thx for the rep troggy
ya ever gonna come on chat?
Good night new buddy. This proves i can stay up longer than you 5:30 A.M
Wood elfs are short and fat And since you brang up diabo ll, i have to tell you this one time i bought Diablo expansion disk which i thought came with the game + expansion, but when i installed it to my computer it asked for the original first. So yeah i was kinda dumb on that xD.
Yes i do play a acoustic guitar! Thanks for asking. I see you play oblivion xD. What's your race?
Yeah, the modes are where it's at. Make sure you know your dorian mode, that will get used a lot. And trust me, songwriting is heaps easier if you know theory. Because if you know why something sounds good, then it's a lot easier to rip it off without sounding like you ripped it off.
Hope you've got a good grounding in music theory if you're going to attempt Jazz. It can get pretty complicated :lol:
Audio engineering! Sick as. I wish I could have done something as cool as that in High School. French is good too. I know a few phrases in French: "L'esclavage d'amour" being the only one of them that I can remember.
Also, I've just got hooked onto SimCity. Is that weird?
Nah. I dunno if I'll get it. I need money to get nice things, and my guitars will probably come first if I do manage to find some. Need to fix the neck on my acoustic, and the plug on my electric.
That's really great! I'm glad to hear that you're getting more into the guitar.
Yeah I sorta do, but it's through school, and since we're on summer holidays right now I'm not having them. I had a great guitar teacher for two years at my old school who I still visit occasionally. He's the one who showed me Cliffs of Dover.
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