bedroom window at night because of a blinding multicolor display typical of Christmas. I like Christmas, I like Christmas lights, but it's ****ing October. Same issue with those people who think June 30th or somewhere around December 20th is the time to shoot off fireworks, or Thanksgiving decorations everywhere pre-Halloween. I can only handle one holiday at a time, and only at the designated time.
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Clickin' noises? And a sniff of what? I'm almost afraid to ask what exactly you're referring to here Zarkie.
Zarkie, I LOVE that!
I'm just referring to when people are in general rude, a good hypothetical would be sitting down with your friends at a poker game, and someone blows cigar smoke in your ladies face. A person could have a serious character flaw, that's okay we're all human but it's those tiny little things that can get under your skin and make your blood boil.
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Just recalled another annoyance... White knights..

Specifically those white-knighting social justice warriors of the internet. Look I'm all for fighting against oppression, but these people manage to do it in the most non-constructive and unhelpful ways possible. And if they fail to get their point across in a civil manner they quickly resort to petty insults and cry foul with sexism, racism, and all other forms of discrimination. Even when none of such is present. If you can't make a constructive and meaningful argument, then just save yourself and everyone else the trouble. Please.
I'm sorry. Sorry enough to invoke the use of an emote. I meant no harm with it, promise. :(
Although I do think that's a sweet thing to do for your mother. Mom's still got a cd player in her car, but she's already got burning cds on lock and her taste in music is hard to decrypt so any Mother's Day potential is lost there.
Hah, nothing to apologize for. Just I genuinely thought people still did that these days, surprised they don't. It can be pretty fun to do sometimes especially as I'm going through my collection for her and I end up stumbling across a song I totally forgot I had. My mom never asks for much, nor wants a lot, so yeah.
Precipice said:
Then you might share my rage at that girl who livestreamed her drunk drive home. Fortunately, cops got her without incident. No one had to watch a livestreamed vehicular manslaughter.
Oh yeah I read about that one, "I'm driving home drunk, lets see if I get a DUI" or you know, getting DOA like that other guy. There was a rapper named Ervin McKinness that tweeted "YOLO" while drunk driving, then lost control of his car seconds later and died. Yup, nail'd it.
Precipice said:
How's your memory? Prec's protip for staying out of the doghouse is to either look it up without asking or ask and look it up to confirm later on (provided you still remember what it was by that point; I almost always forget).
My memory kinda sucks, case in point with my opening post. I try to help it but it's that curiosity of it I guess "What if she's wrong? she was pretty wrong that one time... No, God dammit I have to be sure." I'll keep that tip.
Precipice said:
Edit: Adding a pet peeve.

I can't look outside my bedroom window at night because of a blinding multicolor display typical of Christmas. I like Christmas, I like Christmas lights, but it's ****ing October. Same issue with those people who think June 30th or somewhere around December 20th is the time to shoot off fireworks, or Thanksgiving decorations everywhere pre-Halloween. I can only handle one holiday at a time, and only at the designated time.
I forgot about when people do that. There's a couple neighbors on my street that celebrate each major holiday 2 months in advance. I get why, the holiday decor makes for nice atmosphere and it just feels good... but at least make a conscious effort. If you're going to have a snowman on your lawn during Halloween then at least make it a murderous snowman or something. Really messes my head when I already don't know what day it is.
Zarkie, I LOVE that!
I'm just referring to when people are in general rude, a good hypothetical would be sitting down with your friends at a poker game, and someone blows cigar smoke in your ladies face. A person could have a serious character flaw, that's okay we're all human but it's those tiny little things that can get under your skin and make your blood boil.
Ah I getcha, yeah. I hate it when people do stuff like that and worse yet is when they're aware they're doing it, hell they'll even apologize for it but still manage to do it again. There's character flaws and then there's just being a plain ol' knobhead.
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Duck face selfies.

Selfies where you get some moron with an iphone standing in front of a mirror so you just get the image of them pouting at their phone at a mirror.

My teenage daughter's endless selfies which then get me in trouble with more senior members of the family who think I'm her pimp now or something thanks to all the frigging make-up she wears for said selfies.

Selfies in general.

People who walk along with their stupid music blaring out from their phone, of all things, and not even realising that what they are inflicting upon everybody else isn't even recent, let alone pleasant.

