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i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
I am here. 14 cases yesterday in my county, my sister is overseas. My city is shutdown, completely desolate. How is everyone doing? I hope you are well.
I'd say the biggest concern is fear itself.

I receive daily updates on the events in my city/county, as well as the city and county of where I work, and my state. I've been very fortunate to live in a community and work for a company that have both been incredible in a time like this. I've posted it on physical bulletin boards so I might as well do so here too: If anyone's in the San Antonio or Austin, TX metro areas and in need of anything, I've got plenty of most things, just message me here or on Reddit and I'll see you in a bit.
The rules are simple: stay indoors, wash your f*cking hands and don't hoard all the toilet paper. It's incredible how many people aren't taking any heed of this. I've got my own personal reasons to be sensible but even if I didn't - basic human decency should be making people act right. Just last night a bunch of kids set a field near my house on fire because apparently their parents can't seem to control their damn kids when there's no school. I'm constantly in a state of "are you f*cking kidding me?" right now. And that has a lot to do with working in retail. I've used so much hand sanitizer lately I might as well just drink the damn stuff. I wish people would stop using cash right now and just pay with their cards. ;_;
I've used so much hand sanitizer lately I might as well just drink the damn stuff. I wish people would stop using cash right now and just pay with their cards. ;_;
Toilet paper is the last on my list. When I go shopping I tend to buy the same lot without thinking so I'm good there. My complex just installed a tub of hand sanitizer free for use. My bank is going nuts however that was always the norm I think if things can return to normal I'll probably switch to a new branch here pretty soon. I went back to paper checks at my work which was nigh but impossible for HR, stashing my cash in my safe. Since my city is shutdown for the next 30 days everyone is skateboarding and terrorizing the disabled. When you do have to go out keep your distance everyone is self medicating and will make wrong decisions.
I've been deemed an essential worker and so must continue working at work. I commute to and from counties currently in lockdown. I've been pulled over four times this week for being on the road. My job is to make large plastic covered blankets that the auto industry uses to make a variety of different products. Meanwhile the auto industry is closed or repurposing their factories to make life-saving ventilators and PPE.

I'm grateful that I get to go out and continue getting paid. I resent that the reason is because my company is taking advantage of technically being considered essential so that we can make useless product no one is going to buy until after the crisis and probably at a huge markup. Meanwhile my last job gave everyone a month off with full pay and household essentials and a grocery gift card.

At least I can get hard liquor delivered now but I don't know, even those guys are repurposing to make hand sanitizer and disinfectants. I wish I could be making something that matters right now. :/
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I've been deemed an essential worker and so must continue working at work. I commute to and from counties currently in lockdown. I've been pulled over four times this week for being on the road. My job is to make large plastic covered blankets that the auto industry uses to make a variety of different products. Meanwhile the auto industry is closed or repurposing their factories to make life-saving ventilators and PPE.

I'm grateful that I get to go out and continue getting paid. I resent that the reason is because my company is taking advantage of technically being considered essential so that we can make useless product no one is going to but until after the crisis and probably at a huge markup. Meanwhile my last job gave everyone a month off with full pay and household essentials and a grocery gift card.

At least I can get hard liquor delivered now but I don't know, even those guys are repurposing to make hand sanitizer and disinfectants. I wish I could be making something that matters right now. :/
I used to mold plastic and textiles. My state legalized homebrew. I was officially branded a reject got called back in yesterday free 2 hours of overtime for the next month, they burnt all their profit and cant afford to close shop. Some of our customer base is backlogged 3months. I remember in the 90s with the bird flu they would hand out turkeys just to get us to shop. When the dust has settled I'd love to come out man we're a family. For me it was always about the money. All I crave are life's little absurdities. You know I took AP art for four years in high school and it was enough to make want to gouge my eyes out :pirate:!!! Don't fret though you are making a difference in peoples lives in more ways than one:thumbsup:
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On vacation right now, but back to work on Tuesday. The company isn't in the best place with their stores having to be closed down so I'll see how that goes. Thankfully my girlfriend got a job so we're not going to be out of money even if I lose mine (also I was planning on quitting soon anyway). Not really worried about that.

Shops here are having massive sales and idiots are flocking there prompting the government to apply stricter policies - malls are closed except for pharmacies and telecom stores.
Two days ago:

Otherwise not really feeling the impact of isolation. We're living pretty much how we would otherwise except we're not visiting my parents. Sucks for the kid, being stuck in a small apartment.
All I can say is thank god for having a garden because this kid needs to have a run around and get fresh air otherwise mummy will start writing redrum on the walls. :lol:
All I can say is thank god for having a garden because this kid needs to have a run around and get fresh air otherwise mummy will start writing redrum on the walls. :lol:

Im the same, my garden has never looked more tidy and bought some new furniture that arrived today and been painting around the house.
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Im the same, my garden has never looked more tidy and bought some new furniture that arrived today and been painting around the house.

