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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2009

For years zombies have always fascinated me, and so I have finally decided to write a story. But rather than do the cliched, group of survivors fight zombies, some die but some live and they live happily ever after, I thought I'd do something original.

I find myself face down in a puddle. Christ I can't remember anything. Groaning, I lift myself up and look around. Wiping the dirt from my face, I see I'm in an grey, dismal room. It feels familiar and thoughI don't know why, I feel a strange sense of I should stay here. I look down at my reflection. I'm an adult man with dark brown hair, pale skin, regular build, red eyes, pretty much I look fine.

I looked at the room. There was a television, a table and a microwave. Strange, I don't know **** about myself, but I know exactly what these objects are. I hear a loud tapping sound coming from the door. I wonder whats causing that and after a few seconds it stops and a voice shouts,"asdnassdifhsdfhasdofhwprfsdfnsfdvnbsiaojfre!". I frown in confusion. What did they say? I guessed I missed it and concerntrated on the senctence. Eventually the jumble turned into speech. I immediately realised the person was saying,"Hello, is anybody in there!" I walked over to the door. and opened it, hoping to know who was this person and to confirm their question.

It was a person, slightly smaller than me, with blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. I think its a woman. She says to me,"Hey my names Sarah. We're here to evacuate the building. The buses are outside. Cmon!". She runs down some steps. From what she said, I think she wanted me to follow her. I ran after. In a second I had caught up to her. I kept up with her until we reached a large room with the sign reception on the wall. She pushed open some glass doors and left. Wait, am I repeating everything I see in my head. I going to have to stop that.

I followed her and went out into the open. My eyes hurt as I adjusted to the change of light. I brought my hand away from my eyes and I saw Sarah standing by the promised buses. A man stepped out and greeted her.
"Hey babe, is this the only survivor?". Sarah nodded and replied,"Yeah, some are dead, the rest left. Its a good thing he stayed. I doubt those people made it out."
The man turned to me and I saw that on his hip was a large handgun in a holster. Immediately I tensed up. I did not like this guy. I don't know why, but something about him felt off.

He cam over to me and patted me on the back."So tell us your name and we'll introduce you to the others". I pushed him aside and got onto the bus. Even though they were outside, I could still hear them."Whats wrong with him?", the man said. Sarah shrugged and replied,"I don't know John. I guess hes a little bit tense. He might've lost somebody. We should ask him later when he feels more comfortable". John and Sarah then got onto the bus and gave an instruction to the driver to head for the suburbs. I wondered what they were doing. Evacuating from what? I decided to leave those questions until later and closed my eyes for some rest.
Re: Alpha

I was jolted awake by the bus stopping. I looked out the window and saw we were on a strip of road, surrounded by other vehicles. Somebody patted me on the back and I turned around. It was a old lady. She gestured me to follow and I stood up. I got off the bus and went over to sarah to see what was happening. She noticed me and said,"Oh hey. We're just stopping to rest and get some supplies. If you want to do something, go over and talk to john". I looked over at the man. I didn't like him, but I had no idea what was going on, and I needed his help. I walked over to him.

He turned round and said,"Ah, just the person we needed. Me and some of the group are going to get supplies. We lost a member at the last town, and we need a new member. You wanna come?". I nodded and he handed me a pistol."Your new so yo get this for now".He then turned to the others and said,"Alright this is....". He turned to me and then back to the others."Alpha. He dosen't talk so thats his name for now. Alpha, this Daniel, our scout, Andrea, our point man, and this is Adam, our Sniper". He and the others walked off down the road and so I followed.

I wondered why John had called me Alpha. I looked down and noticed a label on my jacket with the word. I looked up and saw in the distance a building. As we got closer, I saw the words, 'Gas station' on a sign. John pointed to the building and looked at me."You go in there and take some supplies, We will keep a lookout for zombies". I frowned in confusion as I walked towards the building. Zombies? What were they? I would learnt that later. I entered the gas station and looked around. What would count as supplies. I looked on the shelves. Coca Cola, Captain Crunch, Trix, none of these names meant anything to me. I then saw by the counter was a jar of 'beef jerky'. I felt a growling in my stomach and decided to take some of that. I took the whole jar and placed it by the door. I look around around to see if there was anything like it.

I saw some 'hamburgers' in the frozen section. I grabbed a few boxes of those and then checked in the back. I found a whole deer. I placed that by the front door and examined what I'd gathered. These all had differents names, and smelt different, but only one word came to mind as I was looking at these.MEAT. I turned around to see if there was any more stuff and I saw a man standing in front of me. He had an angry look on his face. He was quite old and rather fat, and in his hands I saw a long rifle. I tensed up just like when I had first saw john. I reached for the handgun which I had put in my pocket earlier and he the man raised his rifle. "Don't try it. You know, I try not to harm other people, but when they try to take whats mine, I have to resort to this. Its ****ing vultures like you caused my family to starve. I'm gonna enjoy this." He aimed the rifle at my face and grinned. Just then a moaning sound came from the back room. The man lowered his rifle and turned around, an alarmed look on his face. I took this oppurtunity to grab his rifle and put my boot in his face. The mans nose crumpled as my foot made contact with him and he fell to the floor. I then put his rifle to his face. He opened his mouth as if to say something to me, but I pulled the trigger and his head exploded in a mess of bone, muscle, brain and blood. His body went limp and I walked outside.

I met a gaze of surprise from the others. I realised that they had been outside and had watched the whole thing. John was missing but I didn't really care at that time.
Daniel finally broke the silence."Jesus Christ, you killed him without even flinching. How the **** did you that?". I shrugged in reponse and looked around for John. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned round to see him. He smiled and said,"Your lucky I distracted him. Nice going there, you did good. Now lets get those supplies. I nodded and we headed over to the pile of meat. I played back the mans death over in my head. I wasn't shaking from it, I was calm. In fact killing that man felt.... good.