Kids who think their generation discovered trance/house/rave etc. Hell no, darling. I was clubbing to that shizzle before you were a twinkle in your teenage mother's WKD-addled mind.

Bus drivers - they got attitude. I don't even know why. Your career choice, honey.

People who feel the need to give parenting advice whilst you are busy juggling shopping bags, escaping 4 year old and 6 year old autistic in meltdown. Yeah, thanks for that love - I'll just "keep them all under control", shall I?

Passive aggressive parenting advice - like when someone says something dumb like, "if that was MY kid, I'd do this or that - SOME parents are just not cut out for it". Or, my personal favourite, the morons on social media who have no kids of their own but seem to know EVERYTHING about raising the little blighters and claim it's not hard and certainly not to be considered a job. Screw you.

A very regular thing I come up against is, unsurprisingly, the dirty looks and sotto voce comments that come from people who see my disabled children and feel an irrepressible need to comment rudely, stare or pull their kids away from mine in case neurological, developmental and behavioural disorders are viral.

Other people.
PPI claims callers.

At the risk of sounding like a financial snob here, I have never had a loan, never borrowed money and have neither credit card nor overdraft. No store credit, no mortgage, no hire purchase agreements - I am simply not in any debt in any way, shape or form. Unless Tesco freaking Clubcard offer sneaky PPI, chances are I am owed nothing.

But they do not. Stop. Calling.
People who eat sandwiches and Pizza with a fork and knife.
Not offended by you, or trying to start something but I do want to speak on behalf of people like me:
The way my mouth is structured, I have a 1/2 inch gap between my bottom jaw and upper jaw in the front, only my molars and wisdom teeth touch each other. When I bite into most foods, especially sandwiches (Because of the many layers) I essentially have to use my tongue as a replacement for my bottom teeth; pushing my tongue up and ripping at my sandwich; and hopefully not tear some of the food out of the sandwich (Forcing me to reconstruct it.) As you can imagine it makes my mouth very tired, so whenever possible I eat my pizza, sandwiches, burgers, etc with a knife and fork; I can't eat chicken wings or ribs, so I have to go boneless. It REALLY sucks, but corrective surgery would cost thousands, and my jaw would be wired shut for several days which takes me out of work.

  • Storyline retcons
  • Life choices
  • The fact that if my daughter had her way, her diet would be 70% chocolate and 30% Swedish Fish.
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Not offended by you, or trying to start something but I do want to speak on behalf of people like me:
The way my mouth is structured, I have a 1/2 inch gap between my bottom jaw and upper jaw in the front, only my molars and wisdom teeth touch each other. When I bite into most foods, especially sandwiches (Because of the many layers) I essentially have to use my tongue as a replacement for my bottom teeth; pushing my tongue up and ripping at my sandwich; and hopefully not tear some of the food out of the sandwich (Forcing me to reconstruct it.) As you can imagine it makes my mouth very tired, so whenever possible I eat my pizza, sandwiches, burgers, etc with a knife and fork; I can't eat chicken wings or ribs, so I have to go boneless. It REALLY sucks, but corrective surgery would cost thousands, and my jaw would be wired shut for several days which takes me out of work.

  • Storyline retcons
  • Life choices
  • The fact that if my daughter had her way, her diet would be 70% chocolate and 30% Swedish Fish.
Sorry didn't mean to be offending.
Sorry didn't mean to be offending.
I don't think he's offended, specifically because of this:
Not offended by you, or trying to start something

A few of us, I think, are guilty of at least one of the listed pet peeves here. But I'm glad you posted this because it brings me to another pet peeve of mine.

This one's a twofer. People who talk about things they don't like, can't stand, in front of someone who incidentally is guilty of this. That's not one of the peeves. That's perfectly fine.

The first peeve is when the person who fits the complaint says "hey, I do that" and the other either eats all his words apologetically (don't do this) or doubles down and reaffirms his statements (definitely don't do this). Better to just say "hey man, we're good, no worries, I won't unfriend you on Facebook for using a fork to eat your sandwiches."

The second peeve is when a person takes genuine offense over something that has no malice, no ill intent whatsoever. It's a disproportionate response; getting flustered over nothing makes zero sense to me. Save that flustering for when someone is legit trying to upset you, like when they double down and reaffirm a comment that bugs you.
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