Waddup, C! xD
Uhm, life's... 'kay.
Homework sucks, of course. >_> Oh well, I still want to become a physics teacher, so I'll have to deal with it. =|
And yes, of course I'm still excited for Fabl3! (Saw what I did there? xD )
Can't... wait...
But we got Halo: Reach, now. So in the meantime I can do some awesome forging. ^_^
Also, I
really want my laptop, now... Everyone always wants the computer. -_-''
Buuut, I guess I should be lucky they're not 24/7.
Which does suck for you. =(
Well, thanks for stopping by, though. ^_^ You haven't missed
very much. Some stupidity here and there. xD. And I told some people about my major EVIL PLAN. :ninja:
Don't worry, they won't be able to ruin it.