Personally, you've not said anything wrong as far as I can see. People there are idiots and they will read what they want into what you say.
I'd recommend this - if Aka wants to go all Rambo on you, let him get on with it. With any luck, he'll get in trouble. Ignore everything he writes (this will wind him up as he's full of himself) and focus on Meg's question only, if you want to even bother with it, that is.
The main reason I can see that Andy isn't bothering with that thread is because he's got better things to do with his time than babysit that bunch of whining brats. He's an adult - he's going to want something more from his online world than wiping snotty noses and changing diapers (yes, I went American for your benefit there :lol
If he tells you to back off, then obviously do so but in all honesty, you're just saying what the staff have been saying for ages. Maybe someone somewhere will get the hint.