Hey man, any chance I can get ahold of Jack's Hammer? I've been trying to hunt it down for like 2 weeks now.Yes I still have many.
Hey man, any chance I can get ahold of Jack's Hammer? I've been trying to hunt it down for like 2 weeks now.Yes I still have many.
Sure, add me and I will invite you to my game.Hey Deadly, if available, i would really appreciate Jack's Hammer and/or Scythe's Warhammer. Contact me, my gamertag is ddean3.
Sure, add me and I will invite you to my game.
Yeah sure, add me my gamertag is Deadly shot Jhey i was wondering if you still have jack and scythe's hammer left? if you do me GT is Dara Allana i'm on all day
I have dupes of swinging sword and scythe's warhammer if you want them.Hi do you have the following six weapons available?:
Scythe's warhammer
Dragonstomper. 48
Marksman 500
Swinging Sword
Arkwright's Flintlock
I only need to borrow them for the achievement, I'd be really grateful as i've been trying to get them for ages.
Yeah, sure I have a few left.Could I possibly add you? I need all three of those, if you still have any of them.
Yeah, sure I have a few left.
My gamertags Deadly shot J.
I accidently duped too much of these weapons before patch and already have the achievement.
I also have one gnomewrecker to give away
So if you want one do this:
1. Message me on here what one you need and your gamertag or if you do not have an account on this site skip to number 2.
2. Add me on xbox live my gamertag is in my signature
3. And finnaly could you 'Like' this post please
First come first served
Happy hunting, Deadly shot J