I had already been trying to make our garden into a sort of mini playground due to the parks where I live with play equipment being too few and far between so I’m glad she still has somewhere she can still let off some steam. God help kids without gardens though.
My state is still on lockdown and probably will stay that way indefinitely, I'm grateful our governor is taking it very seriously compared to others over here. When I was traveling back from Scotland through both London and Boston, my god, I never seen so many surgical masks in my life. People coughing and sneezing all over the place, people using their hands as tissues. "I'm a ****in' dead man..." Dodging folks like I'm in the Matrix, I genuinely felt like Patrick & Spongebob in that perfume scene. This was back on March 3rd, so I managed to pass through before things really got bad.

The paranoia and racism was surprisingly palpable however... Someone coughs or sneezes, and you'll see a group opposite from them just shuffle or get all big-eyed. Asian? Expect to get stared at all around all day and get grilled extra by security before and after the flight, or someone changing their seat because you sat too close to them. I saw an Asian lady just minding her own business and sat a few feet from me in London, not 2 minutes later a guy with a clipboard just plops right next to her and grills her for questions; where she's been, who she's been socializing with, etc. Only for him to find out she's a London native and hasn't traveled through China recently. He had egg on his face after that.

Other than all that, the toilet paper and sanitizer apocalypse is absurd. I can't fathom someone needing all that much toilet paper and sanitizer in a lifetime, let alone for a few months. It really took me back a bit how selfish folks can be in a situation like this, the ol' "**** you, got mine" mentality. lol But they're the first ones to complain when they now have no money because they blew it on excess toiletries, milk, and meat that'll expire before it's all used up. Bloody 'ell.
lol But they're the first ones to complain when they now have no money because they blew it on excess toiletries, milk, and meat that'll expire before it's all used up. Bloody 'ell.
Glad to hear you are okay! I agree with your sentiment. It's about proper rationing at this stage. No need to go ham on your enemies.
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My state is still on lockdown and probably will stay that way indefinitely, I'm grateful our governor is taking it very seriously compared to others over here. When I was traveling back from Scotland through both London and Boston, my god, I never seen so many surgical masks in my life. People coughing and sneezing all over the place, people using their hands as tissues. "I'm a ****in' dead man..." Dodging folks like I'm in the Matrix, I genuinely felt like Patrick & Spongebob in that perfume scene. This was back on March 3rd, so I managed to pass through before things really got bad.

The paranoia and racism was surprisingly palpable however... Someone coughs or sneezes, and you'll see a group opposite from them just shuffle or get all big-eyed. Asian? Expect to get stared at all around all day and get grilled extra by security before and after the flight, or someone changing their seat because you sat too close to them. I saw an Asian lady just minding her own business and sat a few feet from me in London, not 2 minutes later a guy with a clipboard just plops right next to her and grills her for questions; where she's been, who she's been socializing with, etc. Only for him to find out she's a London native and hasn't traveled through China recently. He had egg on his face after that.

Other than all that, the toilet paper and sanitizer apocalypse is absurd. I can't fathom someone needing all that much toilet paper and sanitizer in a lifetime, let alone for a few months. It really took me back a bit how selfish folks can be in a situation like this, the ol' "**** you, got mine" mentality. lol But they're the first ones to complain when they now have no money because they blew it on excess toiletries, milk, and meat that'll expire before it's all used up. Bloody 'ell.

The stockpiling has been crazy, I dont remember people loading up on toilet paper and sanitizer products in the movies. My day to day life hasnt been all that different as im still working the same hours as before and business I work for has seen a HUGE increase in sales so my workload has increased a lot. My wife and kids are stuck at home all day every day and as Amy doesnt drive its pretty tough for her to get things she needs at the moment. Usually she has to wait for me to finish work then I have to go and queue outside somewhere for ages just to pick a handful of things up.

Most people in quarantine have been getting huge amounts of gaming time but its the reverse for me as I only tend to game when kids are in bed and Amy goes out with friends. As she cant go anywhere currently I havent managed to play ANYTHING unless its for 30mins when shes in the bath. Hoping she organises another video chat with her friends tonight where they gossip and drink gin for a few hours so I can duck out and get on my PC. :lol:
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Hoping she organises another video chat with her friends tonight where they gossip and drink gin for a few hours so I can duck out and get on my PC. :lol:
I've never had this much free time in my life. Finally got my tax return still waiting on my stimulus check. I visited my mother and she didn't dare let me drink the vodka. Thank God for the Iphone I can't believe I have to go out there. They finally realized they need good employees. :sly:
I've never had this much free time in my life. Finally got my tax return still waiting on my stimulus check. I visited my mother and she didn't dare let me drink the vodka. Thank God for the Iphone I can't believe I have to go out there. They finally realized they need good employees. :sly:

Not much has changed for me, still getting up at same time and going to work at same time and coming home at same time. Workload has increased as other staff are off and working from home and more people are buying our products in the pandemic. I have managed to get a lot of things fixed around the house and garden though as im obviously in the house more when im not at work.
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Like Groundhog Day at the moment...

Kids are still off school for another 3-4 months as we refuse to send them back and put their health at risk before the schools are ready. My wife is going out of her mind with boredom and running out of ways to keep them entertained already. Im missing gaming immensely too and backlog gets bigger every week with free game offers...