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Recent content by DieselFuelOnly

  1. DieselFuelOnly

    Post your screenshots. Anything goes!

    Best post in this thread so far :lol:
  2. DieselFuelOnly

    WDSL - Diesel Radio... oh snap...

    This is a tune me and my boy Billy recorded back in the day. It's a direct tribute to Queenofdisco :cool:
  3. DieselFuelOnly

    Annoying things your parents do.

    My dad does this thing where... He'll sit at the supper table, and tap his feet... An even number of times on each foot, with each tap getting progressively louder, then ends it with one big united slam with both feet. He has ocd and feels like he has to do it, which i understand, having it...
  4. DieselFuelOnly

    The one and only... DieselFuelOnly... You may kneel...

    *rolls it over around a curb* :( I'm sorry. Here have it back. *shlumps away*
  5. DieselFuelOnly

    The one and only... DieselFuelOnly... You may kneel...

    ^THAT Officially made me laugh my arse off, good sir ^_^ Now get out of the gosh darn wheelchair, I want my ride :mad:
  6. DieselFuelOnly

    WDSL - Diesel Radio... oh snap...

    Atta boy, Giki. Spam this thread with music. Spam away....:cool: But don't think that cute song is gonna make up for everything.... You hurt me :'( You seduced me in my welcome thread :'( You told me I was the one :'( I fell head over heels in love with you :'(... And you've been ignoring the...
  7. DieselFuelOnly

    WDSL - Diesel Radio... oh snap...

    Ok so I've been absent for a while but I'm all back and stuff ^_^ That said. I want a radio station all my own, but I can't have one :'( So I'll just spam this thread with youtube vids of what I would be playing. Don't shy away, there'll be some good radio friendly classics on here...
  8. DieselFuelOnly

    The one and only... DieselFuelOnly... You may kneel...

    It's because I bring a healthy dose of f*** yea to the place
  9. DieselFuelOnly

    I had no idea this existed!

    Welcome to the forum ^_^ I trust you'll enjoy your stay, and it is a pleasure to meet you. Just watch out for a certain "Gikoku"...
  10. DieselFuelOnly

    Post your screenshots. Anything goes!

    Alrighty, time to blow you guys out of the water... By dieselfuelonly at 2012-03-07 By dieselfuelonly at 2012-03-07 Can you guess what I'm hauling? :D DIESEL :| By dieselfuelonly at 2012-03-07
  11. DieselFuelOnly

    Post your screenshots. Anything goes!

    Here are some screenies from Shadow of Chernobyl ^_^ They're basically just pictures of stuff, nothing real actiony :lol: By dieselfuelonly at 2012-03-05 By dieselfuelonly at 2012-03-05 By dieselfuelonly at 2012-03-05 By dieselfuelonly at 2012-03-05
  12. DieselFuelOnly

    Post your screenshots. Anything goes!

    Here's a couple of my Halo 3 screenies.. Me and a guy on the other team were the only ones taking the game seriously, everyone else was team killing and such, so we teamed up and kicked everyone's ass. I was watching it in theater and caught this damn fine pic: By dieselfuelonly at...
  13. DieselFuelOnly

    D: well jeez :D

    D: well jeez :D
  14. DieselFuelOnly

