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Assassin's Creed Movie Trailer

I feel like this is a game that can be turned into a movie pretty well. Not very familiar with the franchise, but I would have preferred if it was set during the first game's timeline. It also felt a bit too... mystical? With all the tribal tattoos and fancy clothing. I would have preferred it to be a lot more down to earth, but either way this movie might even be decent.
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The concept was better than its execution unfortunately and they have been bogged down by ideas that seem to have all been included from a brainstorm session since then.
I honestly really wanted to like this game, but I just found it far too frustratingly repetitive.
I honestly really wanted to like this game, but I just found it far too frustratingly repetitive.

Yeah the "side quests" were pretty repetive and rinse and repeat. I enjoyed the game but barely bothered with unlockables, finishing side quests/collectibles & finding secrets etc. Worst one in my opinion was ACIII, I didn't even bother to finish the main quests. Though I barely started Unity as it was so bug laden and glitchy on launch.

I really enjoyed Black Flag and ACII however but my favourite of them was Black Flag overall.
Yeah the "side quests" were pretty repetive and rinse and repeat. I enjoyed the game but barely bothered with unlockables, finishing side quests/collectibles & finding secrets etc. Worst one in my opinion was ACIII, I didn't even bother to finish the main quests. Though I barely started Unity as it was so bug laden and glitchy on launch.

I really enjoyed Black Flag and ACII however but my favourite of them was Black Flag overall.

Weren't all the "side quests" just the exact same "Save Citizen" event? Even the primary assassination missions have you repeat the exact same chores over and over again... eavesdrop on conversation, pickpocket target, stalk and beat up a preacher, again, and again, and again... The game hardly ever makes use of stealth, instead pushing you into open combat almost every single time! This especially gets annoying towards the end, where you usually have to fight entire legions in open combat, and unless you want to get used to the loading screen, you have to master counters and combos. Oh, and don't get me started on... them. You know who I'm talking about; those crazy troublemakers that shove you around for no reason, usually on (and causing you to fail) missions. I could handle the beggars and the minstrels, but I will never forgive whoever designed these painfully frustrating obstacles!

But, the one good thing about Assassin's Creed is that it delivered a powerful sequel. ACII was really the game ACI was trying to be, but it would take the developers the experience to learn from their mistakes before building their dream game.
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Weren't all the "side quests" just the exact same "Save Citizen" event? Even the primary assassination missions have you repeat the exact same chores over and over again... eavesdrop on conversation, pickpocket target, stalk and beat up a preacher, again, and again, and again... The game hardly ever makes use of stealth, instead pushing you into open combat almost every single time! This especially gets annoying towards the end, where you usually have to fight entire legions in open combat, and unless you want to get used to the loading screen, you have to master counters and combos. Oh, and don't get me started on... them. You know who I'm talking about; those crazy troublemakers that shove you around for no reason, usually on (and causing you to fail) missions. I could handle the beggars and the minstrels, but I will never forgive whoever designed these painfully frustrating obstacles!

But, the one good thing about Assassin's Creed is that it delivered a powerful sequel. ACII was really the game ACI was trying to be, but it would take the developers the experience to learn from their mistakes before building their dream game.

Yup rinse and repeat those same processes before most of the assassinations. Those eavesdrop missions were infuriating & those troublemakers who pushed you around were a pain. Soon as you learned counter, the combat was a breeze and I literally took on an armies amount of guards without being touched. Wasn't an assassination as much as a massacre in the town square, hardly stealthy.