Alright then, don't send me messages. Pf! I'll just go talk to to myself. =D
''Hey D3m190d, how's it hanging?'' ''What hanging?'' ''You know, 'it''' ''...Right. What the heck is 'it'?'' ''Are you really so literal? What's wrong with you?'' ''With me? You're the one talking to yourself, man!'' ''No, me! I mean you! I mean, ehh...'' ''It's alright, it's confusing, pretending you're schizophrenic.'' ''But... I'm not pretending I'm schizophrenic. And you shouldn't say that, who knows it may insult people.'' ''You're saying it as well, you're insulting people.'' ''I say may insult people. But... Let's stop, This is annoying.'' ''You're anno-'' ''Stop it.'' ''Alright...''
See? I can easily have a conversation with myself. I don't need ya! Or well, attention is always nice, of course. =D
Well, uhm... cya, D3m190d. YOU'RE THE MOST AWESOME PERSON ALIVE!!!
Well thank you, I know.