Now more than ever sexuality is bieng pushed on kids. I think everyone should have a childhood you have your whole life to f*** it up. I'm not saying lock them up in a castle. Kids don't need to be involved with war or sex when they are MATURE enough I believe its perfectly fine to educate them. Christains don't block sex off they teach the sacredness of virginity why should your eyes be opened up to evil when your 11? Sex is not evil its perfectly healthy but youre only innocent once like I said a WHOLE LIFE to have sex. I'm sorry I really don't understand what is so f***** up about bieng a kid anymore??????
I'm hardly saying we should force kids to have sex. I'm saying we shouldn't discourage them from exploring their sexuality. Big difference.
Everyone deserves a healthy clean childhood that's why youre irresponsible until youre 18.
Why am I wrong?? Please enlighten me.
Exactly. Telling kids that sex is bad and not educating them about it properly leads to low self esteem and an unhealthy attitude towards sex.
TV doesn't care if a child sees nudity but they care about parents that will sue them for it.
I'm not saying it's the TV's decision. The parents have to get real and realise that kids knowing about sex isn't a bad thing.
I don't like censorship it's an infringement against my freedom of information but I understand why we have it and why we need it. They are going to learn about it one way or the other so let them grow up on their own.
It's not about them learning about it. It's about how they learn about it.
I couldn't agree more. This definitely goes beyond just censoring nudity. I'm not exactly sure how it is in Australia, but sexual repression is pretty bad here in the US. In the teenage world, we're always told that sex is bad and it will always lead to STDs and unwanted pregnancies. During sex education, they might as well have screamed "NEVER HAVE SEX!" into our faces. Ironically, all of that crap just makes everything worse. It doesn't make teenagers have sex any less, and it just makes protection and birth control harder to seek out for anyone under 18, which then causes more unprotected sex, STDs, and pregnancy. Still, it's even worse in other parts of the world, such as portions of the middle east that are governed by religious law.
Things are significantly more lenient on Australian TV, but we've still got a ways to go when it comes to attitudes towards sex and kids.
There are things about sex you do not know and I'm not going to bother to teach you.
Zarkes, you of all people can't get away with playing that card.
Sex is a huge act and a right of passage.
Not really. Again, it depends on how you're educated.
Some parents let their children shoot guns and they teach them the responsability of a gun and that's fine and some parents teach their children the responsability of sex and how to be safe and that's good too.
That's what I'm saying. Parents need to teach kids about sex
properly, and not try to hide them from it.
A child shoots somebody and they have to go to jail even though they didn't know any better.
No, Zarkes, they don't. You just made that up.
It's the same with sex they need to be aware of the consequences of their actions. Instead of bieng indoctrinated that its cool and fun and nothing wrong can happen. Because its just not true.
That's not what I'm advocating! I'm saying they should be educated fully on sex, with nothing to flavour it. They need to be given the facts, and the tools to make their own minds up about it. If they want to have sex, they should be able to get birth control easily so that pregnancies do not occur.
Sex is a life changing event. It's a crossing, a new chapter.You are not a child when you have sex, not anymore.
Sex is not. I don't immediately become a completely different person just because I put my penis somewhere. It's a milestone, an experience, something to enjoy and learn from.