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Recent content by HeroOfAlbion

  1. H

    fable 3 weapons trade

    yep... just pulled the swinging sword (best sword) and the sandgoose (best rifle) out of the trophy room chest with my friend.
  2. H

    female hero needed for co-op!

    hey dude. for the marriage, you can marry a LIVE guy. for the demon door, you can do the expressions on a LIVE guy. for the child, just adopt a kid with a LIVE player. end of story.
  3. H

    purple ground?

    hmm hmm hmm agreeeed. purple IS an amazing color. if theres nothing wrong with speed or the actual gameplay, then sit back and enjoy the colors. pretend your hero is high xD
  4. H

    fable 3 weapons trade

    omg lol my friend found Thunderblade in the Demon Door retirement home! by accident! and get this: its actually his forst legendary weapon!!! i think i actually crapped myself when he got it from a chest!
  5. H

    purple ground?

    lol and thats a problem?
  6. H

    Official Pre-Order Bonus Trade

    Reavers sword is called The Inquisitor. The strongest sword in the game is The Swinging Sword, with 133 damage after you comeplete all challenges.
  7. H

    Official Pre-Order Bonus Trade

    allyou people who are looking for the channeler arent going to get trades. all you who have the channeler, dont trade. the channeler is the most valuable of all the pre-order weps. although i prefer Wolfsbane...
  8. H

    Information: Pre-Order Weapons (Cost, Scarcity and Demand)

    Actually, I'm finding Channeler codes on eBay for under $10... :D buying one for $4.50
  9. H

    Looking for Inquisitor Sword for trade

    I would never give anybody my Inquisitor! my love, my blessed conqueror of the innocent... lol :D
  10. H

    Rise to Action!

    It is time to rise to action! To defend Albion! To defend the world! And how do we do that, you may ask yourself. Why, by giving money to me! Because, as you can see, I am a Paladin, who is improving the kingdom of Albion and Aurora all the time! I donate my own personal funds to the treasury...
  11. H

    Dollcatcher help for all!!!

    hello i need every single doll except the actual Hero Doll. I dont have any, and i dont know what they are. my gamertag is Akatsuki Man and i will be on all weekend from about 8:00pm - 1:00pm
  12. H

    [Legendary Weapons And Rare Item Giveaway]

    hey of anyone has the swinginh sword id be happy to take it off your hands.
  13. H

    Weapon Trade -HeroOfAlbion-

    ill see what i can do. i shall send you a friend request and ill look into some of those weapons. ill be on in about two hours. see you then.
  14. H

    Weapon Trade -HeroOfAlbion-

    Hey guys and gals. I only want 3 weapons: - Avo's Lamentation - Really Sharp Pair of Scissors - Holy Vengeance I am willing to trade many precious gems in my possession and possibly slme hard cash. I am on from Monday to Friday 8:30pm - 10:00pm and Saturday to Sunday 10:00pm - 12:00pm. My...
  15. H

    [Legendary Weapons And Rare Item Giveaway]

    Hey Mr. Jericho. I only want Avo's Lamentation and Really Large Pair of Scissors. I am usually online Mon-Tues 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm. My gamertag is Akatsuki Man. Judging by your icon, im guessing you know what the Akatsuki is. send me a message/friend request anytime when Im on and we can trade if...